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86 Cards in this Set

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families are a universal institution that is essential for individuals and societies.


Nayar tribe. Women had several 'visiting husbands' and lived in polygyny so this society did not possess a family. AGAINST MURDOCK


Marketing and adverts often tries to sell products to what it sees as a 'typical family'


cereal packet image of a family (nuclear family)


argues that the monogamous, married couple is still viewed as the core element for achieving a stable society

Young and Willmott

Found that there was a strong bond between married daughters and their mothers, who often lived close together/under the same roof.

Young and willmott

'symmetrical family' - traditional segregated division of labour in the home is breaking down.


'modified extended family' - even when people did not live close to their extended family, there was still a lot of contact and support between family members.


Five types of support from the extended family:

economic, accommodation,personal care, practical and emotional support

Mcglone et al

Used evidence from the British social attitudes survey to conclude that contact between extended family members is still frequent.


five distinct elements of family diversity in Britain: Organisational, cultural, class, lifecycle and cohort diversity.

Allan and crowe

There is no longer a clear 'family cycle' that people pass through.

Allan and crowe

The dynamics of reconstituted families have the potential to become particularly complicated.

Murray - NEW RIGHT

Increase in single parenthood is partly to blame for the growing underclass.

Dennis and erdos - NEW RIGHT

Boys without fathers grow up without the

restraints on their behaviour that a father would impose so do less well in school and are more likely to gain a criminal record.


Any social problem associated with children from single parent families are more likely to be linked to poverty.


States that contemporary families are characterised by beanpole families.


One in ten children in the UK lives in a mixed race family.

Berthoud and beishon

There is a tendency for British south asians particularly Pakistanis and Bangladeshis to get married earlier to their white equivalents.

Weeks et al

The increase in openly gay and lesbian households and families contribute to the increase in diversity.


suggests that the development of 'chosen families' is partly due to the breakdown of the 'hetronorm'.


Having lesbian parents does not affect a child's sexual orientation.


Argues that children brought up by homosexuals are more likely to be tolerant and see sharing and equality as important features or their relationships with others.


Support the view that families in the UK are diverse. The variation in family types is normal ; there is no longer a dominant family type as people have more choice.


They argue that traditional family life has declined and replaced with a variety of family forms. People can choose household arrangements and the nuclear family is just one type of household.

Beck and Beck-Gernsheim

Postmodern family life is characterised by diversity, variation and instability. Such diversity has led to renegotiation of family relationships. People now attempt to find a middle ground between individualisation and commitment to another person/children.


Major changes have taken place in intimate relationships between people.

Plastic sexuality - sex is freed from childbirth.

confluent love - based on intimacy, closeness and emotion. No longer put up with empty shell, can leave if not satisfied


Society will have to adapt to cope with greater variety and uncertainty in family life.

The postmodern family creates a certain degree of unsettling uncertainty however it's an opportunity to develop a more egalitarian and more democratic family relationships.

New right

The nuclear family is the ideal family type and are critical of other types of family and family diversity generally.

Dennis and erdos - NEW RIGHT

From a study in Newcastle of 1000 children (1947) it showed a greater statistical chance of poor physical health, low IQ and a criminal record if children were in a non fathered or poorly fathered group.

Morgan - NEW RIGHT

- of all children taken into care in England two thirds are from single parent households.

- children living in step families are more likely to develop behaviour issues and perform less well at school.

- children from single parent families also have lower vocabulary skills and are more likely to be involved in delinquency.


Family life is in decline due to a 'flight from parenting'.


found that many features of family life have remained relatively stable since WW2. Statistics can be misleading on diversity and the nuclear family is still dominant.

Allan and crowe

focus of marriage is now on the relationship and on high expectation fulfillment and happiness. If not met then they will try again with someone else.


marriage has become less of a sacred, spiritual union and more a personal and practical commitment which can be abandoned it if fails.


attitudes have undergone a 'genderquake'. Educational opportunities and feminisation of the economy have resulted in women becoming more financially independent.

