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32 Cards in this Set

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a negative feeling toward an individual based solely on his or her membership in a particular group
a feeling-Affect
prejudiced attitudes toward a particular race
aversive racism
simultaneously holding egalitarian values and negative feelings toward minorities
unequal treatment of different people based on the groups or categories to which they belong
unequal treatment
beliefs that associate groups of people with certain traits
categories that people use for individuals who do not fit a general stereotype
the natural tendency of humans to sort objects into groups
social categorization
the process of sorting people into groups on the basis of characteristics they have in common (e.g., race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation)
outgroup members
people who belong to a different group or category than we do
ingroup members
people who belong to the same group or category as we do
outgroup homogeneity bias
the assumption that outgroup members are more similar to one another than ingroup members are to one another
ingroup favoritism
preferential treatment of, or more favorable attitudes toward, people in one's own group
minimal group effect
people show favoritism toward ingroup members even when group membership is randomly determined
superordinate goals
goals that can be achieved only by cooperation and working with others
realistic conflict theory
competition over scarce resources leads to intergroup hostility and conflict
situation in which people can attain their goals only if others do not
situation in which people must work together with others to help all achieve their goals
discontinuity effect
groups are more extreme, and often more hostile, than individuals
contact hypothesis
regular interaction between members of different groups reduces prejudice, providing that it occurs under favorable conditions
being obvious or standing out
scapegoat theory
blaming problems and misfortunes on outgroups contributes to negative attitudes toward these outgroups
self-serving bias
the tendency for people to take credit for success but refuse blame for problems and failures
lexical decision task
deciding as quickly as possible whether a string of letters is a real word or not
confirmation bias
the tendency to focus more on evidence that supports one's expectations than on evidence that contradicts them
jigsaw classroom
a cooperative learning technique for reducing feelings of prejudice
self-fulfilling prophecy
a prediction that ensures, by the behavior it generates, that it will come true
self-defeating prophecy
a prediction that ensures, by the behavior it generates, that it will not come true
stereotype threat
the fear that one might confirm the stereotypes that others hold
people who have very little contact with other groups have no information about them, and so they attempt to fill the gap by forming stereotypes
rationalization for oppression
to retain their status, powerful groups justify and rationalize prejudice against less powerful groups
stereotypes as heuristics
to simplify the world, people often rely on stereotypes as mental shortcuts or heuristics
prejudice boosts self-esteem
people can feel better about themselves if they consider their own group superior and all other groups inferior