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38 Cards in this Set

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Mere Exposure Effect

Repeated exposure to stimuli increases chances of liking an individual

Central Route to Persuasion

Interested people focus on arguments and evidence

Peripheral Route to Persuasion

Influenced by incidental cues such as attractiveness

Cognitive Dissonance Theory

We act to reduce discomfort we feel when 2 of our thoughts are not consistent

We either change our behavior, cognition, or add new info to relieve

Festinger and Carlsmith

Cognitive Dissonance Theory

Social Exchange Theory

Foot-in-the-door Compliance Strategy

Tendency for people that first agreed to a small request to comply later with a larger request

Fundamental Attribution Theory

Tendency for us to overestimate the influence of personality and underestimate the influence of situations

Reciprocity Norm

Expectation that people will help those who help them

Solomon Asch

Studied Conformity

Self Fulfilling Prophecy


Passionate Love

beginning of relationship

Aroused state of intensive positive absorption in another

Stanley Milgram

Experimented on social pressures

Obedience and authority

Superordinate Goals

Shared goals that override differences among people and require cooperation

Just-World Bias


assuming superiority over another group

In-group Bias

People wit whom we share common identity

Social Facilitation

Improved performance on simple or well learned tasks in front of others

Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis

Bystander Effect

Compassionate Love

Deep affection

Social responsibility Norm

Social Impairment


Adjusting your behavior or thinking towards a group standard

GRIT (Graduated and Reciprocated Tension reduction)


When we lose our sense of individuality we are prone to participate in behavior that we wouldn't normally engage in

Social Loafing

Participating in a group makes us feel less responsible and we end up putting less effort and may free ride

Group Polarization

group discussions with like minded people strengthens beliefs and attitudes


Desire for harmony in a decision making group overpowers reality

Scapegoat Theory

Prejudice gives an outler for anger since it provides someone to blame for things when they go wrong


Self less

Normative vs Informational Social Influence

Normative= influence from wanting to gain social approval or avoid rejection

Informational= one's willingness to accerpt other's opinions about reality


Understood rules for accepted behavior

Philip Zimbardo

Prison experiment

Other-race effect

Tendency to recall faces of our own race more accurately than others

Just-World Phenomenon

Tendency to view that the world is "just" and people get what they deserve

Blame the victim dynamic

Frustration Aggression Prinicple

Frustration leads to anger which leads to aggression