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10 Cards in this Set

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a foreign policy that attempts to stop the spread of communistism without ending it in the countries in which it already exists
the war crimes trials of Nazi leaders at Nuremberg Germany
United Nations
an alliance of nations that attempts to end disputes between countries peacefully
Cold War
a period of hostility between western powers (USA)and communist powers (Soviet Union) after WW2
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
an alliance of western powers(USA)and European countries
How did the Allied leaders decided to divide Germany at the Potsdam Conference in July 1945?
by dividing Berlin and Germany into four zones
What term did Winston Churchill use to describe how the Soviet controlled countries of Eastern Europe were cut off from the Western world?
the term Churchill was Iron Curtain he came up with the name
Explain the Truman Doctrine
a policy attempting to contain the spread of communism,beginning with military aid to the monarchies of Turkey and Greece
How did the U.S. and Great Britain respond to the Soviet blockage of Western Berlin on June 24 1948
U.S. and British planes airlift supplies into West Berlin
What did the Soviet Union create in 1955 in respond to the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO)
the Soviet Union created the Warsaw pact