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18 Cards in this Set

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Achieved statuses
Statuses that are results of individual efforts and accomplishments.
Ascribed Statuses
Statuses that are based on social valuations of factors beyond individuals' control, such as race, gender, or age.
Caste system
A closed system of social inequality in which status is determined at birth, people are locked into their parents' social position, and differences of purity or prestige form the basis of hierarchy.
Class Structure
The relatively stable division of society into groups with sharply unequal resources and life chances-- based in modern society, according to Karl Marx, on different positions in the capitalist system of property ownership and production.
Closed Stratification System
A social class system in which it is difficult or impossible to move up the social hierarchy. Also called a closed class system.
Corporate Class
The social class consisting of people who have a great deal of bureaucratic authority in major corporations (and in government), usually not based on ownership of those corporations.
What people earn during a particular time period, either from employment or investments.
Lower class
The social class that includes people who do not own property, who frequently have no job, and who have no authority and usually no prestige.
Middle class
The social class that comprises people who own relatively little property but whose occupations provide them with high-to-middle income, prestige, and authority. The middle class can be subdivided into the upper middle class and the lower middle class.
Open Stratification System
A stratification system in which there are few obstacles to social mobility, positions are awarded don the basis of merit, and rank is tied to individual achievement.
Social esteem, respect, or approval that is awarded to people because they possess attributes that their society considers admirable.
Social Class
People who occupy the same layer of a system of social stratification.
social mobility
the movement of people from one social position to another, either upward or downward.
The division of a society into layers of people who have unequal amounts of any given scarce reward or resource.
structural mobility
changes in the number and kinds of occupations available in a society, relative to the number of workers available to fill them.
upper class
The social class that is made up of families who own large amounts of property, from which they derive a great deal of authority.
What people own and can draw on in times of need and can pass on to future generations.
working class
The social class that is composed of people who own little or no property, who sell their labor for a living, whose jobs give them middle-to-low income and prestige, and who have little or no authority.