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60 Cards in this Set

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Group study is the primary focus

Social Psychology

Study of how one thinks, influence and relate to others.


Timeless behaviors, ideas, attitudes (traditions) shared by a large group passed through generations

Social Representations

Socially shared beliefs; cultural ideologies

Attitudes towards the elderly or personal space

Hindsight Bias

Exaggerating the ability to have foreseen an outcome after learning it


Ideas summarizing and explaining facts (can be disproved):

Integrated set of principles that explain and predict observed events


Educated guesses;

A testable proposition that describes a relationship that may exist between events

Ex. Summer season might have impact on increase in rape cases

Correlation Coefficient

Statistical measure of the relationship

(How strong/weak)

Field Research

Research done in natural, real life setting

Not in a lab

Correlational Research

Study of naturally occurring relationships among variables

Ex. Study time vs higher grades

Experimental Research

Research that contains a dependant and independent variable

Independent Variable

Variable that's manipulated

What you're changing

Dependant Variable

Variable that's changed/measured at the end

Data Ex. The plant after the different light settings

Random Assignment

Assigning subjects so all persons have equal chance of being in a given condition;

Eliminates extraneous factors

Random Sampling

Picking survey subjects so everyone in population has equal chance of being selected

Mundane Realism

Where an experiment is superficially similar to everyday situations.

Experimental Realism

When experiments absorb and involve its subjects

Ex. Role playing; Hands- on activities


When subjects are misled/misinformed about the study's methods and purposes

Demand Characteristics

Cues that tell subject what behavior is expected

Spotlight Effect

Belief that ppl are paying more attention to one's appearance/behavior than they really are.

Ex. Thinking the audience is focusing on one member of a chorus

Illusion of Transparency

Misconception that one's concealed emotions leak out and can be easily read


What we know/believe about ourselves

Answers the question "Who am I?"


Beliefs about self that organize and guides the processing of self-relevant information

Ex. "I'm good @ math"

"I'm quiet"

Possible Selves

Images of what we dream of/dead becoming in future

Things we strive to become

Social Self-influences

Roles we play; social identities we form; comparisons we make w/ others, our successes/failures, how others judge us and surrounding culture

Social Comparison

Evaluating your abilities and opinions by comparing them to others


Giving priority to your goals;

Defining one's identity in terms of personal attributes rather than group IDs

Western civilizations


Giving priority to the goals of your group and defining your ID accordingly

Eastern Culture

Planning Fallacy

The tendency to underestimate how long it will take to complete a task

Impact Bias

Overestimating the enduring impact of emotion-causing events.


A sense of competency and effectiveness

Not self-esteem

Self-serving Bias

Tendency to perceive yourself favorably.

Self-serving Attributions

Attributing positive outcomes to yourself and negative outcomes to other factors

Locus of Control

Extent to which ppl view outcomes as internally controlled by their actions or externally controlled by circumstances

False Consensus Effect

Overestimating how much others agree with your opinion.


False Uniqueness Effect

Underestimating how common your successful action or behavior is, believing it is unique when really it isn't.


Protecting your image with behaviors that create an excuse for later failure


Presenting yourself in ways creating favorable impressions that correspond to your ideologies.

Learned Helplessness

Hopelessness learned when you perceive no control over repeated bad events.

Ex. No matter what I do, bad things happen"


Presenting yourself according to your social surrounding and adjusting accordingly.

Attribution Theory

Theory of how people explain others' behavior.

Either internal or external

Dispositional Attribution

Attributing behavior to person's disposition/attitude


Situational Attribution

Attributing behavior to the environment/situation


Fundamental Attribution Error

Tendency for observers to underestimate situational influences and overestimate dispositional influences to others behavior

Actor-observer Difference

Observing others from different perspective than we view ourselves

Ex. Getting mad at people speeding when we do speed limit, but thinking it's OK when we speed.

Belief Perseverance

Persistence of one's initial belief, even when given info to disprove their belief

Ex. Defending to the death, saving Ego...

Rosy Retrospection

Recalling mildly pleasant events more favorably than they actually were

(Optimism on steroids)

Ex. "Rainy vacation was as beautiful as can be"

Misinformation Effect

Incorporating "misinfo" into a witnesses memory of events to"fill in memory gaps."

Ex. Feeding a witness details of a crime to help prosecution.

Controlled Processing

Deliberate thinking that's reflective and conscious

Automatic Processing

Implicit/intuitive, effortless thinking; without awareness.


"Mental templates" that guide our perceptions and interpretations of our experiences.

Ex. Not walking down dark alleyways and talking to strangers.

Emotional Reactions

Nearly instant/reflective, before there is time for deliberate thinking.

Ex. "Fight or flight"

Overconfidence Phenomenon

Tendency to be more confident than correct.

Confirmation Bias

Tendency to search for info that confirm your point of view.


Thinking strategy enabling quick/efficient judgements.

Representative Heuristic

Tendency to presume that someone/thing belongs to a particular group

Ex. (Stereotyping)

Counterfactual Thinking

Imagining worse alternatives helps one feel better

Illusory Correlation

Perception of a relationship where none exists.

Ex. Horoscope Predictions

Illusions of Control

Idea that one has more control than they really do over uncontrollable situations

Ex. Gambling

Self-fulfilling Prophecy

Belief that leads to its own fulfilment