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157 Cards in this Set

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social institution
a major sphere of social life, or societal subsystem, organized to meet human needs
social institution that organizes a society's production, distribution and consumption of goods and services
africultural technology
specialized work
permanent settlements
4 factors made the economy a distinct social institution
new sources of energy
centraliztion of work in factories
manufacturing and mass production
wage labor
Industrialization brought 5 changes to the economy
postindustrial economy
a productive system based on service work and high technology
tangible products to ideas
from mechanical skills to literacy skills
from factories to almost anywhere
3 major changes in technology
primary sector
the part of the economy that draws raw materials from the natural environment
primary sector
agriculture, ranching, fishing, forestry, mining
secondary sector
the part of the economy that transforms raw materials into manufactured goods
tertiary sector
part of the economy that involves services rather than goods
middle income countries and high income countries
The tertiary sector grows with industrialization and dominates which economies?
global economy
economic activity that crosses national borders
-different regions of the world come to specialize in 1 sector of economic activity
-more and more products pass through more than 1 nation
-national government no longer control the economic activity
-small number of businesses, operating internationally, now control a vast share of the world's economic activity
-globalization of the economy affects the lives of workers in the US
5 major consequences of a global economy
an economic system in which natural resources and the means of producing goods and services are privately owned
private ownership of property
pursuit of personal profit
competition and consumer choice
ideal capitalist economy has 3 distinctive features:
because the government plays a large role in the economy
How is the US not completely capitalist?
an economic system in which natural resources and the means of producing goods and services are collectively owned
collective ownership of property
pursuit of collective goals
government control of the economy
Socialist economy rejects each of the 3 characteristics of capitalism just described in favor of 3 opposite features
centrally controlled or command economy
Socialism rejects capitalism's laissez faire approach in favor of:
laissez faire
a purely capitalist economy is a free market system with no government interference
China, more than 2 dozen other nations in Asia, africa, and latin america
What countries model themselves after the socialist economy?
most of the nations in western europe, especailly Sweden and Italy
Have market based economies but also offer broad social welfare system:
welfare capitalism
an economic and political system that combines a mostly market based economy with extensive welfare systems
What % of economic production is nationalized in Sweden and Italy?
state capitalism
an economic and political system in which companies are privately owned but cooperate closely with the government
along the Pacific Rim, Japan, South Korea, Singapore
Which countries does State captialism rule?
gross domestic product
the total value of all goods and services produced annually
Capitalism emphasizes the ____________ pursue self interest and depends on the freedom of producers.
freedom from
Socialism emphasizes ____________ basic want.
% of US workers that are farmers
corporate agribusinesses
The family farms of yesterday has been replaced by...
labor unions
the changing US economy has seen a decline in ________
organizations that seek to improve wages and working conditions
a prestigious white collar occupation that requires extensive formal education
theoretical knowledge
self regulating practice
authority over clients
community orientation rather than self interest
Occupations are professional to the exten that they demonstrate the following 4 characteristics
self employment
earning a living without being on the payroll of large organization
what percentage of the labor force was in 1800?
economic elites; policital elites
Socialism did away with ______________ as Karl Marx predicted, but as Max Weber foresaw, socialism increased the power of _____________.
more than twice
unemployment among African Americans is ________________ the rate among white people.
an organiztion with legal existence, including rights and liabilities, seperate from that of its members
giant corporations composed of many smaller corporations
the domination of a market by a single producers
the domination of a market by a few producers
the social institution that distributes power, sets a society's goals and makes decisions
the ability to achieve desired ends despite resistance from others
Max Weber
who defined power?
a formal organization that directs the political life of a society
power that people perveive as legitimate rather than coercive
traditional authority
power legitimized by respect for long established cultural patterns
rational legal authority
power legitimized by rationally enacted law
charismatic authority
power legitimized by the extraordinary personal qualities of the leader
Jesus, Hitler, Gandhi, MLK Jr.
Who are some charismatic leaders?
routinization of charisma
the transformation of charismatic authority into some combination of traditional and bureaucratic authority
political system in which a single family rules from generation to generation
In Weber's analysis, monarchy is legitmized by _________.
absolute monarchs
world claimed a monopoly of power based on divine right
agrarian societies
Monarchy is commonly found in _______
constitutional monarchies
meaning that their monarchs are little more than symbolic heads of state, all European societies with royal families are...
a political system that gives power to the people as a whole
representative democracy
puts authority in the the hands of leaders who from time to time compete for office in elections
-problem of bureaucracy
-involves economic inequality
what are 2 problems with democracy?
political system that denies the people participation in government
highly centralized political system that extensively regulates people's lives
nongovernmental organization
seek to advance global issues such as human rights and environmental protection
welfare state
a system of governement agencies and programs that provides benefits to the population
political spectrum
ranges from the extremely liberal on the left to the extremely conservative on the right
say that they are conservative
say that they are liberal
claim to be moderates in the political middle
economic issues
focus on economic inequality
social issues
moral ?s about how people ought to live
special interest group
people organized to address some economic or social issue
political action committees
formed by special interest groups to raise and spend money in support of political aims
5 million
how many people have lost their right to vote?
pluralist model
an analysis of politics that sees power as spread among many competing interest group
These people see power as spread widely throughout society, with all people having at least some voice in the political system
power elite model
analysis of politics that sees power as concentrated among the rich
C. Wright Mills
the term power elite was coined by who?
economy, government, and the military
3 sectors of US society
No, because our economic and political systems give few people so much power that the average person's voice cant be heard
Does the power elite model believe the the US is a democracy?
