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35 Cards in this Set

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Means of production are privately owned
Means of production is owned by the state
Free-market competition
Government not interfering in business
Private ownership
The right to sell, expand, or do nothing with property.
Pursuit of profit
Entrepreneurs make money, consumer saves money, and the economy functions well.
Giant corporations conducting business in several markets.
Companies that conduct business in several countries but have 1 headquarter
Functionalism on economic order
See economy helping society by producing better goods
Conflict theory on economic order
Economy produces class conflict; economic gap
Symbolic interaction
Individuals create careers through acquiring knowledge
Symbolic analysts
Workers who manipulate meanings of consumer products
Service jobs outnumber manufacturing job as manufacturing jobs have been outsourced
Weber, person wielding power with the right to do so.
Traditional Authority
Authority legitimized by traditional beliefs
Legal-rational authority
Rules and laws that defines rights and duties of the people and even the government.
Charismatic Authority
Power legitimized by personal attributes, wisdom, grace, or a magnetic personality.
Authoritarian state
1.People are excluded from government process
2.Little opposition is tolerated
3.Little interest is had in lives of the people
Totalitarian state
1.Unlimited power
2.No toleration for opposition
3.Close control over citizens
Political party
Organization meant to influence the government
Power-elite model
Those of high-status and the like interact with one another.
Pluralist model
Power is diffused throughout society
Nuclear family
Family unit:husband,wife,children.
Blend or reconstituted family
Spouses or children from former marriages.
Extended family
2 or more generation of kin
Network of people connected by marriage,blood, or adoption.
A social approval of multiple persons. At least 2.
Marriage of same race, religion, or class
Marriage of different race, religion, or class
Physically close to partner. (girl next door)
Marriage of 1 male and 1 female
Polygamy (3)
1.Polygyny, marriage of 1 male and 2+ wives
2.Polyandry, marriage of 1 female and 2+husbands
3.Group marriage,multiple males and multiple females married
Serial monogamy
having more than 1 spouse, though not at once.
Dissolution of legal ties, and the social ties as well.
Functionalist perspective of Marriage
1.Economic, assets handed down
2. Support, helping out when ill or coming up in the world
Institution determining what and how something is produced and who will receive it.