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10 Cards in this Set

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American Creed
-Being American, is merely a question of belief, not because of racial or ethnic background
-Belief of democracy, free market, belief in equality of opportunity and general egalitarianism throughout society, populism, the people of America is a people of democracy.
-The American creed by itself does not explain American opportunity in this country
Diagram of Citizenship
Very Top: Native Born Whites-full citizenship=whiteness
-CSE Europeans
------------Racialized Minorities----------
African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanics, Asians
Conflict between this American Creed and the racialized hierarchal view
-Development of the idea that all Americans are the same
-The American Creed is really not about race
-The idea of the creed is that all people that can work hard and apply themselves, will become upwardly mobile.
-Only about you working as hard as you can to obtain that upward mobility.
“Bootstraps” Argument
•upward mobility is strictly a question of individual self effort
•it is not some sort of neutral argument, it has been put forth to exclude the argument of racial hierarchy
•there is a strong tendency of people to deny the significance of race.
There tends to be a difference between Ethnic Groups & Racial Groups
-Given economic opportunities that were denied to Racial Groups.
-G.I. Bill
•Provided college, vocational education to veterans of World War II
 It wasn’t equally distributed
•Provided them with one year unemployment compensation and loans for them to buy homes
 98% of these benefits went to Ethnic groups, very few went to Racial groups.

Wealth: Equity - Debts = Wealth
-the more wealth you have, the more things you can do.
-Most Americans own their wealth in the form of real estate.
 Post World War II wealth was directed towards racialized housing
•Across the Untied States, suburbs are generally whites, and urban communities are generally minorities.
 The federal government started subsidizing the wealth
In subsidizing the development of suburbs, subsidized the development of wealth.
-Races intermarried with each other
-Whites have double the wealth of Asians, 18x the wealth of Hispanics and 20x the wealth of blacks.
Tendency in society to view Whites as being ethnics and non-whites as being racial groups
•The dominant view in America
•Asians, Blacks, Native Americans
“Ethnic Groups”
• Hispanics, Jews, Muslims, Scotts-Irish

-People talk about Hispanics as if they constitute a racial group

There is a tendency to try to Essentialize a group
-A person is essentially a Latino or Muslim
Variability-Process of construction
•Ethnic groups are ethnic groups because they have a sense of belonging together based on a common history where they believe that they have developed blood ties with each other
•People have to believe they exist
•A reality that individuals historically who were of mixed race, if they phenotypically looked Caucasian, they could essentially slipped into the white race.
The Identity Construction Process
-When we talk about identity we are talking about Agency (bottom-up process) and Labeling (the conceptualization of groups imposed on those individuals [top-down process])

-White Americans tend to have primary agency, labeling for African Americans is primary
-White Americans have more choice when defining their identity.