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52 Cards in this Set

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a process in which people are set apart for differential treatment by virtue of their statuses, roles, and other social characteristics
social differentiation
a condition in which people have unequal access to wealth, power, and prestige
social inequality
a form of inequality in which categories of people are systematically ranked in a hierarchy on the basis of their access to scarce but valued resources
social stratification
a society with 2 distinct strata-a category of people who are free and a category of people who are legally the property of others
slave system
ranking is hereditary and permanent, and marriage between members of different categories is prohibited
caste system
a social hierarchy centered on the monopoly of power and ownershp of land by a group of religious and political elites
estate system
the economic factor and achieved statuses (gained by ability and merit) are the principal means of ranking
class system
a person's or family's total economic assets
the ability to realize one's will, even against resistance and the opposition of others
the respect and admiration people attach to various social positions
a ranking that combines income, occupational prestige, level of education, and neighborhood to assess people's positions in the stratification system
socioeconomic status
when people fall below a minimum subsistence level and are unable to function as members of society
absolute poverty
a lack of resources relative to others and the overall standards of a society
relative poverty
women and girls constitute a disproportionate share of the poor
feminization of poverty
a set of norms, beliefs, values, and attitudes that trap a small number of the urban poor in a permanent cycle of poverty
culture of poverty
opportunities for securing such things as health, education, autonomy, leisure, and a long life
life chances
the movement of people from one social position to another in the stratification system
social mobility
large scale changes in occupational, educational, and corporate social structures that enable people to move up or down the stratification system
structural mobility
the distinctive ways in which group members consume goods and services and display rank
Rankings of a job based partially on income but also the services of the job
Occupational prestige rankings
The wealthiest 1% _____ than the least affluent 90% of Americans.
Own more
The rich get _____, while the poor _____.
-poorer, or stay about the same income-wise
Upper class counts for _____ % of the population.
Upper middle class counts for _____% of the population.
Lower middle class counts for _____% of the population.
Working class counts for _____% of the population.
Lower class counts for _____% of the population.
Level assigned by the government by multiplying a person's food budget by 3 and making adjustments for family size and cost of living
Poverty level
In 2007, over _____ million amreicans or _____% of the popluation had incomes below the poverty line.
About _____% of Americans in poverty are white.
About _____% of African Americans live in poverty.
About _____% of Latinos live in poverty.
American Indians have a poverty rate of about _____%, but it can be as high as _____% on some reservations.
Asian and pacific islanders have a poverty rate around _____%.
About 1/4 of the population is under age 18, and of those, _____% are in poverty.
By the early 90's, the population of children in poverty was _____as high as canada and _____ times as high as Sweden.
_____% of those in poverty live in central cities.
_____% of those in poverty live in suburbs.
_____% of those in poverty live outside of metropolitan areas.
States with the largest amounts of poverty:
-west virginia
Families can receive TANF for how long?
18 months
Factors responsible for US homelessness:
-deinstitutionalizaion of the mentally ill
-release of those from hospitals without adequate care and community support
-exodus of manufacturing firms
-chronic unemployment
-decline in real wages
-real estate speculation
-high rent
occupational prestige rankings include which occupations?
police officers and social workers
wealth vs income
top 1% of the population owns about _____% of all wealth in the US.
wealth vs income
bottom 80% accounts for _____% of national wealth.
the welathiest 1% _____ _____ than the least affluent 90% of americans.
own more
5% of population, but accounts for 22% of total income. net worth in the millions and billions.
upper class
15% of population. many have incomes of $150,000 or more as well as advanced college degrees.
upper middle class
33% of population. emulate and share the values of upper middle class, but lack the resources to copy lifestyles. many worked through college and spend like crazy using credit cards and loans.
lower middle class
30% of population. low wages. unpleasant work environments. make less than $50,000 a year. few have more than high school education. vulnerable to layoffs and long periods of unemployment.
working class
14% of population. work 27 weeks a year, but have incomes below poverty line. erratic jobs, minimum wage pay, no benefits.
lower class
states with most amount of poverty
arkansas, louisiana, mississippi, tennessee, kentucky, and west virginia