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45 Cards in this Set

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A sudden complete change, such as the overthrowing of a government
A. revolution
B. ally
C. congress
D. delegate
A friend
A. revolution
B. ally
C. congress
D. Parliament
Meeting of representatives
A. revolution
B. ally
C. delegate
D. congress
A representative
A. ally
B. Parliament
C. delegate
D. revolution
A law-making group in England
A. Parliament
B. ally
C. delegate
D. revolution
Who fought the French and Indian War?
England and France, the Indians helped both sides
Why was the French and Indian war fought?
Over control of the Ohio River Valley
Why did both England and France build forts near Pittsburgh?
To protect their lands
What did Ben Franklin present to unite all the colonies?
The Albany Plan of Union
What were 2 of the reasons that English General Braddock lost?
1. The English tried to fight in the open while the French and Indians hid behind trees

2. The English wore bright red uniforms
An order form a country's leader to its citizens
A. proclamation
B. pioneer
C. revolution
D. delegate
A person who first settles in a new place
A. proclamation
B. pioneer
C. revolution
D. congress
Who won the French and Indian War?
What was England given in the peace Treaty of Paris?
Canada, Florida, the land between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River?
What caused Pontiac's Rebellion?
Chief Pontiac wanted to stop the loss of Indian hunting land
What did King George's Proclamation of 1763 say that the English could not do?
Buy or settle land west of the Appalachian Mountains
Who was allowed to use the land west of the Appalachians?
Only the Indians
Why were the colonist not happy with King George's Proclamation?
They felt it took away some of their rights
Who was one of the earliest pioneers to cross the Appalachian Mountains and then later settle in Kentucky?
Daniel Boone
Refuse to buy
A. boycott
B. repeal
C. liberty
To cancel
A. boycott
B. repeal
C. liberty
Freedom of people to make their own laws
A. boycott
B. repeal
C. liberty
After the French and Indian War what did Parliament want the American colonies to do to support British soldiers in America?
Pay more taxes
England's Parliament passed many tax acts, what items did they tax?
Sugar, newspapers, almanacs, legal documents, licenses, and playing cards, lead, glass, paint, tea, and paper
The colonist did not like the taxes, why not?
Because they felt that they had no say on what was being taxed
What motto did the colonist come up with after they were taxed?
"no taxation without representation"
Colonist shouted insults and threw rocks and snowballs at British soldiers during what massacre?
The Boston Massacre
At the Boston Massacre, when did the British soldiers fire weapons at the crowd?
When the crowd started to move toward them
To use warships to prevent other ships from entering or leaving an area
A. blockade
B. quarter
C. intolerable
To feed and provide shelter
A. blockade
B. quarter
C. intolerable
A. blockade
B. quarter
C. intolerable
Parliament repealed (got rid of) all the taxes except which one?
The tax for tea
Who dressed as Indians and boarded the ships carrying tea?
The Sons of Liberty
The Sons of Liberty threw tea off of a ship into the Boston harbor, what is this known as?
The Boston Tea Party
The citizens of Boston were punished for the Tea Party with Intolerable Acts, what did these acts do?
1. Closed the port of Boston
2. Ordered colonists to quarter British soldiers
3. Stopped town meetings in Boston
Where did the First Continental Congress met?
What did the First Continental Congress discuss?
They discussed how the colonies should respond to the British threats
What were minuteman?
Colonial soldiers that could be ready to fight in a minute's notice
The British went to Lexington to arrest who?
John Hancock and Sam Adams
What did the British capture in Concord?
Weapons that were stored there
Who warned people that the British were coming?
Paul Revere
What is the leader of all military forces called?
The commander-in-chief
How did the Second Continental Congress prepare for war?
1. Hiring full-time soldiers
2. Putting George Washington in charge of all troops
3. Printing money to pay the soldiers
Where was the first major battle of the Revolutionary War?
Bunker Hill
How did the British prepare for war?
1. Making their army in America bigger by hiring foreign soldiers (Hessians)
2. Trying to get help from Indians