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14 Cards in this Set

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What is Mesopotamia known as?

The land between two rivers and the cradle of civilization.

What 2 rivers surround Mesopotamia?

The Tigris river and the Euphrates river.

_______________ is the earliest civilization known on earth.


What did each city state have?

A government, a priest-king, a god, a ziggurat, and a wall surrounding it.

Describe the Sumerians religious beliefs

They could not control weather so they thought that wind, rain, and thunder were all gods. They believed they were created out of mud to help the male gods please the female gods. If they did not please the gods, the food would not harvest and they would live unhappy lives. They had a ziggurat in each city-state but only the priest kings could go to the top level, where the god was.

Describe Sumerian schools

Schools were only for the sons of the rich. The main purpose was to learn how to write. When they graduated they became scribes. Scribes could work for the army, the government, the palace, or the temple.

What s a scribe?

A sumerian writer

What rights did women have?

Women could buy and sell land, they could own and sell slaves, they could also run their own business.

What rights did men have?

All the rights women have, but they could also go to school, or if they needed money they could sell their wife or children as slaves.

Explain the tale of Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh traveled the world doing good deeds with his friend, Enkidu, until Enkidu died. Then Gilgamesh tried to find a way to live forever, but found out that was only for the gods. He also learned you should enjoy your life not waste all of it trying to find a way to live forever.

Who was Sargon the first of Akkad and why was he important?

He was the priest king of Akkad, but he conquered Sumer and the rest of Mesopotamia, creating the first empire. It feel shortly after his death.

Who was Hammurabi of Babylon?

Hammurabi of Babylon was the priest king of Babylon and a great conquerer. He also conquered Sumer and the rest of Mesopotamia, creating an empire, which brought on many positive changes.

What positive changes did Hammurabi of Babylon bring on?

-improved irrigation system by building and repairing canals

-reorganized the tax system

-started a government housing system

-took the best law from each city state and made law. (Judges carried out the law)

-He extended his religion to all of Mesopotamia, making them more united

What inventions did the Mesopotamians have?

-first people to right down their laws

-wheel (transportation)

-the plough (farmers grow food, less effort)

-the sail boat (muscle power to wind power)

-12 month calendar

-number system based on 60