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32 Cards in this Set

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What is an export?
something sold abroad, ex: away, out
What is an embargo?
ban on trade (u.s. put one of cuba)
What does it mean to nationalize?
to have the goverment take over
Tell more about Latin America's economy.
The exports drive the economy. Agriculture and mining do play a big part in their economy. It is both positive and negative. it is positive because there is alot of options.. gold was in high demand..Negatives were that agricultue depends on the weather, mines can get destroyed, you can run out of materials and there might be a low demand. They are in debt.
Who was Fidel Castro?
Fidel Castro was a young lawyyer who lef a revolution and took control of the goverment. He became a dictator and set up a communist state althought he promised democracy. Wanted to spread communism to latin america, U.S. and him were NOT good friends/
What was the bay of pigs?
Fidel castro seized american owned property and the U.S. tried to overthrow him. The U.S. trained and armed cubans who had fled the revolution and sent them into cuba (to make sure it didn't look like the U.S. was invading). the cuban forces were deafeated shortly after landing in the bay of pigs
What was the relationship between Cuba and the U.S. like?
Not good, fidel had already tried to seize american owned property, plus he was a communist
What does the Bay of Pigs lead into?
the bay of pigs leads into the U.S. placing an embargo on cuba that is still in place today.
Tell about the Cuban Missle Crisis (Story.. explain..)
Ok so, JFK learns that soviet russia has put nuclear bombs in cuba that are aimed at the U.S. He sends in u2's in (which fly at very high altitudes) to take pictures to tell where exactly these missles are. He has a meeting with the leader of russia (Kruschuf) he denies having any weapons in cuba. JFK had proof that they were lying, but the pictures werent good enough yet, so he waited and startedd sending in RF8 crusaders which fly at a VERY low altitude. he gets very clear pictures, he now has the proof he needs. Ata UN meeting, the Soviet embassador again denies having missles in cuba (if they are they are only for self-defense, "they aren't aimed at the U.S.") Whoever was acussing him (JFK prob) said "Oh really?" and takes out poster board sized pictures of nuclear shelters and nuclear weapons that are aimed at U.S. Kruschef is dumbfounded and later sends JFK A letter that says that if he doesn't attack cuba, they wont launch the missles. So J.F.K earlier chose to blockade cuba instead of invasion. If he would have chose invasion, a nuclear war could have started.
What is apartheid, how was this occuring in South Africa?
Apartheid is the south african system of treating different groups separately and unequally. South Africa was a white-dominated country who denied basic rights to a larger non-european population.
WHo was Nelson Mandela?
Nelson Mandela was the president of the ANC, african national congress, who opposed apartheid. They normally have strikes, boycotts, and civil disobedience but called for an armed uprising to end apartheid once and for all in the 1960's. Nelson was jailed for 30 years (was finally let out in 1990) for resisting apartheid. He later became president of south africa after an election in 1994 (the very first democratic election that EVERYONE could participate in) and served as president until 1999.
What was U.S. and Latin America's relationship like?
We had a great infulence in latin america. We had control of puerto rico and helped panama win its independence. In return, panama gave us control of the area where the panama canal was built.Business people increased their holdings in latin america. Many latin americans, however, distructed the u,s, because of our wealth and power.
What is the good neighbor policy, who was president during the time it was announced, and why was it brought about?
The good neighbor policy promised that he U.S. wouldnt getinvolved with anything military in latin america (this made the latin americans think we respected them). FDR was president. Many latin americans distrusted americans becvause of our wealth so the good neighbor policy was to improve relations/
What was the Suez Crisis?
Basically, Nassar (president of egypt) wanted to make egypt more modern and more powerful. So.. he seized the suez canal from its european owners. Naturally, britian and france weren't happy campers. they ganged up with israel, who wanted to end egypt miltary threat. The U.s. and soviet union opposed the invasion. President eisenhower pressured the three into withdrawing. There was alot of damage to the canal and 81 million dollars had to be paid. Nassar stayed in control of the canal and began accepting soviet aid.
