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37 Cards in this Set

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Social Psychology
scientific field that studies behavior and thought in social situations.
Social Neuroscience
study of neural and biological basis of social processes.
Multicultural Perspective
cultural and ethnic factors that influence social behavior.
Survey Method
large numbers of people answer questions about their behavior.
efforts to answer "why?" and understand why events happen or processes occur the way they do.
mental framework that helps mentally organize data of event or situations.
Stimuli helps increase availability of certain info from our memory. Triggers memory.
effect of schema won't decrease unless expressed in thought or behavior.
Social Cognition
how ppl internet, analyze and use info of the social world.
Rules of thumb. Effortless thinking, happens automatically.
Representative Heuristic
Similar to something else so we categorize it as the same.
Availability Heuristic
normal, common, we base our thought of something based on what we can remember about it (SUV example).
Anchoring & Adjustment
negotiation and settling for what we think is a good deal.
Negativity Bias
pay extra attention to negative things.
Optimistic Bias
see the world as rosy
Overconfidence Barrier
Planning Fallacy
Affect & Cognition
feelings and thoughts shape and affect each other.
Mood Congruent Effect
(Affect & Cognition)
store and retrieve happy info when in happy mood, same with negative.
Mood Dependent Effect
(Affect & Cognition)
remember and store things depending on what we learned when previously in that mood.
2 Factor Theory of Emotion
perception of situations can determine emotional reactions.
Non-Verbal Communication
unspoken language; facial expressions, body language, eye contact, tone of voice.
recognizing through non-verbal cues and its effects on social relations.
seek info and draw inferences. Our efforts to understand the behaviors of others and why they act as they do.
Kelley's Theory of Causal Attribution
we blame others' behaviors on internal or external factors.
Correspondence Bias OR
Fundamental Attribution Error
we explain others' actions on dispositions even in presence of clear situational causes (the way they are).
Solomon Asch (1946)
"we look at a person and immediately a certain impression of his character forms itself in matter".
Attitude Formation
how attitudes develop.
Social Learning
process of getting and learning info, behavior or attitudes from others.
Cognitive Dissonance
inconsistency between attitude and behavior or between 2 or more attitudes.
Risk Averse
weigh losses more heavily than we weigh gains.
Gender Stereotypes
Stereotypes of traits and characteristics of men and women.
theories guiding what we attend to and exterting strong effects on how we process social info (traits we think).
Social Identity Theory
perceiving the self as a member of a certain group and identifying with it (in-group vs out-group).
negative emotional responses based on group membership.
differential (usually negative) behaviors to different social groups.
Modern Racism
more subtle beliefs than blatant feelings of superiority. Minorites seek more than they deserve.
hiring based on group membership (usually go meet quota)
Glass Ceiling
barrier not allowing women from advancing to top level positions.