Allan and crowe

Divorce leads to the increase in single parent families. This reflects the diversity and individual choice which was far less pronounced in previous years.


Women are more likely to win custody of the children therefore take on the main caring responsibilities and being single parents.

chandler et al

Divorce leads to more single person households. Women are more likely to remain living with their children.

De'ath and slater

Number of challenges from reconstituted families. E.g tense relationships, difficulty asserting dominance.


Change in attitudes.

1970s - love, marriage, husband, children

1990s - jobs, careers

Smart and stevens

couples use cohabitation as a test of their own and partners commitment.


cohabitation is a long term alternative


Influence of celebrity culture and media exposes of celebrity weddings have made them seem prohibitively expensive.

Barlow et al

more people view having children without getting married as more acceptable.


cohabitation represents an increase in the number of sexual partners and the frequency of partner change. more likely to split up.

clarke and warren

older generation can still be alive and physically fit - active ageing.


First births are likely to occur as woman approach 30. Have children in a tighter timespan and 'voluntary childlessness'

Mcallister and clarke

women and men who remain childless felt they had made a positive decision. It's a low status occupation.


the charity day care trust (2004) survey showed childcare costs had risen to nearly a quarter of the average household income.

Mcglone et al

in the 1990s extended families helped with practical, emotional and economic support.

Phillipson and downs

children and grandchildren saw their elderly relatives on a frequent basis.

Ross et al

grandparents spoke positively about becoming grandparents. help the family.

grundy and henretta

sandwich generation


family has four main functions : sexual, reproductive, economic and educational.


Family has two basic and irreducible functions :

primary socialisation of children, stabilisation of adult personalities.


Family's functions have increased in detail and importance. E.G school have improved the functions of the family rather than superseded them.

engles - MARXIST

exploitation of women in families started at the same time as capitalism.

women came to be regarded as dependents whose main purpose was to produce legitimate heirs and be domestic servants.


Family is used as an ideological state apparatus to promote capitalist interests.

Delphi and leonard

The family is an economic system which men benefit from and exploit the work of women and sometimes their children.


Patriarchy remains in families because of ideology.

men and women are socialised into a set of ideas which confirm male power through gender role socialisation as children.

The family legitimises violence against women.


Manipulation, canalisation, verbal appellations, differentiated activities.


There are still inequalities within family life despite some progress.

duncombe and marsden

triple shift.


traditional housewife role is to act as a 'safety valve' for husband.


most family relationships benefits capitalism and men.


men gain more from marriage than women.

Miriees black

women most victims

99% incidents committed by men

nearly 1/4 women assaulted by partner

Dobash and dobash

violent incidents could be set off by what a husband saw as a challenge to his authority.


domestic violence is a result of stress on family members caused by social inequality.


other forms such as verbal abuse, threats and sexual intimidation are harder to categorise and recognise.


young an willmott exaggerated the extent of mens involvement in the home.

Women have a double burden

Lader et al

women in paid work = 21 hours a week housework

men in paid work = 12 hours

Mckee and bell

unemployed men found it degrading to do housework and be kept by their wives.


women dominated decisions around interior design, domestic spending and children's clothes whereas men around moving house, finance and the car.


most common form of money management is where money was shared but the husband had more control over how it's spent.


demise in the 'breadwinner' father role which has been replaced with the 'intimate father role.'


fathers are taking an increasingly active role in the development of their children.


women moving into the workplace and gaining financial independence has resulted in children becoming a focus of power among couples.


men would like to spend more time with their children but work hours prevent bonding effectively.


the whole idea of childhood is modern. It didn't exist in medieval times.


parenting has become more child centred.


childhood no longer exists as a distinct stage in the life course.


children are being deprived of a traditional childhood and family life.


the quality of parenting has significantly improved compared to the past.