Why did President Eisenhower oppose the invasion of egypt in the suez crisis?
He was worried that egypt would become a soviet ally.
What was the 6-day war?
AFter the suez crisis, tensions remained high betweeen egypt (arabs) and israel. Fearing an attack from egypt, israel bombed egyptian airfields. within 6 days, israel had wiped out all of air forces of egypt. Israel also captured jerusalem and the west bank.
What is the PLO?
Palestine Liberation Organization, its main goal was to destroy israel and take its land of palestinians. They were basically terrorists. Created by Yasir Arafat
What happened/is the Persian Gulf War?
The persian gulf war: Saddam Hussein decided that (because iraq was nearly broke) he would take over kuwait which was oil-rich for $$$. U.S. sent troops into Kuwait and pushed the Iraquis out of kuwait. It was the very first war that was televised. There were reporters there and everything. Saddam threatened to use chemical weapons and biological weapons against israel. Saddam attacks Saudi Arabia (which is U.S's main oil supply and saddam knew this..) U.S. was like "You asked for it" and took it as clearance to attack. U.S. coalinated with other countries and managed to destroy most of iraq's army. Saddam stayedi n power.
What was the detente and how did it... work out?
Detente was basically "tensions relaxed" It failed. THis was between the soviets and the u.s. because the u.s. and china were getting closer and the soviet union feared that they would gang up on them so the soviets were all like "oh.. u.s. hahha old friend.. let's be friends" and the u.s. was like "umm... ok?" and they signed the SALT agreement which put limits on nuclear weapons. It detente failed because the soviets invaded afganistan in 1979 to keep a communist gov. Jimmy Carter opposed invasion and reduced trade with the soviets..
What was reagan and gorbachev's relationship like? What did it end up causing?
They had a.. Good.. relationship. Reagan saw Gorbachev's reforms as positive for the U.S.
How did reagan view communism? (a little background info)
He was STRONGLY anti-communist. He viewed the soviets as the "evil empire". He started building up military and challenged russia to a military build up. Ended up weakening the soviets and this economic crisis helped bring to power those who were looking for reform.
What did Gorbachev do in Russia?
He started to reform it. He came up with policies like glasnost and perestroika. Glasnost was "openness". Soviet citizens could write or say anything they wanted without worrying about being punished. Perestroika was "rebuilding" and was aimed at boosting the economy.He encouraged other communist leaders to follow his reforms.
The fall of the berlin wall: when was it, why did it fall, what did it cause?
November 9, 1989. Since gorbachev was not supporting the goverments in eastern europe when the people began to rise up and try to reform things, without soviet help, the communist goverments began to crumble and communism began to VERY SLOWLY fade away (right now). Germany decided that (due to pressure because everyone else was going non-communist) threw open the main gate of the berlin wall. In less than a year, east and west germany were united.
What caused Yugoslavia to start having problems between ethnic groups?
Their communist leader, tito, died and he was kind of like the glue that held everything together so without good ol' tito, everything kind of fell apart. Out of 6 republics, 4 declared independence. Serbia, wanted to keep Yugoslavbia together and keep all the serbs within yugoslavia. Their leader used force to keep some of the land in the other republics under yugoslavia's control.
What is ethnic cleansing and what was it's role in yugoslavia?
Ethnic cleansing is using force to remove an entire ethnic group from an area.Serbs and Muslims and Croats fought each other in Bosnia. U.S. pushed for peace and the leaders of bosnia, croatia, and serbia met in ohio and signed a peace agreement that divided bosnia into croat-Muslim and Serb regions.
Why didn't other countries try and stop the ethnic cleansing?
They were afraid that they would be turned on
What is globalism?
teh idea that the world's economy and politics are all part of one big system
What is a euro?
EU common currency
What is the clearing of forests?
What is the spread of nuclear weapons?
nuclear proliferation
What is terrorism?
the use of violence against citizens to reach a political goal
What is weapons of mass destruction?
Weapons such as nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons that can kill tens of thousands of people at a time