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71 Cards in this Set

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Missouri Compromise
stated that Maine would be a free state and Missouri would be a slave state
Compromise of 1850
California is a free state, New Mexico and Utah get to decide (people vote) if it's a free state
Fugitive Slave Act
all runaway slaves had to be brought back to their masters
Election of 1860
Abraham Lincoln was elected, 2 democrats were running so their votes were split; Lincoln was a republican and got majority vote (south didn't trust him)
person who wants to free slaves
the withdraw of a state from the Union (U.S.)
Who was the first state to succeed? What happened after that?
South Carolina
all southern states followed soon after that
Where and when did the war begin?
April of 1861 in South Carolina
Where was the western theater?
by the Mississippi River
Where was the eastern theater?
near Washington D.C.
Abraham Lincoln
president of the Union
Jefferson Davis
president of the Confederacy
Ulysses S. Grant
in charge of the Union Army
Robert E. Lee
in charge of the Confederate Army
What occurred in the Fall of New Orleans?
Union Ships sailed up the river and faced directly into Fort Jackson
Why would the Union's plan for the fall of New Orleans affect the Confederacy so badly?
If the Union took over New Orleans then the Union would have the port.
What Happened in the fall of Baton Rouge?
the Union Army took control of the Louisiana State Capital, Baton Rouge; Union left b/c Confederates threatened to take New Orleans back and later that year Union took back Baton Rouge
Who came up with the Anaconda Plan?
the Union General, Winfield Scott
What was the Anaconda Plan?
to take control of the Mississippi River; block all Confederate Ports and take control of the MS River
How would the Anaconda Plan affect the Confederacy?
block their ports, split them in 2 and take the river, splitting them would leave TX, LA, and AK stranded, wouldn't be able to send supplies to the eastern front
What was Port Hudson?
Vicksburg fell on July 4, Confederates soon surrendered after fall, Union general informed Confederate general that the Union had taken Vicksburg
What was the Red River Campaign?
Union wanted to take over Shreveport, Alexandria, and Natchitoches by taking cotten from the river valley and conquer Shreveport (cotton is a staple crop)
What happened in the Battle of Mansfield?
Confederate General, Taylor ordered Alfred Mouton to charge at Union Army.
1,500 Union Soldiers were killed, wounded, or captured
they attacked again at night while the union was retreating
What battle(s) did the Confederates win?
Battle of Mansfield
What battle(s) did the Union win?
Fall of New Orleans, Fall of Baton Rouge, Anaconda Plan, Port Hudson, and the Red River Campaign
What role do rivers in Louisiana play on the outcome of the Civil War in the Western Theatre?
Rivers are important for:
- ports, transportation of goods and people
The Union was able to get control of rivers through their campaigns
Once the Union had control of the rivers, the Confederacy wouldn't be able to send anything to the east
What happened to slaves once they were free?
Most slaves were cared for by the Union,
Some got paid to work for the Union
Some joined the Union Army
Who issued the Emancipation Proclamation?
Abraham Lincoln
What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?
freed all Confederate slaves
Confiscation Act
Union could take Confederate property
Who controlled New Orleans?
General Butler; he ruled very harshly
When did the Union and General Butler begin ruling New Orleans?
April 1862
What happened to the port in New Orleans once the Union ruled?
it was opened for international trade
How did Butler treat the women?
He allowed women to be mistreated
What was Butler like?
He became strict and wouldn't tolerate disrespect (he was controlling and harsh)
When did the Civil War end?
April 1865
Who won the Civil War? How did they win?
The Union won b/c the Confederates surrendered
What was the South like once the War was over?
