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89 Cards in this Set

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The growing disparity between the fortunes of the "haves" and "have-nots" is increasingly cited throughout the world as the outstanding problem, along with global warming, confronting human species.


Conflict theory is associated with Karl Marx who viewed society as being in constant tension between those who are well off, the "haves" and those who are not well off, the "have nots."


An "open society" is one based primarily on ascribed status. In other words, it is a society based on merit.



The age of "enlightenment" occurred in the 18th century and had a tremendous impact on the contemporary world. It is often said that the U.S. Constitution is highly influenced by the enlightenment philosophers.


Before the age of enlightenment, people tended to believe that social problems (homelessness, hunger, racism, poverty) were only natural and nothing could be done to alleviate these problems.


Social institutions can be characterized by their resistance to change.


Gesellschaft societies are characterized by (?).

the predominance of secondary group associations

Sociologist distinguish between two types of status. (?) are those who we can control and they reflect hard work, talent, and motivation, while (?) are those we have no control over.

achieved; ascribed

Mores and folkways make up what sociologists and anthropologists call the normative system. Of these two, (?) are the most serious while (?) are not as serious and tend to solicit minor sanctions.

mores; folkways

Which of the following statements are components of the definition of social problems provided by our text?

all of the above are components of social problems:

A social problem exists when enough people in a society agree that a condition exists.

The problematic condition threatens the quality of life and cherished values.

People agree that something should be done about this condition.

Sociology is driven by three main theories. Two of them are "macro" theories while one is a "micro" theory. The macro theories are (?) and (?) and the micro theory is (?).

functionalism, conflict, symbolic interactionism

The enlightenment thinkers believed that (?) was possible because human beings were (?) creatures capable of improving the world and its social conditions by discovering and understanding the (?) that shape the universe.

progress, reasoning/rational, natural laws

Women in the U.S. did not have the right to vote until (?).


Which of the following social conditions are said to be manifestations of social disorganization?

normlessness, culture conflict, breakdown

Every society has a social structure. This social structure consists of (?).

status, roles, groups, institutions

From the functionalist approach, the term (?) is most closely related to social problems.


In a social experiment, one group is "left alone," that is, not exposed to treatment. This is called the (?) group.


According to the functionalist perspective on social problems, the main reason for the existence of social problems is that (?).

societies sometimes fail to adapt successfully to change and new conditions

Suicide rates among young people have reached "epidemic" levels according to many social scientists. Among the disturbing data related to suicide is that young-adult suicide has increased by about 20 percent in the last fifty years.


During the 1950s, the development of psychotropic drugs changed the way mental patients were treated. Shortly after the wide spread use of these drugs, the U.S. began the process of deinstitutionalization. Data revealed this dramatic trent. For example, in 1955 there were some 559,000 public mental hospital beds. Today, there are about 110,000 mental hospital beds.


The parity movement in mental healthcare advocates legislation that would end practices whereby insurance companies discriminate against people with mental illnesses and/or chemical dependencies.


Among the major contributors to the high cost of health care in the U.S. are the health needs of the aging "baby boom" generation.


The well-known White Hall Studies show a strong and significant relationship between class and health. One's placement in the social structure is the best predictor of health and well-being.


At the end of 2012, the leading cause of bankruptcy in the U.S. was the inability to pay medical bills.


High levels of stress over long periods of time can lead to a variety of health problems. Recent research indicates that cortisol levels tend to remain higher for longer periods of time for those with low socioeconomic status. This pattern continues throughout the socioeconomic structure and we also see that those int he middle class have poorer health outcomes than someone who is independently wealthy.


Otto von Bismarck developed and implemented a system of universal health care for everyone in Germany during the 1880s. The Bismark model is still used today in several countries around the world.


In the U.S., the life expectancy rate for African American males is almost four years shorter than for white males.


Among the many reasons for the exceedingly high cost of health care in the U.S. is trend toward specialization. It is estimated that about 18% of all medical degrees are issued to general practitioners.


According to our text, the rising cost of prescription drugs now accounts for 45% of the annual increase in health care.


In the U.S., our comparatively poor health is due largely to two social conditions: growing inequality and lifestyle problems.


