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19 Cards in this Set

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located on the Tiber River; on a peninsula near Greece in Mediterranean Sea.
This is a form of government in which people elect representatives to serve.
Roman Republic
It is a form of government like our system of laws and courts.
Roman Laws
What is written as the Twelve Tables?
What is adopted religion of Greek gods using Roman names; built the Pantheon a domed temple dedicated to all the gods?
Punic War
What war did Rome fought in against Carthage in N. Africa?
1.) internal weakness (poor leaders, increased taxes, corruption, citizen apathy)
2.) External attacks by the barbarians.
What caused the fall of the Roman Empire?
Julius Caesar
Who was the first dictator of Rome, gained popularity by giving citizenship to conquered people, created a 365-day calendar, assassinated by senators
Augustus Caesar
Who was the first emperor of Rome, ruled during Pax Romana ( time of Peace in Rome) unified and strengthened empire?
A ruler who has absolute power and authority?
What is a public square in the cities in Rome?
What is an arena used for public entertainment such as gladiatorial fights
What are the citizens of Rome, descended from the original founding families of Rome. They usually had land, money, and the right to be elected to the Senate?
What are the citizens of Rome that were ordinary working people such as artisans and craftsmen?
What are the structures that carried fresh water to cities?
skilled engineers
Romans were these who used concrete to build roads, aqueducts, bridges, and baths- featured arches (keystone) and domes in most construction, they were called?
roman language
We use stems of this for our language?
What is the basis for Romance languages?
because it had a strong, well organized government and allowed conquered people to retain their customs.
How was Rome able to create and maintain its large empire?