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40 Cards in this Set

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For the most part, the southern colonies based thier economy on the prodection of
cash crops
two of the leading Industries in NE were
Fishing and Shipbuilding
By the 1700s the main labor force in the south was made mainly of
Enslaved africans
Why did the southern colonies pas slave codes
to control the freedom of slaves
The staples crops produced in the middle colonies included
Wheat, barley and oats
Indigo was introduced In the south by
Elizabeth pinckney
Branches of the colonial gov.
Governer, Coucil and Assembly
House of Burgesses
to represent Virginia's plantations and town
Town Meetings
An even that contained people talking about issues and discussing different things
John Peter Zenger
He inflicted libel in the newspaper about the royal governer.
Dominion Of New England
King james united the American Colonies
The glorious Revolution
When king william and mary overthrew Kning James because the people didnt like the Dominion so Wiliam to control as a monarchy
English Bill of Rights
To make the power pf parliment supreme to the power of the monarchy
English Implements
Free Elections, freedom of speech, fair trials, no unfair punishments
Control trade and become wealthier
Balance of trade
Where there is a same amount of imports as ther are exports
navigational act
The control of England over the trading of the colonies
the taxes on imports
goods brought into a country
goods sent away from one country to another
Free enterpise
Colonists can trade with more places than just England and not be controled by the gov.
Triangular Trade
Trading network of goods between England, the west indies, west africa and the american colonies
middle passage
When slaves were brought over the Atlantic Ocean to be sold for profit to north america
New England Traded
timber, fish, fur......
The west indies traded
molasses, sugar sent to the NE to make rum.
The colonies trade
raw materials
cash crops
crops grown mainly for profit.
Slave codes
they were made to control the freedom of slaves
young boys who learned skilled trades.
Staple Crops
a crop that was always in high demand: wheat, barley, oats afn livestock
Scientific Method
a method to study nature through expierments and observations.
Scientific Revolution
Scientist's new ideas about the basic laws that govern nature
He corrected the other scientists in saying that the planets revovle around the sun.
Isaac Newton
explained how the objects on earth and in the sky behave, he made up most of the scientic theory
In the 1700 when philosiphers used logic and reason to explain human ways
David rittenhouse
he made mathimatical and astronomical instruments
he was an african american who published an almanack and he documented the solar eclipse, he also made the first clock.
ben franklin
He published poor richard's almanack and invented things like the lighting rod, the eyeglasses and the franklin stove.
Anne bradstreet
wrote the Tenth Muse poetry
Phillis Weatley
african american who used poetry to tell about her middle passage voyage