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20 Cards in this Set

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Structural Functionism -deviance serves a purpose. Deviance is a failure of social functions to work together properly. *jobs w/o a living wage will encourage theft.

● affirms our norms

● clarify moral good/bad boundaries

● brings people together *MADD

● creates social change *break an unjust law, Rosa Parks

Strain Theory - deviance depends on the strain between your cultural goals and the means of achieving those goals. You can accept or reject the goal and the means.

● Total acceptance - conformity

● Innovation -still trying to get the goals, but using original strategies “thinking outside the box”

● Ritualism -wants the job, but not in it for the money. *teacher, social worker

● Retreatism -dropped out of society *street people by choice

● Rebellion -drop out, but they reject all and create a different society. Counter-culturalists *Amish, Hippie

Symbolic Interactionist

small group dynamics, how people are influenced in a small group. With deviance, how people learn to be criminals and how labels influence.

Hirschi’s Control Theory

whether or not you are deviant depends on if you anticipate the consequences of your actions.

4 Social Controls that influence your level of anticipation:

1. Attachment -those with strong social attachments (connections to community) tend toward high conformity.

2. Committment -if you are committed to achieving goals in society, you are more likely to conform. *Don’t want to hurt my futurechances.

3. Involvement -people engaging in non-deviant/legitimate activities are more likely to conform.

4. Belief - people who believe in conventional morality and respect the laws and authority, are more likely to conform.

Conflict Theory

maintain power and privilege of a few over the many. Criminals are victims of a conflict structure. Social inequality and privilege status gives people a greater chance of getting out of punishment.

Four primary reasons for incarcerating criminals

1. Incapacitation-remove person from doing furtherharm.

2. Deterrence -being punished deters from repeating and serves as a deterrent for others seeing the punishment. *Actually gives them status and more skills

3. Rehabilitation -take out of environment and with proper care and treatment we can reform them. *Depends on if they choose to reform

4. Retribution - revenge, punish for what they have done wrong. *Continues after they have done their time.

Four principles of social stratification

1. trait of society and not a reflection of individual differences *rich people get better test scores because they have access to more resources and support

2. persists across generations *poor stay poor, rich stay rich

3. universal,but variable; happens everywhere, but varies as to how much *US has biggest wage gap, Western nations have small gap.

4. belief system justifies the inequality *blame the individual, they deserve what they get

Systems of stratification

1. Caste system = Birth. Social stratification or hierarchy based on birth. Born there and stay there. CLOSED system. Determines who you marry and the kind of work you are eligible for.

2. Class system= Birth + Achievement. Can move up or down. OPEN system. Chances are low, but you have the ability/possibility. *Industrialized nations, like U.S.

3. Merit Class = Achievement. Does not exist in real life. Exists in our minds. This is our belief of how things are.

3 sociological theories of social stratification/class

1. Structural Functionism -we have hierarchy because it plays a vital role in the operation of society.

● rank in terms of importance *skill, education, training, responsibility

● give more reward to jobs at the top

● career ladder

● promotes productivity and hard work

2. Social Conflict Theory - argues that social stratification benefits some, while hurting others *more have’s than have not’s

3. Symbolic Interactionist -focus on how interactions help to display class status or reinforce boundaries between class. *leave your class, hard to fit in when you come back

● display - the way you act, objects you buy, food

Types of social mobility -can be up and down, but since we are on an OPEN system, we tend to think just up. *all three types can happen at once!

1. Structural (social mobility) - a shift in social position among a large number of population, typically due to some change within society *stock market crash led to great depression

2. Intragenerational(social mobility) - change inposition over one’s lifetime

3. Intergenerational (social mobility) - change in social position of children in relation to their parents. Comparing two generations.

Film: People Like Us

● WASP lessons - silver spoon people - have to be born into it,can’t learn it.

● Bourgeois Blues - black people becoming middle class and never really fitting in with blacks or whites - going against their racial roots.

● Tammy’s Story - lives in a trailer home, 4 kids, walks 10 miles toschool. Grew up poor, now she is poor. Son sees himself in a class above.

Merton’s typology for Prejudice + Discrimination

● Not prejudice - “liberal”

● Prejudiced non-discriminators - “timid bigot” - has belief without acting on it -- fears consequences

● Prejudiced discriminators - has the belief of inequality and acts on it - “all weather bigot”

● Non-prejudiced discriminators - “fair weather liberal” - institutionalized discriminator - they don’t believe one group is superior or inferior, but they will succumb and go along with peer pressure.

Film: Blue Eyed

● Purpose: to give blue-eyed white folks a chance to experience what it’s like to be a minority.

● Message minorities get in this society is to assimilate = to act white.

● Real life experiences that mimic this - kids in school (man’s story of his son), any form of discrimination/segregation

Minority status/Majority and minority patterns of interaction

1. Pluralism -state where people of all different races and ethnicity are distinct, but have social parody or equal access to resources/equality. Pluralistic society recognizes differences,but doesn’t treat people different. *U.S. laws are equalistic

2. Assimilation - process where minorities gradually adopt patterns ofthe dominant culture *melting pot - learn english

3. Segregation - physical or social separation of categories of people. Can be voluntary or involuntary. Even if people are mixed,you can feel it socially. *Amish, black vs. white

4. Genocide -systematically killing one category of people by another. Most motivated by race/ethnicity. *Holocaust

Anne Fausto Sterling’s 3 examples that challenge ideas about sex and gender

1. Transgender- believes they are born in the body of the wrong sex

2. Berdache - “2spirit” - “multiple genders” -embodies masculine and feminine

3. Intersexual- person born as a combination of make and female biology. More than 5% of population.

Social Stratification & Gender

gender stratification - a hierarchy where men have greater access to resources than women. a. Labor work force - women in 1900s were 20%, now 60%. Men 75%.

b. Occupational sex segregation

c. Wage Gap

d. Gender socialization - socialize women toward certain characteristics to perform better at those particular jobs

e. Discrimination- glass elevator vs. glass ceiling

f. Stalled Revolution -

1) in the home with unequal sharing of duties and

2)by employers not offering paid ways to balance work and family

Institutions & gender inequality: Gender inequalities in health and health care, families, education, and economy

● Nurses;Elementary school teachers; Librarians; Social workers

● Men’s tokenism is experienced as a positive - “glass elevator”

● Women in men’s fields have to work doubly as hard to prove themselves “glass ceiling”

● Men earn more money than women in every occupation, even female dominated jobs

● There are stereotypes about characteristics of men & women than may or may not be accurate

Seven rape myths

1. Victim was asking for it

2. Victims “cry” Rape - she made it up - 2% are false, like all crimes

3. Says “no” when she means “yes” - playing hard to get

4. Victim should have prevented the rape - victim blaming

5. Most rapes are committed by strangers - 85% are known to victim

6. Those who commit rape are mentally ill

7. Rape does not cause harm - some signs aren’t visible;STD; pregnancy; PTSD

Power and Control Wheel