Over the past decades, an increasing proportion of Americans are receiving treatment for one or more mental disorders. Recent statistics show that in the 1990s some (?) of all Americans received mental health treatment while today about (?) of all Americans are getting treatment for a mental disorder.

20%; 33%

Medicare and Medicaid are the two largest health-care providers run by the U.S. government. (?) is aimed at the poor and (?) is aimed at the elderly.

medicaid; medicare

Approximately (?) percent of the world's 444 million mentally disabled people live in developing and poor nations that spend almost nothing on health care for the mentally ill.


The American Psychiatric Association's standard manual of mental disorders is entitled the (?).

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

According to the data from the World Health Organization (WHO) the number one killer of people worldwide is attributable to the lack of clean water and the subsequent waterborne illnesses. Each year about (?) people die from unsafe drinking water.

1 billion

The Spanish flue of 1918 killed about (?) people.

40 million

Data from the statistical abstract of 2010 indicate that about (?) percent of the GDP of the U.S. goes to health care. This is a sharp increase since 2003 when American's spend some (?) of the GDP on healthcare.

25%; 15%

Recent data on life expectancy indicates that an African American woman can expect to live about (?) than a white American woman.

4 years shorter

The concept of (?) helps us explain the wealth-health gradient. It argues that the power you have over the circumstances of your life helps predict your health.

control of destiny

It is said that the mentally ill suffer twice. This means that people affected suffer both (?).

illness and rejection

Around the world, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that suicide is responsible for (?) percent of all deaths. This percentage is higher than deaths attributed to both war and terrorism combined.


Rates of incarceration in the U.S. are to a large extent a reflection of the war on drugs. For example, nearly one in four inmates in federal and state prisons is there because of drug-related offenses, most of them nonviolent.


While the U.S. comprises about 10 percent of the world's population, it consumes nearly 30 percent of the world's illegal drugs.


While the number of people killed in alcohol related traffic fatalities has gone down in recent decades, weekend drinking and driving remains a major problem. Statistics indicate that weekend drunk driving fatalities remain high.


A greater number of American teenagers (52%) are now finishing high school without ever trying an illegal drug. However, among the minority who do try and use those drugs, there are alarming increases in the use of prescription drugs and amphetamines.


According to the recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV), the criteria for alcohol dependence focuses on cravings, withdrawal symptoms, and other behavioral measures, the criteria for alcohol abuse include drinking despite recurrent social, interpersonal, and legal problems resulting from alcohol use.


According to the FBI's Crime Clock, one murder occurs in the U.S. every 31 minutes.


While overall crime rates have gone down in recent years, incidents such as road rage, fights at sporting events, rates of family violence, and workplace violence have increased.


With approximately (?) people in its prisons, a disproportionate number of whom are members of racial or ethnic minorities, the U.S. continues to lead the world in rates of imprisonment.

1.5 million

Since 1980, incarceration rates in the U.S. have (?).


An annual survey of U.S. households by the U.S. Department of Justice asks respondents detailed questions about their experiences with crime. This survey, known as the (?) consistently indicates higher crime rates than the official crime rates.

National Crime Victimization Survey

According to the Uniform Crime Reports in 2006, about (?) percent of white murder victims were slain by white offenders, and about (?) percent of black victims were slain by black offenders.

85; 90

(?) or theft from one's employer, is usually committed by otherwise law-abiding people during the course of their employment.


Commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics from 1930 to 1963, (?) led the movement to make marijuana and other drugs illegal and he set the tone for what would eventually culminate in the current war on drugs.

Harry Anslinger

It is estimated that the U.S. spends about (?) annually to fight the war on drugs.

$30 billion

Once called the "Noble Experiment" the era of prohibition in the U.S. lasted from (?) until (?).


According to our text, the word (?) is used to describe physical dependence while (?) occurs when a user needs a drug for the feeling of well-being that it (the drug) produces.

addiction; psychological dependence

The sociological study of stratification (sometimes termed differentiation) attempts to answer the questions: Who gets what and why?


The number of Americans who are working full time but still fall below the poverty threshold (the working poor) has remained steady in recent years.


