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53 Cards in this Set

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Social inequality

A high degree of disparity in income, wealth, power, prestige, and other resources

Social stratification

The systematic ranking of different groups of people in a hierarchy of inequality

Caste society

A social system in which social status is given for life/ closed for social mobility

Achieved status

An individual's social position is linked to acquisition of socially valued credentials or skills

Ascribed status

An individual's social position is linked to acquisition of socially valued credentials or skills

Race, ethnicity, gender, etc

Food desert

Areas that lack sources of competitively priced healthy and fresh food


A society in which personal success is based on talent and individual effort

Official poverty line

Set by the government as the minimum amount of money needed to meet the basic needs for a family. 40 million people are below this line.

Food costs, nationwide cost of living.

Global inequality

Systematic disparities in income, wealth, health, education, access to technology, opportunity, and power among countries, communities, and households around the world.

Infant mortality rate

Number of deaths of infants under age 1 per 1000 live births per year

Total fertility rate

Average number of children a woman in a given country will have in her lifetime if age specific fertility rates hold throughout her childbearing years

Safe sanitation, education, technology

World Systems theory (Immanuel Wallerstein)

The global capitalist economic system has long been shaped by a few powerful economic actors, who have ordered it in a way that favors their interests.

Core countries (WST)

Economically advanced, technologically sophisticated, have well educated and skilled populations.

Peripheral countries

Low national incomes, low levels of technological and industrial development

Semi peripheral countries

Share some characteristics with both, occupying an intermediate and sometimes stabilizing position between them


A group sharing apparent physical traits deemed by society to be socially significant


Characteristics of groups associated with national origins, languages, and cultural and religious practices


Less powerful groups who are dominated by a more powerful group and, often discriminated against on the basis of characteristics deemed by the majority to be socially significant


The physical and social separation of different categories of people


The absorption of a minority group into the dominant culture

Cultural pluralism

The coexistence of different racial and ethnic groups characterized by acceptance and respect for one another's differences


A belief about an individual or a group that is not subject to change on the basis of evidence


The unequal treatment of individuals on the basis of their membership in a group


An attribute that is deeply discredited to an individual or a group because it over shadows other attributes and merits


Anatomical and other biological characteristics that differ between males and females and that originate in genetic differences


Behavioural differences between males and females that are culturally based and socially learned


An umbrella term used to describe all those whose gender identity, expression, or behavior differs from their assigned sex or is outside the gender binary

Second shift (Arlie Russell Hothschild)

The unpaid housework that women typically do after they come home from their paid employment

Gender wage gap

Lack of negociation from women on salaries

Glass ceiling

An artificial boundary that allows women to see the next occupation or salary level even as structural obstacles keep them from reaching it

Glass escalator

The nearly invisible promotional boost men gain in female dominated occupations

Sexual harassment

Just know what it is


The belief that social equality should exist between the sexes, as well as the social movements aimed at achieving that goal.

Standpoint theory (Dorothy Smith)

A perspective that says the knowledge we create is conditioned by where we stand, or our subjective social position (walk a mile in the other persons shoes)


Person may have more than one spouse in marriage


Man may have multiple wives


Woman may have multiple husbands

Serial monogamy

The practice of having more than one wife or husband, but only one at a time

Extended family

Social groups consisting of one or more parents, children, and other kin, often spanning several generations living in the same household

Nuclear family

Social groups consisting of one or more parents and their biological, dependent children with no other kin


Living in, intimate sexual relationship.

Child rearing

Concerted cultivation and natural growth

Domestic (Family) Violence

Physical or sexual abuse committed by one family member against another

Native American Off Reservation Boarding Schools

Seen as a way to civilize and christianize

De facto segregation

School segregation based on residential patterns or student choice

Brown vs Board of Education

1954: Topeka Kansas rules segregation as illegal

White Flight

White families start moving from mixed urban areas to large suburbs

School Funding

State: 46%

Cherry Hill vs Camden

Cherry Hill: mostly white, Asian

Camden: mostly black, Hispanic

Broken Windows theory

Urban disorder and vandalism can have a norm setting effect on crime and social behaviors

School to prison pipeline

The policies and practices that push children (mostly minorities) out of schools and into prisons

Zero tolerance policy

Harsh consequences for rule violations

College dropouts
