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29 Cards in this Set

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What are the 8 tactics on the power and control wheel? (2 MICE)
1) Intimidation
2) Emotional abuse
3) Isolation
4) Minimizing, denying, blaming
5) Children
6) Male privilege
7) Economic abuse
8) Coercion and threats
DV: Medical Model
-DV = illness, syndrome
-physical injury
-individual level problem & solution (counseling, meds, changing situation)
DV: Political Model
-DV = crime, not personal problem
-includes non-physical
-social structure problem
-imbalance of power between genders, roles need challenged
Which relationship status has the highest DV? Why?
-Cohabiting, followed by married then dating
-Reasons: accessibility, resources, stress, social class, need to control partner
What are Johnson's 4 types of DV?
1) Situational Couple Violence - outburst in the moment/situation, not pattern
2) Intimate Terrorism - violence used in general pattern of control
3) Violent Resistance
4) Mutual Violent Control
Social Learning Theory
-"Monkey see, monkey do"
-child who witnesses more likely to repeat
-30% abused vs. 5% non-abused abuse others (explains part not whole)
Frustration Aggression Theory
-"kick the dog"
-families w/ more stress, more violence
-situational couple violence
-correlation btwn social class/resources & DV
Social Exchange Theory
-people who do DV have decided benefits outweigh costs
-important if partner has alternatives
-rewards: power (Intimate Terrorism), stress release (Situational Couple Violence)
-costs: partner leaves (income), legal, relationship worsens
-more DV w/ nonemployed women
-mandatory arrest -> less repeat DV only w/ employed men
Restricted Era of Divorce
-(to mid 1800s)
-grounds: woman's adultery or desertion
-Institutional Era of Marriage
Divorce Tolerance Era of Divorce
-(mid 1800s-1970s)
-grounds: husband failure
-Labor mkt
-Companionship Era of Marriage
Unrestricted Era of Divorce
-"no fault"
-Individualized Era of Marriage
Divorce Rate: landmarks
-Lows: Great Depression, 1950s
-Highs: end of WWII, 1960s & 70s
Societal risk factors for divorce
1) Cultural change - individualism
2) Legal change - "no fault"
3) WLFP - indepedence
4) MLFP - wages fell post 70s, more stress, WLFP
What are the Independence and Resource hypotheses, and how does the conditional effect relate?
IH: WLFP makes Div go up
RH: WLFP makes Div go down
conditional effect: when marital quality is good, WLFP has no effect, when bad, it makes Div go up
Individual risk factors for divorce
1) Low income, unemployment
2) Age at marriage
3) Race/ethnicity
4) Personal/family background
Individual risk factor: Personal background - 3 parts
a) Cohabitation (selection effect), (if engaged before, no effect)
b) Parents divorce (depends on discord before marriage)
c) Demographic diff
Cooperative coparenting vs. parallel parenting
CC: more dad's involvement, contact, quality, democratic fathering
PP: both involved but not communicating
How is discord explained as an indirect effect on offspring well-being?
Through quality of parent-child relationship
Who is more likely to remarry?
1) Men
2) Whites
3) high SES
4) younger (esp women)
Why are men more likely to remarry?
1) less duty to kids
2) more resources
3) seeking intimacy
Why is the risk of divorce higher in remarriages?
-selection effect (x factor)
-family structure (presence of kids)
-incomplete institution
How does symbolic interactionism help explain higher divorce risk in remarriages?
-less institutionalized, more ambiguity about roles, norms, expectations
1) Language & interaction: names for each other, who disciplines
2) Law: no recognition of automatic responsibilities & rights for stepparents
What are causes and effects of stress in stepfamilies?
1) parents relying on children (incl. emotionally), then not
2) changing authority
3) more competition w/ relationships
-effects: kids no better than single-parent, leave home earlier
What are the best predictors of women leaving welfare?
1) Access to quality childcare
2) Sufficient income
Reasons for AFDC -> TANF
1) Changing attitudes about women & employment
2) Changing characteristics of recipients (fault, choices)
3) Concerns about dependency
Differences: AFDC & TANF
1) AFDC=entitlement program
TANF=block grant

2) AFDC=no time limits
TANF=5 years total
What are the current debate issues about familiy policies?
1) Working families
2) Marriage promotion
3) Same-sex marriage
What have been the 2 most fundamental changes to family life?
1) Less econ dependence of women
2) Weakening of marriage (more emphasis on created over assigned kinship), (feminization of kinship)
How can coparenting help take care of elderly men?
Improve father-daughter relationships