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19 Cards in this Set

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bait-and-switch technique
Gaining a commitment to an arrangement, then making the arrangement unavailable or unappealing and offering a more costly arrangement.
Behavior change that occurs as a result of a direct request.
Behavior change designed to match the actions of others.
descriptive norms
Norms that define what behaviors are typically performed.
disrupt-then-reframe technique
A tactic that operates to increase compliance by disrupting one's initial, resistance-laden view of a request and quickly reframing the request in more favorable terms.
door-in-the-face technique
A technique that increases compliance by beginning with a large favor likely to be rejected and then retreating to a more moderate favor.
expert power
The capacity to influence that flows from one's presumed wisdom or knowledge.
foot-in-the-door technique
A technique that increases compliance with a large request by first getting compliance with a smaller, related request.
injunctive norms
Norms that define what behaviors are typically approved or disapproved.
labeling technique
Assigning a label to an individual and then requesting a favor that is consistent with the label.
low-ball technique
Gaining a commitment to an arrangement and then raising the cost of carrying out the arrangement.
norm of reciprocity
The norm that requires that we repay others with the form of behavior they have given us.
Compliance that occurs in response to a directive from an authority figure.
participant observation
A research approach in which the researcher infiltrates the setting to be studied and observes its workings from within.
personal commitment
Anything that connects an individual's identity more closely to a positing or course of action.
reactance theory
Brehm's theory that we react against threats to our freedoms by reasserting those freedoms, often by doing the opposite of what we are being pressured to do.
social influence
A change in over behavior caused by real or imagined pressure from others.
social validation
An interpersonal way to locate and validate the correct choice.
that's-not-all technique
A technique that increases compliance by "sweetening" an offer with additional benefits.