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30 Cards in this Set

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A change in behavior or belief to accord with others.
Conformity that involves publicly acting in accord with an implied or explicit request while privately disagreeing.

ex. putting on a necktie conforming to an expectation without really believing in what you are doing
Acting in accord with a direct order or command

complying primarily to reap a reward or avoid punishment
Conformity that involves both acting and believing in accord with social pressure

"Sometimes we genuinely believe in what the group has persuaded us to do. We may join millions of others in exercising because we all have been told that exercise is healthy and we accept that as true"
autokinetic phenomenon
Self (auto) motion (kinetic). The apparent movement of a stationary point of light in the dark.
mood linkage

example: Being around happy people can make us feel happier
The Chameleon Effect
basically mimicry

The Werther Effect
suicides, as well as fatal auto accidents and private airplane crashes increase after a highly publicized suicide, etc.
on a mass scale appears as collective delusions- spontaneous spreading of false beliefs.
Sherif's studies of norm formation
the light moving- everyone giving estimate.. eventually a norm is formed.

Asch's studies of group pressure
What line is the same length of the other line? A bunch of confederates would say the wrong answer.. would this group pressure make the participant also say that answer? pg. 194
Milgram's Obedience studies
shock delivery pg.195

what breeds obedience? pg. 198
-The victims distance
-Closeness and legitimacy of authority
-Institutional Authority
-The liberating effects of Group Influence
Normative Influence
Conformity based on a person's desire to fulfill others' expectations, often to gain acceptance.
Informational Influenc
Conformity occurring when people accept evidence about reality provided by other people.
Two or more people who, for longer than a few moments interact with and influence one another an perceive one another as "us".
Co-participants working individually on a noncompetitive activity .
Social Facilitation pg. 264
(1)Original Meaning: The tendency of people to perform simple or well learned tasks better when others are present.

(2) Current meaning: The strengthening of dominant (prevalent, likely) responses in the presence of others.

aka boost performance on easy tasks and hurt performance on difficult tasks
Evaluation apprehension
Concern for how others are evaluating us
Social Loafing
The tendency for people to exert less effort when they pool their efforts toward a common goal than when they are individually accountable.
free riders
People who benefit from the group but give little in return.
Loss of self-awareness and evaluation apprehension occurs in group situations that fosters responsiveness to group norms, good or bad.
Group polarization
Group-produced enhancement of members' preexisting tendencies; a strengthening of the members' average tendency. Not a split within the group.
Social Comparison
Evaluating one's opinions and abilities by comparing oneself with others
Pluralistic Ignorance pg.282
A false impression of what most other people are thinking or feeling, or how they are responding.
Group think pg.285
The mode of thinking that persons engage in when concurrence-seeking becomes so dominant in a cohesive in-group that it tends to override realistic appraisal of alternative course of action.
The process by which certain group members motivate and guide the group.
Task Leadership pg.294
Leadership that organizes work, sets standards, and focuses on goals.
Social Leadership Pg.294
Leadership that builds teamwork, mediates conflict, and offers support.
Transformational Leadership Pg.295
Leadership that, enabled by a leader's vision and inspiration, exerts significant influence.
Cult (also called new religious movement) pg/248
A group typically characterized by (1) distinctive ritual and beliefs related to its devotion to a god or person
(2) Isolation from the surrounding "evil" culture, and (3) a charismatic leader.

(A sect., by contrast, is a spinoff from a major religion)