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55 Cards in this Set

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Martin Holbraad

Ontological Turn

What counts as a thing? What has Agency?

Powder and Power - Cuban Divination.

The powder does not signify or represent, it is power. Hard to approach without taking an emic perspective.

Marilyn Strathern

Ontological Turn

What counts as a person?

"The problem begins when we begin to produce descriptions of the world" - issue of ethnocentricsm


Ontological Turn/Agency/Body/Landscape

Do Glaciers listen?

Glaciers have agency, they are respond to what happens around them.

They have gender and interpret history.

Tlingit & Athapaskan extend kinship terms to the glaciers.

Amerindian Persepective

Ontological Turn

Viveiros de Castro

In the forest what is a person? Predator and Prey relationships. Who is the human?

Ameridians share a culture with the animals of the Forest.

Humanity is a reflective view

Animality is an outside view

All view themselves as Humans.

Cosgrove & Daniels

Landscape Theory

Landscape as a cultural image, it is created by cultures. Cultures are in it.

Pre-procesualism Landscape Theory

Landscape comes from the Dutch, landschap. Reserved for art. Not an anthropological concept.

Malinowski used his landscape as a setting. Not an active character in ethnography.

Tim Ingold

Landscape Theory - Dwelling Perspective/Agency

Landscapes are not static

"Through living in it, landscape becomes part of us as we are part of it"

Meshwork theory - the level of actants


Genius Loci - The spirit of place.

Place is a space with character.

Marc Auge

Non Places Theory

Highly contested theory of places such as airports being "non-places" having no character but transit.


Tim Ingold

The migration of people across borders and cultures.

Fluid landscapes as people move so do landscapes

Dwelling Perspective

Tim Ingold - M. Rosaldo

Insider knowledge of a place

True ethnography and anthropology can only be undertaken from withing an area

Language used to describe a place may not be accurate for others. Language can also affect the perception of a place.

Sari Wastell

Ontological Turn

(Safets Supervisor, tread carefully here)

What counts as justice - Bosnia

Who is justice carried out against?

Alfred Gell

Non-Human Agency

Agency of Art - does art imitate life or does life imitate art?

Perspective of an image - Framing

Any Artwork

Bruno Latour

Actor Network Theory


Issue - Implies things are acting equally.

Emile Durkhiem

Agency vs Structure

TIME! Structualist approach what time is used for.

Different types of time.

Pierre Bordieu


Society makes the person

The person makes society

Society is made up of a number of fields; friends, work, school.

Whanganui River

Non-Human Agency/Landscape Theory

To the Maori people the Whangari river is a person

Recently legally announced as a person.

Tree of Gernika

Example of an Ethnoscape

Wherever the tree of Gernika is the Biscayan people are. You can take an acorn from the tree and plant it anywhere to found a new Basque society or town.


Simell, Bordieu, Coleman.

The ability of something to act on society. Intentional - Brings in nonhuman agency

Not free will and not resistance

Renato Rosaldo

Emotion/Dwelling Perspective/Ontological Turn

Headhunter Peoples Rage - Ilongots, Phillipines

Only understanding the feeling of the headhunter rage after the death of his wife.

Toraja of Indonesia


Do not recognise anger as an emotion

Live with their dead for over a year to deal with grief and make the transition from life to death easier.


Massumi - emotion is recognised affect

Not synomous with affect

Early approaches to emotion involve the bodies relation with expression.

Words from cultures about emotion have cultural meaning

Lila Abu-Lughod


Egyptian Bedouin - Honor and Poetry

Politics of sentiment

Codes of honour and what is allowed to be expressed.

Brian Massumi


Non-concious sensation. Not fully stated, it is not unconscious. Perspective of the flesh, influence, intensity, impact.


The capacity to affect and be affected. Embodied in the automatic reaction manifested in the skin on the surface of the body.

Not exclusively human.

Atmosphere of a place - genius loci.

Yael Navaro


Ruins - What do ruins represent? The aftermath of a war.

The choice to keep ruins and it's genius loci.

Ann Laura Stoler


Debris of Imperialism.

What people are left with. The affect it causes.

Marcell Mauss


Bodies are social facts, they are build and effected by societies.

