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66 Cards in this Set

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healthcare provided for pregnant women

Sheppard Towner Act - 1921

Wyoming gives women vote


First woman elected to congress


National Woman's Party

campaigning for the women's vote c. 1917

19th amendment passed by comgress

1920 - women's enfranchisement

increase in women in work during in 1920s


League of Women voters

1920 - to encourage women voters

Women joining workforce during ww2

Aprox 6m, 75% married

Lanham's Act

1941 provided childcare (taken away again after the war)

Betty Friedan publishes book

The feminine mystique 1963

NOW founded

National Organisation for Women 1966

NOW big strike

August 1970 - 50th anniversary of women getting vote - want legalise abortion, equal pay and no discrimination in the workplace

Member ship increase by 50%

SC ruling to legalise abortion


Equal Rights Amendment

1972 - to guarantee equal rights for men and women

Still X states refusing equal rights act by 198Y

15 - 1982

First talking movie


Hay's code

1930-66 - regulated what you could show in movies

movies = biggest entertainment meduim


first commercial radio station - broadcasts election results


% of homes w gramaphones

in 1925 - 50%

Radio Act


federal licensing of radio stations to monitor them

first solo flight is broadcast on radio


radio news coverage adds to panic of crash


Radio 'War of the Worlds'


cinema becomes glamorous

post ww2

By 19XY Z% of homes have a radio

91% by 1950

McCarthy exposed on 'See It Now'


TV debate between JKF and Nixon


Cuban Missile Crisis JFK'S broadcasts calm public


M*A*S*H set in Korean war

criticises Nam war, during Nam war 1955-1975

Walter Cronkite broadcasts on TV criticising Vietnam war


households w TV

1950 - 9%

1980 - 98%

Watergate TV coverage


between 1910-20 how many people emigrated to USA

6m - more than ever before of them were from southern and eastern Europe rather than Northern

Immigration Act

1917 - listed 'undesirable' immigrants who should be excluded + literacy test for above 16

(included criminals, insane and homosexuals - literacy test for over 16s)

First Red Scare


thousands of immigrants were deported

after ww, w Red Scare (Sacco and Vanzetti executed)

Dillingham commission

investigated immigration form 1907-1911

said American culture was threatened by immigration

(sense of the preference of old protestant ones over new ones, who were appaz not inkeeping w American ideals)

Emergency Quota Act

1921 - limited immigration to 370,000 a year, quotas according 1910 census

(later reduced to 150,000 in a 1924 Act, and allocated more to Northern europe)

all immigrants from asian countries were banned


immigrants arriving in 1920s compared to 1930s

1920s - 4m

1930s - 500,000

no. of Japanese interned during ww2

120,000 (while only 1% of Germans/Italians)

Alien Registration Act

1940 - non-citizens have to register w the federal gov

(supposed to be war-time measure but then normalised into green card system - when a non-citizen has a green card they can work/live in US indefinitely)

Displaced Person's Act

1948 - allowed 415,000 people who had been displaced by war to enter the US

(was later expanded in 1953 Refugee Relief Act)

Immigration and Nationality Acts

1952 - allows 100,000 asian immigrants

1965 - more non-europeans, increase limit, abolish quotas

1976 - western hemisphere now included, limit is 20,000 (but can do little to stop illegal immigrants)

Operation Wetback

1953-1958 - 3.8m deported (mostly Mexican)

JFK's book

'A Nation of Immigrants' 1958 - value of immigrants

Illegal immigrants deported 1980


no. unmarried women unemployed and homeless during height of depression


First female state governor

Nellie Taylor Ross 1924 (for Wyoming)

no. female accountants by X

by 1930 less than 100

no. women in the House of Reps

by 1928 2/435

FDR is first president to have woman in his cabinet

Frances Perkins

Strong female characters/people c1940s

Mae West, Greta Garbo, Amelia Earhart is first woman to fly plane solo across the Atlantic

proportion of the workforce that are women during the war years


no. women that joined armed forces to assist military


black women can serve as nurses (to black patients)


% married women in workforce

1940 - 17%

1950 - 25%

1960 - 32%

Membership of NOW by 1974


SC allow all unmarried women contraception


National Origins Act


limit of 150,000 and according to 1890 census

foreign language magazines

1914 - c1300

1960 - 75

Cuban Adjustment Act

1966- Cubans entering America from 1959 on are automatically citizens

Armed Forces Naturalisation Act

1968- Anyone that's fought in american armed forces in a war = automatically a citizen