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27 Cards in this Set

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healthy psychology

application of psychology to the promotion of health and the prevention and treatment of illness

mind-body relationship

psychology influence health (dependent on one another)


unpleasant state in which perception of the demands of an event are taxing; caused by perception


anything that causes stress

ex. major life events:

neg.~loved one dies

pos.~having a baby/getting married


small stressors experienced throughout day; cumulative~have greater negative effect than major life events (stressors)

ex. exams, projects, traffic

general adaptive syndrome

explain why we are stressed; physical stress has 3 phases: alarm, resistance, exhaustion


initial reaction to stressor,

respond with fight/flight response:


-cardiovascular input: HR, High BP

-respiratory output: pupil dilation/slow digestion

helps us get rid of stressor


tries to counteract physical effectiveness of stress by releasing hormones

ex. friend jumps out and scares you

alarm phase: someone is in my house

resistance phase: just my friend


not adaptable,

no longer deal with stressor in an adaptive way,

stressor response: we become sick

ex. college students~midterm/finals week

perception of stress



emotional inhibition

positive emotions


-tend to perceive a lot of stress

-can increase cardiovascular output and risk of getting CVD


-release a lot of cortisol (stress hormone)


-explanatory style: bad things happen are uncontrollable


emotional inhibition

-bottle up emotions, does not work, unhealthy

-ironic processing

-try confession, journaling

ironic processing

more you try not to acknowledge emotions, the more you think about it

positive emotions

less stress, healthier outcome,

less likely to suffer from illness/disease,

more likeable

cope stress

locus of control

self efficacy




social support

locus of control

characteristic of responding to situation

-internal: control our outcomes (achievement)

-external: "fate" nothing i can do just the way it is


-situation/behavior specific

-high degrees: lots of control

-low degrees: cannot accomplish goal

-based on success/failure/never done in the past


-more positive/looking on the bright side of life, better at coping with stress

-blind optimist: naive, nothing will happen

ex. I get a disease, can maintain by exercise

problem focused coping

-thinking about situations that would help us cope with stress

-focusing on the actual problem and what we can do to cope with it

->ex. finals: study for them and take them

better than emotion-focused

emotion focused coping

-focus on the emotions tied to some stressful event, non-solvable

ex. rocky romantic relationship

-sadness, disappointment

combination of problem/emotion focused

better for fixing physical and psychological health

ex. go out with friends, complain to them about how stressed you are

social support

Best way to cope with stress!

*can receive from anyone: we are social dependable

*social support received from romantic partner especially powerful

*online groups: difficulty getting social support publicly (ex. HIV)

*pets:just as good as a friend

*except someone we don't like

culture and social support (individualist)

explicit social support: directly ask for support (US)

culture and social support (collectivists)

Collectivist: maintain group peace, not socially acceptable to ask (causes stress), implicit social support: receive from comfort of loved ones

adverse effect of relationships

people we dislike negatively affect our health

ex. Sonya

benefit of others

equal benefit giving help as receiving help