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76 Cards in this Set

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Massachusetts Bay Colony
Set up by the Puritans because they wanted to create a new society based on biblical laws and teachings.
members of the Church of England- wanted to reform the church
General Court
An assembly in Massachusetts Bay Colony- Puritan church members elected representatives
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
The government of Connecticuit- gave the vote to all men who were property owners, including those who were not church members and limited the governor’s power- much like massachusetts bay colony but different in 2 important ways
Religious Tolerance
a willingness to let others practice their own beliefs
Charles I
King of England starting in 1625- disapproved of the Puritans and their ideas. He canceled Puritan business carters and even had a few Puritans jailed.
Town meeting
where settlers in Massachusetts Bay Colony would vote on issues such as what roads should be built
The Puritans Holy day of rest
John Winthrop
The first governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony
Great Migration
the journey of about 15,000 woman, men and children from England to Massachusetts.
Thomas Hooker
The man who founded connnecticut
The town where Thomas Hooker and about 100 setters reached along the Connecticut River
Roger Williams
A man who challenged the leaders of Massachusetts bay. He was the young minister of Salem but his ideas alarmed the Puritan leaders. He believed in religious tolerance so he fled form the colony and founded Rhode Island where he practiced his ideas.
Anne Hutchinson
A Puritan woman who the Puritan leaders grew angry at because they believed her opinions were full of religious errors. She was ordered to appear before the Massachusetts General Court. She made a big mistake and said that God spoke through her, so she was ordered out of the colony and moved to Rhode Island.
Also known as King Phillip, who was chief of the Wampanoag lands. His people attacked villages throughout New England.
the common
an open field where cattle grazed
meeting house
where Puritans worshiped and held town meetings.
Owners of huge estates
Proprietary Colony
When parts of and was given to people by the king in exchange for a yearly payment
Royal Colony
A colony under the direct control of the English crown
One of the most despised religious groups in England- believed that all people were equal
Pennsylvania Dutch
German speaking Protestants
Cash Crops
Wheat, burley and rye because they were sold for money at market
William Penn
founder of Pennsylvania
Peter Stuyvesant
Governor of New Netherland
Duke of York
Owner of the New Netherland (New York)- made it a proprietary colony
the “holy experiment”
the colony of Pennsylvania
Capital of Pennsylvania
The Great Wagon Road
An Iriquois trial that settlers followed
Mason-Dixon Line
divided the middle colonies and southern colonies
Act of Toleration
A law that provided religious freedom for all Christians- did not extend to Jews
Bacon’s Rebellion
Nathaniel Bacon organized angry men and women on the frontier. He raided Native villages and burned the capital of Jamestown
a plant used to make valuable dye
people who owed money
Slave Code
laws that set out rules for slaves’ behavior and denied them their basic rights
the belief that one race is superior to another
Sir George Calvert
He persuaded King Charles I to grant him land for a colony in the Americas- ruined his career in England by becoming Roman Catholic and wanted to set up a colony where Catholics could practice their religion freely
Lord Baltimore
Sir George Calvert’s son. When Calvert died, Lord Baltimore took his place in setting up the colony of Maryland
Chesapeake Bay
Where the settlers of Maryland landed
St. Mary’s
Settlers of Maryland knew about Jamestown’s trouble with swampy lowlands and they built their first town, (St. Mary’s) in a drier location
Margaret and Mary Brent
sisters who came to Maryland in 1638. They set up 2 plantations of 1,000 acres each. Margaret them helped prevent a rebellion among the governor’s soldiers
Nathaniel Bacon
led Bacon’s Rebellion, then died, and the rebellion ended
Charles Town
largest South Caroline settlement
James Oglethorpe
founder of Georgia- wanted to settle a colony where debtors could start fresh
colony of georgias first settlement built on savannah river
The Tidewater
land washed by ocean tides where Georgian settlers planted- along rivers and creaks region was known as tide water
The Backcountry
more democratic than the tidewater- base of Appalachian mountains -men hunted game and women cooked meals- difference between tidewater and backcountry was slavery only a few slaved Africans worked on the smaller farms in the backcountry
The Middle Passage
passage of slave ships across the atlantic oceans
The belief that England had- colonies should benefit the home country
goods that are brought out of the country
Navigation Acts
The rule that the English Colonies could only trade with England. Controlled the trade
Triangular trade
a trade route that had 3 legs of the journey
goods that are brought into a country
a nickname given to merchants from New England- they were clever and hard working
A group of people who have the power to make laws
Glorious Revolution
Parliament removed King James II from throne
Bill of rights
a written list of freedoms the government promises to protect
English Bill of Rights
protected the rights of individuals and gave anyone accused of a crime the right to a trial by jury. Also said that a ruler could not raise taxes or an army without approval of Parliament
Top of the social class- included planters, merchants, ministers, successful lawyers and royal officials. They could afford to dress in the latest fashions from London
Middle Class
Middle social class- included farmers, skilled craftsworkers, and some tradespeople
Indentured Servant
Bottom of the social class. Signed contracts to work without wages for a period of 407 years for anyone who would pay their ocean passage to the Americas. When their term had ended they received freedom does- a set of cloths, tools and 50 acres of land. Some became successful and rose to middle class
A combination of English and West African languages
Great Awakening
A religious movement in the 1730’s and 1740’s. It aroused bitter debate. People who supported the movement often split away from their old churches to form new ones. Also spread democratic feelings in the colonies
Public Schools
Schools supported by taxes. They allowed both rich and poor children to receive an education
Private teachers. Only wealthy people could afford them
Worked for a master to learn a trade of a craft. They would live with the master for a few months while learning the craft. In return, the apprentice worked in the masters shop without pay and learned the skills he needed to set up his own shop.
Dame School
Private schools run by women in their homes. Only girls could attend.
A movement that was started due to the belief that reason and scientific methods could he applied to the study of human behavior. They believed in the light of human reason.
The act of publishing a statement that may unjustly damage a persons reputation.
Negro Election Day
An American custom that blended traditions from Africa and England. Each year at about the time when white New Englanders voted for their colonial government, Africans elected a leader of their community.
Jonathan Edwards
A preacher who helped set off the Great Awakening. He called on colonists, especially young ones to examine their lives
George Whitefield
An English minister who helped spread the movement. He drew huge crowds to outdoor meetings.
John Locke
An English philosopher whose writing was widely read in colonies. He said people could gain knowledge of the world by observing and experimenting.
Benjamin Franklin
Born in 1706. Although he had only 2 years of formal schooling, he used his spare time to study literature, mathematics and foreign languages. At the age of 17, he made his way to Philadelphia and set up a successful printing business. He wanted to use reason to improve the world around him. He invented many practical devices
John Peter Zenger
Published a weekly journal in NYC. In 1734 he was arrested for publishing stories that criticized the governor. He was put on a trial for libel. His lawyer argued that since the stories were true, his client had not committed libel. The just agreed and freed him.
Poor Richards Almanack
Benjamin Franklins most popular publication- contained usefull information and clever quotes.