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42 Cards in this Set

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Why did the Sepoys rebel?
They thought the British were trying to cahnge their culture. The sepoys were indian soldiers who fought for the British
When was the Spanish American war? What started the war? Who was president?
1898, The Attack on the U.S.S Maine, William Mckinley
Panama canal- which president was involved?
Teddy Roosevelt
Opium war- Who? why? what?
Involves Chinese and British.
British was selling Opium to Chinese and Chinese got mad because the british weren't buying any of theirgoods.
type of relationship between countries in which one nation directly or indirectly control the goverment or the economy of anothe nation
direct (total) control
-keep goverment
-military is controlled by imperial goverment
-1 imperial power to trade in 1 region
sphere of influence
indian soldiers in their company;s army
legal practice, Europeans who lived in China were subject to their own laws, not China's
head of noble families
what is militarism?
fasination w/ war and the military
Conscription? What is it?
requires citizens to serve in military for a certain period of time, "the draft"
an understanding amoung nations
assemply and movemtn of troops
What is rationing?
system of limiting the amount of food and materials in use
What stops goods from leaving or entering ports?
What's a cease-fire?
War damages. Germany had to pay 33 billion
Whats another name for a national assembly?
What was the Tai Ping rebellion?
A religious leader organized a rebellion to overthrow the emperor. It lasted for 13 years. He wanted to make a "Heavenly Kingdom" and told people that life would be much better. They captured cities but eventually Europe helped Chinese goverment to shut down their rebellion. There were 20 million deaths.
What was the Boxer Rebellion?
There were secret societies that were called the boxers because their name meant righteous and harmonious fists. The people in these societies hated foreign people and planned to drive them out of the country. In 1900 the boxers attacked foreigners and chinese christians in beijing. Many countries including the U.S. got involved and "bye, bye rebellion"
What was Sun Yat-sen's 3 stage plan to take over china?
1) take over the goverment
2) prepare ppl 4 self-rule
3) establish a constitution fora democracy.
Who was Sun Yat-sen?
He had a three stage plan to take over China. He wanted to get rid of dynastys.
What were the causes of WWI?
The Assaisination of the Archduke by Gavrillo Princip. There were many Alliances.
How did war change during WWI?
There was new technology. Many new ways to kill people better, faster, and from farther distances.
What is a propaganda?
Biased goverment controlled information
Who was in the "Triple Alliance?"
Who was in the Triple entente?
Who was the U.S. President during WWI?
Woodrow Wilson
What were the 2 battles important 2 the U.S. and the war
Battle of Argonne Forest
Chatteu Therie
What happened at the battle at the argonne forest?
THe Allies drove the Germans back and Broke them. This was a massive attack.
What happened at Chateau Thiery?
German Advance stopped.
What happened at the Treaty of Versailles? What happened? Who was there? Who wasn't there? How did things "end up?"
They tried to end the war by making Germany pay reparations. Italy, Britian, U.S. France. Germany wasn't there. Everyone signed but U.S. didn't because the Senate didn't approve
What kind of problems were there in Russia?
There were problems with the czar. He wasn't doing his job correctly.. i assume..
Why were there problems in russia?
People weren't getting what they needed
What were some of the events that happened in Russia that were the problems.
in 1904 There was a war russia vs. japan and russia lost. They lost alot of $$$ and land. The food prices went ^ and the wages went
What events caused the problems in russia?
In 1904 there was a war vs. Japan and russia lost. It cost them alot of $$ and land. Their food prices went up and wages went down. The loss was blamed on the czar because the army has poorly trained. in 1905, Bloody Sunday happened. 100s of innocent and unarmed people died. A young priest lead citizens to the czars palace and goverment officals shot at the crowd.
in 1917--- because of harships during WWI the czar is overthrown.
What results happened in Russia?
Bolshiviks took over.
How did the east india company help & harm british/indian relations?
Help-supported SOME rulers and people, drove French out, helped their army.
Harm- brough diff. industries, took over, tried to change theur culture
Why do some people believe the sepoy rebellion happened?
They believe it was caused by fat (grease). They used ggrease ti make weapons easier. To the hindus cows are sacred and pigs are unclean.