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28 Cards in this Set

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The life-long social experience by which people develop their human potential.
A person's fairly consistant patterns of acting, thinking, and feeling.
States behavior is not instinctive bu learned.
Freuds 3 Models of Personality
Id,Ego,& Superego
The human beings basic drives. ( Demands for immeadiate satisfication at all times )
A persons concious efforts to balence innate pleasure-seeking drives and morals to the demands of society
Cultural values and norms internalized by and individual. ( Tells us why we can not have everything )
Sensorimotor Stage
The level of human development where an individual experiences the world through only their senses. ( First 2 years of life.)
Peroperational Stage
The level of human development where an individual first uses language and other symbols. ( 2- 6 years )
Concrete Operational Stage
The level of human development where an individual see's casual connections of their surroundings. ( 7-11 years )
Formal Operational Stage
The level of human development where an individual can think abstractly and critically.
Moral reasoning
How people study whats right and whats wrong.
The part of someones personality composed of self-awareness and self-image
Looking-glass self
Self image based on how we think others see us.
Significant Others
People such as parents.. etc. who have special importance for socialization.
Generalized Others
Widespread of cultural norms and values we use as reference to evaluate others.
Hidden Curriculum
Informally or subconciously taught behaviors.
Peer Group
A social group whose members have interests, social position, and age in common.
Anticipantory Socialization
Learning that helps a person achieve a desired position.
Mass Media
The means for delivering impersonal communications to a vast audience.
Three Stages of Life
Childhood, Adolesence, & Adulthood
The study of aging and the elderly.
A form of social organization in which the elderly have the most wealth, power, and prestige.
Prejudice and discrimination to those who are elderly.
Stages to Dying
Denial, Anger, Negotiation, Resignation, and Acceptance
Category of people with something in common, usually age.
Total Institution
A setting in which people are isolated from the rest of society and manipulated by an administrative staff. ( AKA PRISON )
Radically changing an inmate's personality by carefully controlling their environment.