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36 Cards in this Set

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Adult Attachment
the concept of attachment used to describe and understand close relationships in adulthood by translating each of the three major patterns of attachemnt found among infants-secure anxious/ambivalent, and avoid an-into their adult forms
Attachment Theory
bowlby's theory concerning the development and the effects of the emotional bond between an infant and its caregiver; also used to account for the relationships that develop between close friends and lovers throughout the life span.
Attitude-Similarity effect
the idea that people find others more attractive and likable the more similar they are in their attitudes, beliefs, and preferences
Avoidant insecure Attachment
a pattern seen in the strange situation in which the baby basically ignores the mother, usually shows no strong signs of disturbance when she leaves the room and avoids the mother during reunion episodes or greets her return rather casually.
Communal Realtionship
a relationship in which the receipt of a benefit creates no specific obligation to return that benefit responding to the needs of your partner is the benefit
Compassionate Love
the kind of love that develops in a close and intimate relationship; the affection we feel for those whig whom our lives are deeply entwined
Dyadic Relationships
relationships that develop between two people
Empathic Accuracy
a person's ability to be accurate in his or her understanding of another's experiences
Equity Theory
the idea of perceived fairness or balance in interpersonal relationships such that both partners perceive that they are receiving relatively equal outcomes
Event Sampling
a method used to study adult attachment that involves the recording of information about a person's social interactions over a period of time
Exchange Relationship
a relationship in which the partners then to keep track of what they have given and what they have received and strive to keep books balanced
dyadic relationships involving mutual liking
Functional Distance
compared to physical distance the closeness between two places in terms of the opportunities for interaction
Insecure Attachment
A pattern seen in the strange situation, in which the baby does not use its mother as a safe haven and secure base from which to explore a novel situation
a sharing of contributions and outcomes by two people
an interactive process in which a person feels understood, validated, and cared for as a result of a partner's response
Passionate Love
the kind of love the involves strong and intense feelings, infatuations, arousal and a deep sense of passion
Popular children
Children who are named frequently by others in a sociometric rating procedure
nearness or proximity in physical space which creates the opportunity to meet another person
Rejected-Aggressive Children
children who are unpopular because they commonly engage in disruptive aggressive behaviors
Rejected withdrawn children
Children who are spurned by their peers because of their social awkwardness and immaturity
Repulsion Hypothesis
the idea that people find others less attractive and less likable if they different substantially in this attitudes, beliefs and preference
Resistant Insecure Attachment
a pattern seen in the strange situation, in which the baby prefers to stay close to mother rather than actively explore the room, becomes very upset when mother leaves the room, and appears to be upset or angry when o=mother retrains trying to remain near the mother but usually resisting any physical contact initiated by here sometimes called ambivalent or anxious ambivalent insecure attachment
Secure Attachment
the most common pattern seen in the strange situation procedure, in which the baby actively explores the room when left alone with mother, gets upset when mother leaves the room, is clearly happy when mother returns and my seek close physical proximity with her in an effort to relieve distress, the baby uses its mother as a safe haven and a secure base from which it feels safe to explore a novel situation
the process of people revealing to one another increasingly personal and intimate details about themselves
Sociometric rating procedure
within a group of acquaintances, each person is asked to name everyone who he or she considers a friend. Two peers within that social network are then considered to be friends if each nominated the other as a friend
Spatial Ecology
the physical layout of building and the distance separating different buildings rooms and other spaces
Strange Situation
developed by Mary Ainsworth, a procedure involving several brief episodes during which experimenter observe a baby's responses to strangers, separation from mother and reunions with mother
Triangular theory of love
the idea that a wide variety of love experiences can be understood as combinations of three basic components intimacy passion and commitment
What is beautiful is good
the inference that attractive people possess other desirable traits and abilities in addition to their good looks
Working model of a close relationship
the feelings, thoughts, beliefs and expectations learned during the course of an infants first close relationships
Interpersonal Attraction
the study of attraction or liking between two or more people
Companionate Love
the kind of love that develops in a close and intimate relationship; the affection we feel for those wi whom our lives are deeply entwined
Love Styles
the idea that people differ in their styles of love, the three primary styles are eros storage and lupus
there are also three combination styles mania pragma and agape
romantic love
companionate love
fatuous love
empty love
intimacy and passion
intimacy alone
intimacy and commitment
passion and commitment
decision/commitment alone
Investment model of close relationships
according to this model, satisfaction and stability in a relationship depends on the degree to which its partners free committed to the relationship. commitment is determined by the balance or trade-off of the relationship with the idea that people compare the value of their current relationship with the value of available alternatives