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20 Cards in this Set

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4 theoretical perspectives describing social psychology

evolution -: Women bear children, men do not

social-cultural - Some social roles are assigned towomen (nurse), some roles are assigned to men (military leader)

social-learning-Boys are punished for playing with dolls. Girls are rewarded for playinghouse.

social - cognitive People remember a man’s behaviour in line with a stereotype including“aggressiveness”; they remember a woman’s behaviour in line with a stereotypeincluding “nurturance”

proximal explanation

aims to causes in the here and now.

distal(ultimate) explanation

is opposed to the proximal explanation and aims at the background of earlier causes.

Focus on back-ground historical causes

2 main principles of social psychology

- people interact with others to achieve goals or to gratify motivations- social behavior is goal orientated

-social behavior is an ongoing interaction between the person and the sitoation

social behavior is goal oriented

name different motives which underlie social behavior

establishing social bonds - friendly contacts with other people.

understanding ourselves and others -

acquiring and retaining status - people feel better when other people look up to them

protecting(defending) ourselves and others - see this well

attracting and retaining a loved one(mates) -

the 6 different manners in which person and situation interact

different persons respond different on the same situation

the person is chosen by the situation

the person chooses the situation

different situations invoke different aspects of a person

the person changes the situation

situation change the person

3 aspects of social psychology (traditional) ?

Technique of examining the same problem using different researchmethods, each having different biases <=?

what is a social psychology?

fundamental motivations

• Belonging

• Understanding yourself and others

• Gain and maintain status

• Protect yourself and those we value

• Attract and retain a partner

• Get children

Social Cognition

Thinking about ourselves and others

Presenting the Self

Self-presentation or “impressionmanagement” refers to the strategies weuse to influence the image others haveof us.

Cognitive Consistency Theories

– Balance Theory (Heider, 1958)– Cognitive Dissonance Theory (Festinger,1957)

Consistency principle:

The principle that people will changetheir attitudes, convictions, perceptionsand actions to make them consistentwith each other

Social Influence

asch experiment about lines

Affiliation and friendship


Bystander effect\

Individuals do not offer anymeans of help in an emergencysituation to the victim when otherpeople are present:

• Diffusion of responsibility

• Pluralistic ignorance

• Fear of doing wrong


the social learning of agression

experiment with "bobo"

•By observing violence, children learn new techniques

•Learn when violence is rewarded

Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination

Sherif et al., 1988

Middle class boys placed into competing areas in a summer camp:

–Raided one another’s cabins

–Stole and burned one another’s flags

–Came to view one another as “stinkers” “smart-alecks” and “sneaks”


Minimal inter group paradigm An experimental procedure in which short-term, arbitrary, artificial groups are created to explore foundations of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination


Zajonc (Social facilitation)

Zimbardo (Anonymity)

Ingham et al. (1974; Social loafing)


Prisoners dilemma

Tit for tat -Reciprociteit (Axelrod)