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107 Cards in this Set

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The study of human behavior on society.

Social Structure

Pattern of behavior in a society based on relationships between institutions (an organized pattern of social behavior)

Social Sciences

Psychologist, anthropologist, political scientists, economists, social workers, anyone who studies behavior.

Sociological Imagination


Applying theory in an imaginative way to a social event.


Careful and systematic observation of the world


Look behind this fecade determine what is actually going on

August Comte

-French Philosopher

-Coins term sociology

-states sociology is pennicle of knowledge

Alexis Tocqueville

-French Philosopher

-States America traded a tyranny of the monarch for a tyranny of the majority

-no true freedom

Emile Durkheil

-Father of Sociology


-States in society greatest time of strife they week bobs the closest together

Mechanical Solidarity

All individuals preform same tasks

Organic Solidarity

Individuals are compartmentalized and specialized


-A state of normlessness

- so many different Norm sets you don't know which one you belong to

Karl Marx

-conflict theory

-inequality is what world is about

-hated inequality

-came up with communism


-material conception of history

Material conception of History

Resources available at a given time define the history of that time

Max Weber

-conflict theorist

-tight capitalism is not the problem, humans are

-resources come in three forms

3 forms of resources

-Economic (access to wealth)

-Political (ability to mulipitate)

-Cultural (how valuable is your position)

Conflict theory

A theoretical perspective that emphasizes the time of power and coercion in producing social order


The variety of group experiences that result from the social structure of society


Refers to something that is based on careful and systematic observation


The period and 18th and 19th century Europe characterized by faith in the ability of human reasons to solve society's problems

Feminist Theory

Analysis of women and men in society intended to improve women's lives


A theoretical perspective that interprets each part of society in terms of how it contributes to the stability of the whole society


Problems that affect large numbers of people and have their origins in the institutional arrangements and history of a society

Organic Metaphor

Refers to the similarity early sociologist saw between society and other organic systems


a system of thought that regards scientific observation to be the highest form of knowledge

social change

the alteration of social interaction, social institutions, stratification systems, and elements of culture over time

social Darwinism

The idea that society evolves to allow the survival of the fittest

social facts

social patterns that are external to individuals

social institution

an established and organized system of social behavior with a recognized purpose

social interaction

behavior between two or more people that is given meaning

social structure

the patterns of social relationships and social institutions that make up society

sociological imaginations

the ability to see the societal patterns that influence individual and group life


the study of human behavior in society

symbolic interaction theory

a theoretical perspective claiming that people act toward things because of the meaning things have for them


privately felt problems that come from events or feelings in one individuals life


the process of understanding social behavior from the point of view of those engaged in it


shared ideas held collectively by people within a given culture


subculture created as a reaction against the values of the dominant culture

culture capital

(social culture) cultural resources that are socially designated as being worthy and that give advantages to groups possessing such capital

cultural diffusion

the transmission of cultural elements from one society or cultural group to another

cultural hegemony

the pervasive and excessive influence of one culture throughout society

cultural relativism

the idea that something can be understood and judged only in relationship to the cultural context in which it appears


the complex system of meaning and behavior that defines the way of life for a given group or society

culture lag

the delay in cultural adjustments to changing social conditions

culture shock

the feeling of disorientation that can come when one encounters a new or rapidly changed situation

digital divide

the persistence of inequality in people's access to electronic information

dominant culture

the culture of the most powerful group in society


the belief that one's in-group is superior to all out-groups


a technique for studying human interaction by deliberately disrupting social norms and observing how individuals attempt to restore normalcy


the general standards of behavior adhered to by a group

global culture

the diffusion of a single culture throughout the world


a set of symbols and rules that, when put together in a meaningful way, provides a complex communication system


the written set of guidelines that define what is right and wrong in society

mass media

channels of communication that are available to very wide segments of the population

material culture

the objects created in a given society


strict norms that control moral and ethical behavior

nonmaterial culture

the norms, laws, customs, ideas, and beliefs of a group of people


the specific cultural expectations for how to act in a given situation

popular culture

the beliefs, practices, and objects that are part of everyday traditions

reflection hypothesis

the idea that the mass media reflect the values of the general population

Sapir-Worf hypothesis

a theory that language determines other aspects of culture because language provides the categories through which social reality is defined and percieved

social media

the term used to refer to the vast networks of social interaction that new media have created

social sanctions

mechanisms of social control that enforce norms


the culture of groups whose values and norms of behavior are somewhat different from those of the dominant culture


things or behavior to which people give meaning


those behaviors that bring the most serious santions


the abstract standards in a society or group that define ideal principals


any abstract characteristic or attribute that has the potential to be measured

content analysis

the analysis of meanings in cultural artifacts such as books, songs, and other forms of cultural communication

controlled experiment

a method of collecting data that can determine whether something actually causes something else


the degree of positive (direct) or negative (inverse) associations between two variables

covert participant observation

the form of participant observation wherein the observed individuals are not told that they are being studied


a table that shows how the categories of two variables are related


the systematic information that sociologist use to investigate research questions

data analysis

the process by which sociologist organize collected data to discover what patterns and uniformity are revealed


a process whereby a researcher explains the true purpose of a research study to a subject (respondent); usually done after completion of the study

deductive reasoning

the process of creating a specific research question about a focused point, based on a more general or universal principle

dependent variable

the variable that is a presumed effect

evaluation research

research assessing the effect of policies and programs


applying information obtained on a small sample of units (such as people) to a larger population of the units

Hawthrone effect

the effect of the research process itself on the groups or individuals being studied; hence,m the act of studying them often itself changes them


a statement about what expects to find in research

independent variable

a variable that is presumed cause of a particular result


something that points to or reflects an abstract concept

inductive reasoning

the process of arriving at general conclusions from specific observations


in convert participant observations research, a single-group member who provides "inside" information about the group being studied

informed consent

a formal acknowledgement by research subjects (respondents) that they understand the purpose of the research and agree to be studied


the sum of a set of values divided by the number of cases from which the values are obtained; an average


the midpoint in a series of values that are arranged in chimerical order


the most frequently appearing score among a set of scores

overt participant observation

the form of participant observations wherein the observed individuals are told that they are being studied

participant observations

a method whereby the sociologist becomes both a participant in the group being studied and a scientific observer of the group


the number of parts per hundred


a relatively large collection of people (or other unit) that researcher studies and about which generalizations are made

qualitative research

research that is somewhat less structures than quantitative research but that allows more depth of interpretation and nuance in what people say and do

quantitative research

research that uses numerical analysis

random sample

a sample that gives everyone in the population an equal chance of being selected


parts per some number


the likelihood that a particular measure would produce the same results if the measure were repeated

replication study

research that is repeated exactly, but on a different group of people at a different point in time

research design

the overall logic and strategy underlying a research project


any subset of units from a population that a researcher studies

scientific method

the steps in a research process, including observations, hypothesis testing, analysis of data, and generalization


unanticipated, yet informative, results of a research study

spurious correlation

a false correlations between X and Y, produced by their relationship to some their variable (Z) rather than by a true casual relationship to each other


the degree to which an indicator accurately measures or reflects a concept


something that can have more than one value or score