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91 Cards in this Set

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Thisholds people together within small communities where there are so manysimilarities?

Mechanical Solidarity

What social phenomenon helps define/shape moral values?


-Durkheim believeswhat creates unity in material form?

Power of Symbols

-Rules of conduct that how we should act around sacredobjects?


-Do individuals shape society or does society shapeindividuals?

Society shapes an individual

-A highly routinizeact?


Thisconcept is a sense of otherness & the ability to see through the eyes ofanother?

Double Consciousness

-Thisconcept demonstrates how black Americans are viewed in society ?

The Veil

This aspect of self creates the creative and impulsivetendency?


The stage where a child can puthimself in the place of others?

The Play Stage

Whatdoes Mead think is a universal exchange of meaning within a given society ?


This work entailed a harshertone reflecting Bois impatience?

Dark Water & Souls of White Folk

This concept is both andinternalized concept and social distance and social structures?

The color line

-When notions of whitesuperiority clouds the thinking and notion of whites? (DuBois)

False Consciousness

What is Generalized other?

The organized or community or group to with a community belongs (when taking the attitude of another/takes attitude of whole group)

Theclass in society sell their labor?

The proletariat

Amodern tool that comes in with capitalism and is able to enhance a person’s limitationsand abilities in society?

Money (changes our social relationships)

-Marxs battle cry to revolt the exploded masses?

Communist Manifesto

The disconnect fromthe product you produce and others?


The undue attention paid to products and thingsin modern society?

Fetishization of commodities

Broad historical transitions and the strugglebetween classes?


Class and societythat gets benefits from surplus value?

This theorists was known for micro-sociological framework?

Mead(Symbolic Interactionism)

This theoristsconducted the earliest of research?

Du Bois

This theoriststhought that the inter-division of labor was good?


This theorists describes the rise of Capitalismcoming from the shifts and values?

Weber (Talks about Calvinists and Protestantwork ethics)

What is a manifest function?

Intended Consequence/ Rational

What is a latent function?

Unintended/ Nonrational

This theorist did latent and manifest functions ?

Robert Murton

- The division oflabor is socially and not biologically created and not sustained?


(Weber) An orientationtowards word that praises activities and work as one’s more duty ?

Protestant ethic

Rooted in the religious question for salvationit states that each individual has a specific tasks?s

The calling

This type of legitimate dominant is defined bywell-worn practices?


Marked by hierarchyand procedures?


This is associatedwith class, but is a social estimation of honor?

Statues (Social estimation of honor)

The practice of guiding ones actions andopinions on what seems rational?


Characterized byotherness and mobility (Simmel)?

The Stranger

-In capitalistssociety the woman’s what is actually owned by her husbands? (Perkins)


This isthe psychological device to protect oneself from being overwhelmed of theintensity of city life?
Blasé attitude

Since women are made to work in the house men are able to?

Work more

Whatare Simmel’s concerns regarding city life?

He isworried about over stimulation

He is worried about the intellectual approach that happens

Whywould someone without similar with long held spacial relations be moreobjective?

The ideas that the stranger isunbiased (no loyalty ties to anyone)

Who foundpig pens and diseases in societies?


Rulesfrom government that is won by consent and not force?


Moves labor outside of the home?


Marked by changes, mass production, urbanization, andglobalization what is this stage of development?

Industrial Revolution

What were the new set of rules for theindustrial economy?
Work indoors with a time schedule/long days all years around

What Distinguishes the Bourgeois Epoch?

Human relationships are changing

What is the social relations of production?

how productiveactivity is organized and the laws governing propertyownership



A commodity is, in the first place, an object outside us, a thingthat by its properties satisfies human wants of some sort oranother”

According to Marx how is the value of an object determined?

Ultimately by the amount of labor time (hours, weeks,months, etc.) that it took to produce it


the difference betweenwhat workers earn for theirlabor and the price or valueof the goods that theyproduce

What are the key concepts of Marx?

Class Struggle

•Proletariat vs. Bourgeoisie

•Forces & Relations of Production

•Division of Labor


What is social order shaped by according to Marx?
- broad historical transitions

■ classes of actors (collectivist)pitted against one another in struggle to realize their economic interests (rationalist).

What does Marx argues that is the essence of individuals?

