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48 Cards in this Set

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instincts, DNA, and genetics are big roles in this.
How you were raised plays a bigger role.
Feral Children
Isolated children
Children reared w/out human contact
Feral child
wild child
Isolated child
An example is Isabelle.

locked in attick

didn't talk, wasn't potty trained, afraid of people
Without _________, there can be no culture (no shared way of life) and culture is the key to what we become.
Twin studies
identical twins separated at young ages
Institutionalized children
Research of mentally retarded infants

in institutions, children get less interaction and support.
Research on mentally retarded infants
put mentally challenged child with mentally challenged woman, and the child's IQ went up. They did a lot better in all areas.
early interaction
Genie and the monkey research were dependent on ______ __________.
The process by which we learn the ways of society
Developing a self

Cooley and the looking glass self
Cooley and the looking glass self
Symbolic interactionist

Discovered the process of developing self
Process of developing self
1. Imagine how we appear to those around us

2. Interpret others reactions

3. Develop a self-concept (social mirror)
Mead and role taking
Symbolic interactionist

Take the role of the other thru play

Significant others

Generalized other
Piaget and development of reasoning skills
4 stages

1. Sensorimotor
2. Preoperational stage
3. Concrete operational stage
4. Formal operational stage
birth - 2
Direct contact w/ environment
Preoperational stage
2 - 7
use symbols, no causation
Concrete operational stage
7 - 12

Reasoning, causation, take the role of other
Formal operational stage
12 +

Abstract thinking
Kohlberg and development of morality
1. Amoral stage
2. Preconventional stage
3. Conventional stage
4. Postconventional stage
Amoral stage
young children

Immediate gratification, no right or wrong
Preconventional stage
7 -10

Learned rules, avoid punishment
Conventional stage

Follow the norms and values that have been learned.
Postconventional stage
most don't reach

Reflect on abstract principles of right and wrong and judge behavior according to these principles.

(only used boys in this experiment)
Gilligan and gender differences in morality
used both sexes

Women (personal relationships)
Men (abstract principles)
Mixed results
Global perspective
looking glass self - universal

role taking - universal

piaget (4 stages) - not always the same

kolhberg - might be wrong
Freud and the development of personality
Personality consists of 3 elements
1. id
2. ego
3. superego
inborn basic drives for self gradification
balancing force btwn id and demands of society
the conscience
Socialization into emotions
6 basic emotions

culture, social class, and relationships shape how we show emotions

childhood socializations
What are the 6 basic emotions?
childhood socializations
learn norms

message for what is appropriate and what is not appropriate
Gender socialization
Expecting different attitudes and behaviors b/c one is male or female
parents teach gender roles
blue and pink
cars and dolls
What are some gender messages in the family?
Advertising (for kids and adults)
Women feel inadequate
What are some messages of gender socialization in the mass media?
TV and movies
gender socialization

Reinforces stereotypes of the sexes

Stereotype breaking characters.
Video games
Socialize users, male escape?

living a fake life

gender socialization
Peer groups
Boys talk about movies/ TV and single out sex and violence
Girls talk about the drama in movie
Gender serves as primary basis for social ________.
Agents of socialization
People/groups that influence our self-concept, emotions, attitudes, and behavior.

The family
The neighborhood
The school
Peer groups
The family
most influence of socialization

1st group to have impact on individual

Give basic sense of self

Social class studies - blue collar vs. white collar
The neighborhood
Kids in poor ___________ more likely get arrested, get pregnant, & drop out of school.
Influences values, what is right/wrong

what your morals are.
The school
agent of socialization

Manifest (intended) and latent (unintended) functions - transmit knowledge and skills

Universality - the same rules apply to all

Hidden curriculum eg. sitting in rows.
Peer groups
Individuals of roughly the same age connected by common interests.

Standard of peer groups dominate our lives
Teach values
Boys learn masculinity = acheivement in sports

Teach team work
