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44 Cards in this Set

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four important core values
accurary, objective, skepticism, open-mindedness
a commitment to gathering and evaluating information about the world in as careful, precise, and error-free a manner.
obtaining and evaluating such information in a manner that is as free of bias as is humanly possible.
changing one's views that are strongly held -if existing evidence suggests that these views are inaccurate.
cognitive dissonance
o Uncomfortable feeling when behaviors don’t match how they feel inside
Results in self justification

exists when people’s behaviors don’t align with what they believe.
Conscious mind is what we are currently aware of
super ego
Subconscious mind has contact in both realms, side notes that you can become aware of if you choose to retrieve them.
Unconscious Mind
information cannot be drawn out by free will
learned behavior
it is rare that children under 4 would show signs of discriminatory behavior
Scientific Method
• Hypotheses
o Educated guess
• Independent Variable
o Variable is controlled by experimenter and affects the dependent variable
• Dependent Variable
o The outcome, is dependent on the independent variable

• Confounding (extraneous variable)
o Extra, possibly unforeseen affecter.
Observational learning
have to learn from watching someone else
Operant learning
you are there with the direct experience before operational
classical learning
don’t have to be aware conditioning takes place
innate ability
visually impaired children display emotion
The “halo” affect
Attractive individuals are seen with having better qualities
Facial symmetry
the more symmetrical the face, the more attractive you are considered across the globe.
planning fallacy
strong tendency to believe that projects will take less time than they actually do or that we can accomplish more in a given period of time than is really true.
what does scientific method design?
help us determine not only which of the opposite sets of predictions is correct but also when and why one of the other might apply.
evolutionary psych
a new branch of psych that seeks to investigate the potential role of genetic factors in various aspects of human behavior.
evolution involves 3 major components
organisms vary in many ways
some of these variables are inevitable.
adaptive became increasingly common in the population.
informal observation
suggests that a gender difference may exist with men preferring many partners and women preferring a smaller number.
actual self
mental picture of what we are
ideal self
the kind of person we would like to be
social categorization
how we decide whether individuals belong to one social category.
ex. black/white, male/female
social neuroscience
an area of research in social psych that seeks knowledge about the neural and biological bases of social processes
impicit egotism
an unconscious tendency toward self-enhancement our feelings about almost anything are influenced by its relationship to our self-concept.
multi-cultural perspective
a focus on the understanding the cultural and ethnic factors that influence social behavior.
systematically changed to determine whether such variations affect one or more other factors
independent variable
systematically changed in an experiment.
correlation method
observe 2 or more variables to determine whether changes in one are accompanied by changes in the other.
an as-yet unverified prediction.
Inferential statistics
a special form of mathematics that allows us to evaluate the given pattern of research results occured by chance.
involve attempts to understand why certain events or processes occur as they do.
how theories are developed
-the evidence is proposed
-helps to organize existing information and makes predictions about observable events
procedures are given full information about the nature of the research and the hypothesis or hypotheses under investigation.
How tightly bonded they are
“Learning is just as much a part of letting go of old information, as it is acquiring new information.”
Piaget's three concepts
A collection of rules on how something works
Come across information and you make it fit to a scheme. People do this far too often, occasionally you need to view your scheme and you need to either change your scheme or forget about it.
Information that you come across is brand new, and you don’t mold it to fit your scheme, you view it as something new, and or it fits your scheme.
It should occur more often, but it doesn’t because people are arrogant and its hard to think you don’t know everything and therefore miss opportunities of learning new information.