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48 Cards in this Set

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Cycle of debt

System of agriculture in which a landowner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of the crops produced on the land

13th Amendment

Outlawed slavery

14th Amendment

Citizenship for African Americans and equal protection under the law

15th Amendemnt

Voting rights for African Americans men

Poll Tax

A personal tax to be paid before voting

Literacy Test

Exam to determine qualification for voting

Grandfather Clause

A provision that allowed a voter to avoid a literacy test if his father or grandfather had been eligible to vote

Jim Crows Law

Legalize segregation=separate African Americans and whites


Northeners who moved south looking for profit


Southern whites who opposed secession and supported reconstruction and Republic Prty


To change and adopt or become part of another culture


An area of public lands set aside for Native Americans who had been displaced

Melting Pot Theory

Different cultures mix/blend to form a new culture (assimilation)

Salad Bowl Theory (cultural pluralism)

The people of different cultures of the U.S. combined like a salad


A person who favors those born in his country and is opposed to immigrants


Movement of large numbers of people from rural areas to cities; rapid growth of city populations


A building which several families rent rooms or apartments, often with little sanitation or safety

Quota System

A limit or organization

Free-enterprise system

Capitalism: business are privately owned, prices are determined by supply and demand, consumers and public drive change


Policy that government should interfere as little as possible in the nation's economy

Mass Production

Large production of an amount


Business owned by many investors (stocks)


Company that controls all or nearly all business in a particular industry

Vertical Integration

Buys up its supply line from the top to the bottom

Horizontal Integration

When a company buys out its competitors

Labor Union

Organization of workers

Social Darwinism

The idea of "Survival of the Fittest" to human affairs

Progressive Movement

Change society for the better


Expose the government and how people lived

Pendleton Act

Created the Civil Service Commission

-required people to take a test in order to get a government job


Voters power to put a bill before state legislature


Voters power to accept or veto a bill, create laws


Voters power to remove an elected official from office

17th Amendment

Allowed for the direct election of US senators by the people

Sherman Anti-Trust Act

Reform which made certain business practices illegal

Square Deal

Balancing the need of workers, owners, farmers and consumers

Pure Food and Drug Act

Required accurate labeling of food and medicine

Meat Inspection Act

Ensures that meat products are processed in sanitary conditions and are not contaminated

18th Amendement

Prohibition: outlawed the making, purchase and use of alcohol

19th Amendement

Women's Suffrage--right to vote

Booker T. Washington

Worked to improve African American social standing through economic standing

Plessy vs. Ferguson 1896

Supreme Court Case: upheld Jim Crow Laws, "separate but equal"


Expanding one's influence and power by taking over other lands/nations

Yellow Journalism

Exaggerated information to influence public opinion

Spanish-American War

-US gained Guam, Phillppines, and Puerto Rico

-US maintained a naval base in Cuba- Guantanmao Bay

Open Door Policy

China will be allowed to trade with any nation

Roosevelt Corollary

Addition to the Monroe Doctrine (US would get involved in INTERNAL ISSUES in Latin America;settle unrest)


Imperialism is costly and can result fighting,war and even death