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102 Cards in this Set

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Factors in Persuasion



Medium/channel-how it was communicated

Target- who is being persuaded


copying the behavior & beliefs of others, whether told to or not

Symbol Using for the Self

we are capable of using complex information to understand our world


unselfish behavior that benefits others w/o regard to consequences for the self

Effortful/ Explicit Cognition

intentional, influences deliberate behavior- decisions & conclusions

The Actor/Observer Effect

we tend to overrate situational causes for our own behavior

(assume we do what we do because of what is going on around us)

The Self

a symbol using, self-reflective, social being


diffuse, nonspecific, persistent (affect)

Explicit Attitude

consciously held attitude, based in rules & logic

sensitive to new information/changeable

Self-Reflective for the Self

we are aware of ourselves as social beings, we are capable of evaluating our own behavior

Negative Mood

there is a problem/threat

more likely to use effortful cognition

increases accuracy of judgment

Achievement Goals

A need to succeed in a particular domain

Social Cognition

analysis, interpretation, recall & use of information about the social world

William James

"I"- active perceiver & initiator of action

"Me"- what symbolizes & affirms who we are (roles, relationships)

George Herbert Mead

"I"- active perceiver & initiator of action

"Me"- self made up roles & others perceptions


performance of an action in response to a direct order

Relational Aggression

spreading rumors, gossip, encouraging ostracism


Any group to which you do not belong "them"

Altruistic helping

help another without expecting anything back


any form of behavior that is intended to harm or injure a person/object/yourself

Reciprocal Altruism

tendency to help others with expectation that they are likely to help us in return @ some time

Hostile Aggression

behavior intended to harm another either physically or psychologically


Biological distinction

Personal Distress Motive

people are motivated to help others in need, in order to reduce their own stress

Egoistic Helping

Help another & expect something in return

Mood-Congruent Recall

tendency to retrieve memories that match your current mood

Empathic Concern

helping those who suffer because you imagine what they are feeling & have a desire to help

False Uniqueness

underestimate how common our most desirable qualities/traits are

Social Influence

The many ways that people affect one another

(changes in attitude, beliefs, etc.)

Actual- Ought Discrepency

We are not living up to our ought self, were letting others down

Physical Aggression



Any group to which you belong


process of consciously attempting to change attitudes through the transmission of a message


Beliefs about people based on social group membership


Reduced sense of individual identity, accompanied by diminished self-regulation

(happens to people in large groups)


Behavior towards members of a specific group

Equity & Reciprocity in Help

Seek to maintain a balance between help given & received

(from who & type of help matter)

Outgroup Derogation

Negative evaluations of outgroup members


a positive/negative evaluation of an object

(involves behavior, affect & cognition)


internal state that activates & gives direction to thoughts & behaviors

satisfaction of biological/psychological needs

Social Rejection

being ostracized &/or rejected by others

Evolutionary Theory

gender differences are rooted in biology

women have evolved to be caring & men have evolved to be dominant

Contrast Effect

average rated much less attractive compared to a highly attractive person

Social Rewards Motive

act altruistically w/ an eye toward how it will look towards others

Ought Self

self others expect us to be

Actual Self

ourselves as we are right now

Bystander Intervention

less likely to help when others are present

Extrinsic Motivation

motivation is external to the activity

do it for what it brings to you (job for $)

Regulatory Focus

promotion focus- focus on maximizing goals

prevention focus- focus on minimizing losses

Prosocial Behavior

voluntary behavior that is carried out to benefit another person

Actual-Ideal Discrepency

aren't living up to who we want to be

Intrinsic Motivation

motivated by inherent nature of a activity, do it for yourself/joy


psychological distance between possible selves


explicit declaration that an individual/group is not wanted

Ideal Self

self as we want & desire to be

External Compliance

compliance with private disagreement


Gendered Traits- suggesting nurturing & warmth

typically associated with women

Social Role Theory for Gender Difference

gender differences are a product of culture, behavior is a product of expectations

Socioemotional Groups

come together to provide emotional support

Stable Attribution

some cause are lasting, some causes are fluctuating

Ingroup Bias

we tend to evaluate members of our ingroups more favorably


ignoring & excluding of individuals or groups by another individual or group

Implicit Attitude

automatic, unconscious attitude, hard to change, based on an accumulation of information

Task groups

come together to accomplish a specific job

Gender Role

specific behaviors/traits that are associated with masculinity/feminity within society

Social Psychology

psychology of the individual as a social being

how the presence of others affects the individual & vice versa

Evaluation Aprehension

peoples concern about how they might appear in the eyes of others

Gender Identity

the individuals experience of themselves as masculine/feminine


targeted, brief, connected to something/someone


placing an out group into a negative social category, makes them less human


the use of information to explain reasons for behavior

The Fundamental Attribution Error

we tend to overrate personal causes for other peoples behavior, assume people do what they do because of who they are

False Consensus

overestimate how common our attitudes & beliefs are

Performance Goals

Extrinsically motivated, attempt to get favorable judgments & avoid challenges

Social Penetration Theory

Relationships become closer through increasing levels of self-disclosure

Social Being for the Self

ourselves develop because we are one of many, exist to distinguish us from others

Positive Mood

everything is fine, more likely to use effortless cognition, attention & accuracy are less important if theres no threat, likely to rely on stereotypes

Peripheral Route in Persuasion

people attend to superficial aspects of the message (attractiveness of the communicator/length of the message)

Instrumental Aggresion

use of harmful behavior to achieve some other goal


behavioral traits associated with men & women

Internal Compliance

compliance with private agreement

Symbolic Conflict

does not involve tangible resources, whose faith is identified with the country, values/rituals

Internal Attribution

we behave how we behave because of who we are (personality traits, mood, attitudes)

Informational Social Influence

influence of other people that results from taking their actions as a source of information about what is correct

Informational Conformity

conform to gain correct information

Negative State Relief Hypothesis

doing something for someone else, as a way to make ourselves feel better


publicly acting in line with a direct request


evaluations of members of a social group or the groups themselves


organization of self-concept in memory

Effortless/Implicit Cognition

unintentional/automatic, influences nonverbal behavior a "gut feeling"

Realistic Conflict Theory

intergroup conflict develops from competition for limited resources


sum total of a persons thoughts & feelings that defined the self as an object

Controllability Attribution

some causes are within our control & some causes are outside of our control


gendered traits, suggesting action/assertiveness

typically associate with men

Central Route in Persuasion

people think carefully & deliberately about the content of the message

Confirmation Bias

tendency to seek out information that supports our beliefs and pick apart information that doesn't

External Attribution

cause of behavior found in the situation (luck, circumstances, we do it because of where we are)

Normative Social Influence

influence of other people that comes from the individuals desire to avoid their disapproval/judgments

Mood-Congruent Perception

tendency to interpret information in a way that matches our current mood

Social Norms

an expected standard of behavior & belief established & enforced by a group

Mastery Goals

intrinsically motivated, involves seeking out challenges to become better

Normative Conformity

conform to gain rewards or avoid punishment from another person or group