Marxist political economy model
claims that our political agenda is determined by a capitalist economy so true democracy is impossible
political revolution
overthrow of one political system in order to establish another
-rising expectations
-unresponsive government
-radical leadership by intellectuals
-establishing a new legitimacy
4 things revolutions have in common
acts of violence or the threat of violence used as a political strategy by an individual or a group
organized armed conflict among the people of 2 or more nations, directed by their government
perceived threats
social problems
political objectives
moral objectives
the absence of alternatives
5 factors that promote war
symbolic institutions
family and religion, which are closely linked as society's ___________
social institution found in all societies that unites people in cooperative groups to care for one another, including any children
social bond based on common ancestry, marriage, or adoption
a legal relationship, usually involving economic cooperation as well as sexual activity and childbearing
extended family
a family composed of parents and children as well as other kin
consanguine family
Extended family is also known as....
nuclear family
family composed of one or 2 parents and their children
conjugal family
nuclear family is also known as...
marriage between people of the same social category
marriage between people of different social categories
marriage that unites 2 partners
marriage that unites a person with 2 or more spouses
unites 1 woman and 2 or more men
Most marriages have been ________
couples live with or near the husbands family
couples live near or with the wife's family
which a married couple lives apart from both sets of parents
the system by which members of a society trace kinship over generations
patrilineal descent
more common pattern, traces kinship through males, and property flows from fathers to sons
matrilineal descent
people define only the mother's side as kin and property passes from mothers to daughters
what descent is found in horticultural societies where women are the main food producers?
bilateral descent
children recognize people on both the father's side and the mother's side of the family as relatives
Regulation of sexual activity
social placement
material and emotional security
Why the family is the backbone of society?
incest taboo
a norm forbidding sexual relations or marriage between certain relatives
property and inheritance
race and ethnicity
How family perpetuates social inequality?
arranged marriages
alliances between 2 extended families of similiar social standing and usually involve an exchange not just of children but wealth and favors
romantic love
Our culture celebrates _______________ affection and sexual passion toward another person-as the basis of marriage
Our society "arranges" marriages by encouraging ________________
latchkey kids
kids who fend for themselves
3.3 million
how many children are latchkey kids?
4 out of 10
How many marriages ended in divorce in 2005?
-indivdualism is on the rise
-romantic love fades
-women are less dependent on men
-many of today's marriages are stressful
-divorce is socially acceptable
-a divorce is easier to get
high divorce rate has many causes:
young couples
unexpected pregnancy
substance abuse problems
people whose parents themselves are divorced
people who are not religious
Who is at risk for divorce?
both partners have sucessful careers
people who have been divorced before
Divorce is most common if...
4 out of 5
how many people divorce remarry?
blended families
remarriage often creates ______________ composed of children and some combination of biological parents and stepparents
single parenthood; because it limits her ability to work and to futher her education
what increases a woman's risk for poverty? why?
the sharing of a household by an unmarried couple
Sweden and other Scandinavian coutries
where is cohabitation most common?
what country became the first to legalize gay marriage?
9 out of 10
how many people in the US marry one point in their life?
emile durkheim
stated that religion involves "things that surpass the limits of our knowledge"
as human beings we define most objects, events, and experiences as _______________
ocurring as an ordinary element of everyday life
set apart as extraordinary, inspiring awe and reverence
social institution involving beliefs and practices based on recognizing the sacred
The sacred is embodied in _______ or formal ceremonial behavior
belief based on conviction rather than on scientific evidence
Emile Durkheim
said that "society has a life and power of its own beyond the life of any individual"
an object in the natural world collectively defined as sacred
Who identified 3 major functions of religion that contribute to the operation of society?
social cohsion
social control
providing meaning and purpose
Durkheim identifed 3 major functions of religion:
Peter Berger
Said Placing our small brief lives within some "cosmic frame of reference" gives us the appearence of "ultimate security and permance"
Whenever humans face uncertainty or life threatening situations
When do most people turn to their sacred symbols?
Karl Marxx
who said "religion serves elites by legitimizing the status quo and diverting peoples attention from social inequalities"?
Max Weber
Believed that particular religious ideas brought about the industralization of Western Europe, the rise of capitalism was encouraged by Calvinism
liberation theology
the combining of Christian principles with political activism, often Marxist in character
a type of religious organization that is well intergrated into the larger society
state church
church formally allied with the state
church, independent of the state, that recognizes religious pluralism
a type of religious organization that stands apart from the larger society
extraordinary personal qualities that can infuse people with emotion and turn them into followers
a type of religious organization that is largely outside a cultural traditions
the belief that elements of the natural world are conscious life forms that affect humanity
the importance of religion in a personal life
historical decline in the importance of the supernatural and the sacred
Robert Bellah
Said that one dimension of secularization is civil religion
civil religion
a quasi religious loyalty binding individuals in a basically secular society
a conservative relgious doctrine that opposes intellectualism and worldy accommodation in favor of restoring traditional otherworldly religion
take the words of sacred texts literally
rejects religous pluralism
pursue the personal experience of god's prescene
oppose "secular humanism"
endorse conservative political goasl
Religious fundamentalism is distinctive in 5 ways:
Episcopalians, Prebyterians, Jews
Which denominations enjoy a higher standard of living?
Baptists, lutherns, members of sects
which denominations have a lower standard of living?
spiritual seekers
are apart of the "new age" movement, which pursues spiritual development outside conventional religious organizations