In recent years, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the percentage of the population considered severely poor has reached a 32 year high.


While urban poverty is probably more familiar to most people, about one-fifth of poor people in the U.S. live in rural areas and another third in suburban areas.


Per capita expenditures on education are higher in the U.S. than in any other nation. Additionally, the U.S. educates more children than any other country with about 99% of all American children between the ages of 5 to 19 enrolled in school.


In 2007, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the landmark Brown vs. Board of Education case. The Court ruled in 2007 that it was illegal to assign students to schools based on race.


The gap in educational attainment between African American students and white American students has grown significantly in recent years.


In many metropolitan areas of the U.S. more than 90% of the students in public schools are minority students. The result is a highly segregated public school system.


America's public schools have been the target of blame and criticism for many decades.


Over the past several decades the process of globalization has had a strong, negative impact on American workers.


When sociologists refer to "social rewards" they are typically speaking of (?).

power, property, prestige

(?) worth, a frequently used measure of wealth, refers to the value of savings and checking accounts, real estate, automobiles, stocks and bonds, and other assets, minus debts.


In 2006, the poorest 20 percent of the U.S. population received less than (?) percent of all national income.


The U.S. government attempts to "officially" define the poverty line by utilizing which factor?

the calculation of a minimum family "market basket"

A recent analysis of national survey and census data found that about (?) children in the U.S. are homeless.

1.35 million

Surveys by the Federal Reserve Board suggest that the richest 1 percent of all U.S. households hold over (?) of all personal wealth.


Sociologists often consider (?) people or households to be those living at less than 50% of the poverty threshold.

severely poor

When the government provides subsidies for the rich, for example, when it rescues failing corporations such as the banks, railroads, or aerospace industry, sociologists call this (?).


The type of poverty that can result from the loss of a job, pregnancy, or marital discord is often termed (?).

event poverty

In 2001, the Bush administration developed a program known as (?) which aimed at developing national achievement tests, encouraged failing students to accept tutoring, and punished schools and school districts in which students did poorly on student test scores.

no child left behind

The percentage of high school graduates in the U.S. has risen dramatically the past several decades. For example, in 1940 about (?) percent of all Americans were high school graduates. More recent statistics indicate that today about (?) of all Americans are high school graduates.

22%; 86%

There have been two periods in the history of the U.S. when the federal government enacted programs aimed at helping to provide a minimum level of security for all Americans. These two programs are often called (?).

The New Deal programs of the 1930s and the Great Society programs of the 1960s.

Among the "master trends" in the U.S. economy has been the growth in service sector jobs in the advanced economies and the continued export of manufacturing jobs to regions with lower wages. This trend is especially problematic in that the new service jobs tend to pay much lower wages and they tend not to offer benefits.


Statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show the huge loss of manufacturing jobs. For example, in 1960 over 28% of all U.S. workers were employed in manufacturing jobs. By 2008, this figure had dropped to 10.9%.


An oligopoly exists when a few large companies control an entire industry or market and are therefore, able to artificially inflate prices.


Which of the following is/are not among the types of capitalism practiced around the world today?

all of these are among the forms of capitalism practiced today:




Now about halfway through its economic transformation from an agrarian to an industrial society, China manufactures a large proportion of the lower-cost consumer goods purchased in the U.S. Total trade between the two nations has increased form about (?) billion in 1980 to over (?) billion in 2010.

$4 billion; $380 billion

A capitalist who creates a new business venture is known as a/an (?).


U.S. multinational corporations have located plants producing goods for American markets in low wage, third world nations. This phenomenon is called (?).


The Nike Corporation subcontracts with local employers for about 75,000 Asian workers to make Nike shoes, which are sold in the U.S. for more than $80 per pair. In some instances, 11 year old workers earn about (?) a day producing these shoes.


In 1960, at the height of union influence in the U.S., about 27 percent of the employees in the private sector were members of trade unions. Today about (?) percent are union members.


Social scientists tend to define the process of (?) as the tendency for goods and services to be produced in one nation or region and consumed in another and for the companies that produce those goods and services to engage in business activities in many different regions of the world.

economic globalization