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33 Cards in this Set

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What did the Conflict Perspective involve?
The unequal distribution of resources and had little to do with rewarding talent or filling positions.
Unprejudiced Discriminator
Treats the members of some groups unequally because it is convenient or advantageous to do so rather than out of personal antipathy toward them. (salespeople in Africa)
Who argues that the level of inequality will decline in advanced industral societies?
Who argues that inequality would be greatest in industrial societies?
Objective Approach
People are placed in the class hierarchy through the use of Objective Criteria that the investigator determines are relevant to class placement and that do not depend on the judgements of members of the community under study.
What are the five major classes in the U.S.A
1. Upper
2. Upper-middle
3. Lower middle
4. Working
5. Lower
The most widely used objective criterion of social class is?
Prejudiced Discriminator
Has negative feelings toward a particular group and translates these sentiments into unequal treatment of people in that group. (KKK)
Prejudiced Nondiscriminator
Is a kind of Closet Bigot who is prejudiced against members of some groups but does not translate these attitudes into discriminatory practices. (landlord)
Horizontal Social Mobility
Refers to a change in position that does not involve a corresponding change in social status.
Basis for social stratification?
A Visible Trait or Status.
The Upper Middle Class
10-15% of pop. Consists of the business professional and managerial people who have relatively high incomes and limited amount of wealth accumulated, primarily in the form of property and savings. College Educated.
Vertical Social Mobility
Refers to a change in position that involves an upward or downward shift in social status.
The Lower Class
People with poverty level incomes or with no jobs and these receiving welfare and other public assistance. Includes the working poor.
The Working Class
45% of pop. Consists of skilled and unskilled blue-collar workers whose jobs generally involve manual labor.
The Upper Class
Constitutes less than 4% of pop., consists of those people with great wealth who play a large part in the political and economic institutions of the U.S.
What are the two types of social mobility?
1. Horizontal

2. Vertical
What two classes in 19th C. did Marx consider to be especially important?
1. The Bourgeoisie

2. The Proletariat
The Lower Middle Class
One third of pop. People with modest incomes who work hard.
People who run small businesses, teachers, police etc;
Along with Upper Middle Class, dominates U.S. society in terms of values, attitudes, and lifestyles.
Occupation has been used in two major ways
1. For the sociologist to rank occupations into a specified number of classes.
2. To establish a prestige score for each occupation based on the judgements of a sample of people from the community.
Reputational Appraoch
Class structure was determined by the assessments of community judges of their fellow citizens.
Subjected Approach
Also called the Self Placement Approach. People are asked where they believe they fit into the class hierarchy.
Immanuel Wallerstein
Posits that the worlds nations have become increasingly interdependent, both economically and politically, and are now linked in a world wide stratification system with some nations having more power and resources than others.
What is the major force in the World System Theory?
Capitalism and its emphasis on market forces, profit making, and surplus accumulation.
What is World System Theory sometimes called?
Dependency Theory because of the dependence of the peripheral nations on econonmic assistance, from the core nations.
a. High income nations = Core nations
b. Middle income nations = Semi-peripheral nations
c. Low income nations = Peripheral nations
According to Lenski
Power will determine the distribution of nearly all of the surplus of goods.
Ascribed Statuses
Plays an important role in determining people's social position in this system.
Who pioneered World System Theory?
Immanuel Wallerstein
What is the best single predictor of lifestyle?
Socioeconomic Status (SES)

It is one of the critical factors shaping our lives.
According to Kingsley Davis and Wilber Moore
All societies must ensure that people fill essential positions and perform important tasks. The major problem that confronts any society concerns motivation.
The Condflict Perspective argues?
That stratification exists because it makes some contribution to the ongoing maintenance of society.
Marx believed economic systems
Influenced the values, norms, and social institutions of a society.
False Class Consciousness
The failure to recognize what is in one's best interest. Coined by Marx.