Mary Douglas


Bodies are an image of society.

Dirt is matter out of place - bodies that are dirt are not in their place.

Victor Turner


Bodies as the visuals of rituals and images of societies.

Bodies are part of the spiritual world

In the ritual process bodies have agency in structure and anti structure. The gaining of agency via rituals.


Being - Study

The study of something via it, it is an emic approach to anthropological fieldwork.

A turn to view and study things via the best methods open to us as anthropologists.

Issues arise when we meet difference and cannot explain it well in our own ways, we must then adopt the approach which creates this ideal.

Roy Wagner


Symbols that stand for themselves

Are there different ways of measuring time?

Does time have structure as a clock has one or does a clock have structure because time has structure?

Iwi People

Landscape, Genius Loci, Phenomenology, Ontological Turn

Sea, Mountains and Rivers all have their own identities.

Largest social group of Maori. See: Whanganui River

Nur - Lights

Non-human Agency, Genius Loci, Phenomenology

Safet HadziMuhamedovic

Ghosts of the dead who speak in Bosnia.


Landscape, Time, Ontology, Phenomenology

Safet HadziMuhamedovic

Time and landscape are heavily linked

Space is the subject of time and time is a subject of space. Time moves through a space as space moves through a time.

Melvyn Bragg

Body/Emotion/Nonhuman agency/Time

Masculinity in literature Modern vs Early 20th Century.

Change of ideals in partners Britain, towards "domestication of man"

Landscapes of Conflict


Nicholas Saunders - World War I landscapes

Navaro - Ruins from conflict

Paola Filippucci - WWI How places die

Memorial Landscapes

Memory/Landscape/Affect/Emotion/Dead Body

WWI cenotaphs - what is it to remember the fallen?

Pierre Nora: There are sites of memory because there are no longer real enviroments of memory.

Landscapes on the Move

Landscape/Non-human Agency

Caroline Humprephys

Nomadic Communities in Mongolia. The Axis mundi of the fire creates the place.

Henri Bergson

Habit Memory/Dwelling Perspective/Landscape/Body

Embodied Memory.

Body shaped by the experienced environment. Becomes apparent through the action itself and in the automatic setting in motion of a mechanism adapted to the circumsatance

Moken Nomadic People: Ability to see like dolphins

Body Politic


The body as a representation of the state

Kathrine Verdery


"The dead have enjoyed political life the world over and far back in time"

Dead have the ability to stabilise landscapes.

Lenin & Stalin Masolems

Heonik Kwon

Body/Agency/Dead Body/ Non-Human Agency (?)/Memory

Ghosts of the Vietnam War

Spirits claiming social justice,

offerings and stories, social life (kinship/economic). Away from the state.

Judith Butler

Memory/Dead Body

Who can be grieved?

"Without grievability, there is no life, or, rather there is something living other than life"


Gender as something that is done not is.

Hirsch & Splitzer

Landscape and Abscence

Ghosts of Home: Jews post WWII

What is missing from a landscape can say a lot about it



A strange or mysterious feeling that is undefinable

Richard Walther Darre


Reichminister of Food and Agriculture

Politics of belonging and homeland

De Certeau


Every story is a spatial practice.


Tim Ingold

Temporality in the pattern of dwelling activities

Space and time where actors form tasks of various kinds.

The Harveserts, 1565

Phenomenology and the Body


Space and place as we live them.

An approach through things, the phenomena

Edmund Leach


Agency is a manifest of criminality that is dormant in all humans

Highly criticised.

Memory Boom

late 80s/90s

Anthropology and the other social sciences

Jay Winter "‘the efflorescence of interest in the subject of memory inside the academy and beyond"

Huge boom in the study of memory such as that post WWI

Christopher Tilley


Places, Paths and Monuments - The phenomenology in ancient places (monolithic monuments) What were these enviroments like in their day? What were the phenomena?

Performance Theory


Judith Butler

Example of a waiter in a bad mood not changing their work persona. Work is not who you are.

People of Guinea Coast of West Africa


Distinction of Spaces: Settlement and Forest.

Heart of cosmology, realms of mortals and spirits.

Temporal view of settlement founding. Relation to time with ancestors.