Marx argues that the essence of individuals, what they truly are, isdetermined by the material, economic conditions—“what theyproduce and how they produce”—in which they live out their veryexistence


The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas:i.e., the class which is the ruling material force of society, is at the same time its ruling intellectual force.”

Where does order in society come from?

■ Action – Collective vs. Individua

l■ Order – Rational vs. Non-rational

Antonio Gramsci & Hegemony?

Authoritative influence over others

-Consent is active, negotiated

Populace consider it, weigh it,reproduce it

Force is not required

What do we know about Pre-Industrial Europe?

Fitzgerald described:

Different classes

Landed vs. Worker Relationships

Schedule for agricultural serfs


O Production within home

O Everyone contributed

O Autonomy

Capitalism Shift?

Production outside the home

Everyone works outside of home,selling labor

Must go to marketplace for needs

Changing gender relations

What is Durkheim concerned with?


Sociology as data-driven

Concerned withchanges in society

According to Durkheim what impacts the individual?


What theory did Durkheim believe in?

The Marco-theory

What is Mechanical Solidarity?

typified by feelings of likeness

It is rooted in everyonedoing/feeling the same thing

characteristic of small,traditional societies

What is Organic Solidarity?

Each person is interdependentwith others

Forming a complex web ofcooperative associations.

Everyone is different and weall play unique roles

Characteristic of modernsocieties

What are social facts?

conditions and circumstances external to theindividual that, nevertheless, determine the individuals courseof action

How does Durkheim understand religion?

A collective and anonymousforce” of society

What are rites?

the rules of conduct whichprescribe how a man shouldcomport himself in the presence of these sacred objects


the representations whichexpress the nature of sacredthings & the relations theysustain

Manifest Function (punishment)

Punish the offender

• Remembering punishment, they offend no more!

Latent Function

• Threat of punishment is demonstrated•

Society united in “emotional solidarity of aggression” (383)

•Remembering punishment, they dare not offend!


The practice of guiding one sactions and opinions based on solely what seems rational

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism Combines Weber’s Two Intellectual Pursuits

(1) the rationalizing tendencies so prevalent in Western society

(2) the role of ideas in shaping them.

What is the calling?

The idea that each individual has a calling or life-task”has its roots in a religious quest for salvation.

What is the iron cage?

Rationalization disenchants Western society and creating an“iron cage” from which the individual is left with little power to escape.


is fully developed in political and ecclesiastical communityonly in the modern state, and in the private economy only inthe most advanced institutions of capitalism

What is Nature??

•What makes us human is biology:

•structure, genes, hormones

•We are hard-wired to do somethings but not other things

-We inherit traits throughreproduction

What is Nurture?

•Behavior shaped by learningfrom our culture

•At birth, we have no culture,only genetic predispositions andbodily features

•BUT, we spend a lifetimelearning culture via socialinteractions

What were the three influences on Gilman?

1. Marxism

2. Symbolic Interactionism

3. Sociobiology /Social Darwinism

What does Simmel believe about society and individuals?

They both effect each other


Ongoing Interactions

People navigating theirneeds, desires


External objects asoppressive systems

Conformity is compelled

What is the stranger?

•No economic tie to land

•Stranger is not “fixed” within the socialenvironment

What is double consciousness?

describes the individual sensation of feeling as though your identity is divided into several parts, making it difficult or impossible to have one unified identity.

What is the color line?

was originally used as a reference to the racial segregation that

What is the veil?

First, the veil suggests to the literal darker skin of Blacks, which is a physical demarcation of difference from whiteness.

What is Symbolic Interactionism?

Focus of analysis is small-scale interpersonalrelationships.

Individuals are not passively tossed by the windsof Society

People are seen as active constructors of theirown conduct who interpret, evaluate, define, andplot their own action

Three Premises of Symbolic Interactionism?

1. Human beings act toward things on the basis of the meanings that the things have for them

2. The meaning of things arise out of the social interaction one has with one’s fellows

3. The meaning of things are handled in and modified through an interpretive process used by the person in dealing with things he encounters

A gesture is ?
the first element of an act

A sign for the whole act

Mead defines meaning as a “threefold relationship” between?
(1) an individual’s gesture

(2) the adjustive response by another to that gesture

(3) the completion of the social act initiated by thegesture of the first individual.