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8 Cards in this Set

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What role did religion play through most of the Middle Ages? Describe the role of the Catholic church in people's daily lives.
People depended on the Church for slavation. The church was an economic engine, and was an important part of communities. People also belived in the power of prayer.
How did the practice of Christianity differ in Eastern and Western Europe?
West: illeterate, clergy-literate, Latin, iconophilia, pope, less dissent, role of monks
East: literate, Greek, iconoclasm, emperor--------> patriarch, dissent, no Renaissance, role of monks
What was the schism of 1054? What caused it and what was the result?
The schism of 1054 was a disspute over southern Italy churches. The patriarch got mad because the pope was taxing the churches. This became a power struggle between the pope and patriarch, and they excommunicated each other, which caused the schism. The result of the schism, was a formal split between the church.
Compare the original purpose of monasteries with the way they were later used by ruling classes.
The original purpose was to live in poverty, silence... Later, the wealthy classes would pay the monks to pray for them.
How did the conflict between the Church and kings lead to the Great Schism in the 14th century?
King Philip IV of France vs. Pope Boniface: KP wanted to tax land. Pope issues Unam Sanctum (I am pope, I am Caesar) Pope dies in French custody. Church needs KP's support- elect French pope, move papacy to France- Pope in France, Pope in Italy-questioning of God's representative on Earth.
Describe some of the criticisms of the Church by early reformers, such as John Wycliffe, Jan Hus, Margery Kempe & Girolamo Savanarola.
• No sale of indulgences
• Translate bible into vernacular
• Individual relationship with God
• All have Eucharist
• Challenged papal authority
• No simony
• No nepotism (Medici, Borsians)
Why did Martin Luther criticize the Church in 1517? What was the result of his actions?
Justified by faith alone, not good works. No sale of indulgences. Result: REFORMATION
How did humanism affect this new religious thinking?
Taught individual worth. People could interpret bible themselves, by reading in original language.