They had nothing; completely had to rebuild society and the way they had done things for years
the steps taken to restore the southern states to the Union. (involving rebuilding the south)
former slaves
Black Codes
laws that restricted the freedmen's actions, movements, and conduct
Freedmen's Bureau
government agency started by Lincoln that provided food, clothing, basic medical care, and education to the slaves
13th Amendment
passed in 1865 (right after the war ended); abolished slavery
14th Amendment
passed in 1868; freedmen are are now citizens
15th Amendment
passed in 1870; gave freedmen the right to vote
What were political conditions in the South after the Civil War?
all the former Confederate leaders were not allowed to hold political office
the Union put people into office and usually former generals
What were economy conditions in the South after the Civil War?
made their own currency during the war so then their Confederate money was useless
Economy was based on slaves and agriculture then they didn't have slaves to create crops
What economy did the South turn to once they didn't have slaves?
sharecropping to grow crops
owners would give their former slaves a piece of their land and the freedmen would give the owner a majority of their crop
What was society like in the South after the Civil War?
society was divided:
freedmen who were trying to establish their lives
whites who were constantly trying to push them down
Describe President Lincoln's Reconstruction Plan
- wanted to bring the south back into the Union A.S.A.P.
10% plan; once they did this each state could set up their own constitution and their own government
10% Plan
allowed states to rejoin the Union after 10% of it's voters took an oath of allegiance to the U.S.
Describe Johnson's Reconstruction Plan
vice president who becomes president when Lincoln was assassinated; from Tennessee, agrees with Lincoln's plan; he would readmit the states once they accepted the 13th amendment and that the southern states could decide how to treat former slaves; he was also going to allow former Confederate leaders to hold political office
Describe the Congressional (Radical Republicans) Reconstruction Plan
- they're opposed to Johnson's idea; disagreed w/ slavery and wanted equal rights for everyone
- goal: bring south back into the US but punish them
- made south accept the 14th and 15th amendment and reapply to join the Union
- 50/50 plan
Who will decide how Reconstruction works? Why?
Radical Republicans b/c they have 2/3 of congress
What did the Radical Republicans do to the South?
split the southern states into 5 military groups and put Union soldiers in charge
50/50 Plan
told southern states that half of their elected black politicians
What are similarities in the Presidential Plan and the Congressional Plan?
- neither believed in slavery
- wanted to bring south back into Union and rebuild them
- states could have their own gov. and constitution once readmitted
Colfax Riot
1873, in Grant Parish, LA had elections and and a black republican and white democrat both claimed they won the election for sherif, ended up being a riot outside the courthouse against democrats and republicans and over 50 blacks died
Unification Movement
a group that planned to push for the right to vote for freedmen and wanted to develop an arrangement between whites and blacks for sharing political offices
Knights of the White Camellia
group of white men who wanted to control freed slaves and wanted to make sure that they were only voting for democrats; maintained control over blacks
White League
group that wanted to restore political power to the white democrats, willing to use violence to do that
What was the White League involved in?
The battle of Liberty Place
Battle of Liberty Place
took place in N.O., White League was about to get a large shipment of weapons, a battle breaks out between about 4,000 N.O. police vs. 8,000 members of the White League, White League seized N.O. city hall and a statehouse, in order to settle this, President Grant had to send troops down to restore order
Henry Clay Warmouth
1st elected governor in LA during Reconstruction. he was a carpetbagger and was impeached
northerner who comes to the south during reconstruction trying to make money through politics or business
P.B.S. Pinchback
1st black governor in the US and LA became governor when Warmouth was impeached, was only governor for 35 days
Louisiana Governor's Election of 1872
Republican candidate was Kellogg; Democratic candidate was McEnery, both said that they won and they both took the oath to become governor, asked Washington D.C. for help b/c there were 2 governors and President Grant decided that Kellogg (Republican) was the winner
Louisiana's Governor's Election of 1876
Nicholls (republican) vs. Packard (democrat) both said they won, and this time President Grant wouldn't help them so they decided that Nicholls would become governor and Packard would become Senator
President Election of 1876
Rutherford Hayes (republican) vs. Samuel Tilldon (democrat); Hayes won
Compromise of 1877
Hayes said if people gave him their electoral votes then he would pull the federal troops out of the south and reconstruction was over