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49 Cards in this Set

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Who was Homer?
Greek Poet who wrote the iiliad and the odessy
Who was Solon?
Athenenin Statesmen;made athens more democratic
What was Troy?
an Acient city in northwestern Anatoia
Who was perceriles?
Athenian Leader who played a major role in making athens democratic
What was Parthenon?
A cheif temple of the greek god athena
Who was socartes?
Atenian philosoper whom taught through questioning.
Who was Zeus?
King of all gods and Godesses
Who was Hera?
Greek god of Woman and Marraige
Who was Apollo?
Zeus' Son god of Poetry medicine and msic
Who was Athena?
Daughter of Zeus god of crafts,War godess of her citys including athens
Who was Posiden?
Zeus' brother ruler of the sea, god of horses and causer of earthquakes
What was Athens?
Capital City of Greece
What was Sparta?
Acient city state in greece
What was Persia?
The historical name for the region in and around present day iran.
What was Marathon?
a city in the Attic Peninsula where the Greeks defeated the Persians
Who was King Phillip?
King of Macendonia,father of alexander the Great
Who was Euclid ?
Greco-Roman mathematician;known for the elements;a book on geometry
Who was Archimedes?
Greek inventor and Mathematician;inventor the formulas for the surface area and volume of a sphere
What was Macedonia?
acient city north of greece
What Was Alexadria?
Acient Hellenistic city in egypt.
Greece was bordered by the ______ and the ________ seas and fishing and ________ing naturally developed
Mediterranean Aegean Seas Tranding
Greece is a (landform-ous) country, and communities developed in isolation from one another.
Aristocrates was rule by powerfull _____
Tyranny was the rule by a tyrant supported the ___________ class
___________was rule by the citizens
Greek religons were governed by ___________and____________
G0ds and Godesses
Life in the ___________ age was very diffenrent for men woman and slaves. Only free _____ were able to vote and preticipate in goverment and business

_______spent alot of time at home
_________ worked in mines households of on farms.
Spartans lives were centered on ______
military training
After a long war between _______and______ _________ finally Surrendered to __________
Athens Sparta

Athens Sparta
Greek culture was spread by _______
Alexander the Great
The Greek city states shared a common __________,____________,_______ but did not share _________and __________

What is an Epic?
a long poem that tells a story
An Acropolis is...
high rocky hill on which early people built cities
What is a city state?
city with its own traditans and goverment and laws
WHAT is aristocrat?
a member of a rich and powerful family
What is a tyrant?
a ruler who takes power with the support of the middle and working class.
What is a democracy?
a type of goverment in which the people rule
What is tribute?
pay that a less powerful city pays a more powerful city
What does it mean to be immortal?
You will live forever you will never die
What is a philosipher?
a person who explains the world with reason
What is a tragedy?
a type of serious drama that ends in disaster for the main charater
What is an Agora?
A central meeting place
What is a plauge?
a widespread disese
What is a blockade?
the cutting off of an area by enemy forces that closes it for travel and trade.
What is a BArbarian?
a person who is to be considered wild and uncivilized
What does it mean to assanate someone?
To kill them
Hellenistic is...
the Greek culture after alexander the great died; including the three main kingdoms formed by the breakup of Alexander's Empire