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23 Cards in this Set

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Robert Merton

Strain theory, functionalism (larger picture)

Robert Michel

The iron law of oligarchy

Herbert Spencer

Social darwinism, 2nd founder of sociology

Asch/ Milgram

Pressure to assimilate with group answers and pressure to obey authority experiments.

Talcott Parsons

Theoretical abstract models

W.E.B. DuBois

The first black man to graduate Harvard (doctorate) and founded the NAACP

C. Wright Mills

Social reform, no abstractions!

Sapir- Whorf hypothesis

Language creates ways of thinking and perceiving

Charles Horton Cooly

Looking glass self- internalizing others' reaction to us

Jean Piaget

How we learn to reason. Children, 4 stages of reasoning: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational.


Id= desires ego=discipline superego= societal expectations

Lawrence Kohlberg

Adds a stage to Piaget- stage one as amoral

Thomas Theorem

If people define a situation as real, it is real in its consequences

Max weber

Religion and the origin of capitalism, "protestant ethic". Power, prestige, property kept proletariat from rising up (managers). First to describe beaurocracies

Irving Jarvis

Groupthink (it must be prevented!)

Edwin Sutherland

Differential association- depending on who you socialize with, you could learn an excess of definitions of deviance increasing the likelihood that you will become deviant.

Walter Reckless

Control theory- inner and outer controls work against our tendency to deviate.

Emile Durkheim

Suicide =lack of social integration. Deviance contributes to social order- it clarifies moral boundaries, encourages social unity, and promotes social change.

Karl Marx

Class confict- proletariat and bourgeoisie

Erving Goffman


Jane Addams

Founded Hull house w/ DuBois, helped poor, immigrants, women, blacks

Auguste Comte

Developed sociology. Positivism- scientific approach

George Herbert Mead

Taking the role of the other to anticipate how they will act. Symbolic interactionism