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72 Cards in this Set

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One word to describe geography is
Analyzes data by measuring the quantity or amount, Strives to be objective, Often uses statisticsattempt to understand how the world is constructed and experienced by people or societies Often subjective
Quantitative methods
A form of prejudice or stereotyping that assumes the superiority of one's own culture over another is
The appearance of an area and the assemblage of objets used to produce that appearance is
Changes over time
Material culture
The belief that the physical environment is the dominant force in shaping cultures is called
Environmental Determinism
A way to view the relationship between people and nature as a two-way
Cultural diffusion is
______are incredibly dynamic and based in large, heterogeneous societies were individualism, innovation, and change are encouraged
Folk cultures
The belief that people, rather than their environments, are the primary architects of culture is called
In contemporary popular cultures
The media is a major influence
A distinct group within a dominate (popular) culture is called
Christianity and Islam, single god religions
Monotheistic Religion
you notice graffiti, security bars on windows, and boarded up house, Geographers refer to this as
Reading the landscape
3 primary approaches used in qualitative methods.
( long-term interactions and experiences with a group)
Participant Observation,
(first hand field work)
(face to face)
_____is the statistical study of human population, especially with regard to destiny and capacity for expansion or decline
This represents an array of variables that make one's old home unattractive or unlivable and the new land appealing
Push and Pull factors
The extent to which a group's way of life, their adaptive strategies in their old home, preconditioned them for success in their new land is called
the number of people living within a standardized area (usually per square mile in the US)
Population density
The earth's current human population has approximately
6.6 Billion
The average number of children born per woman during her reproductive lifetime, considered to be from 15 to 44 years of age, is called
total fertility rate
When a farmer does not cultivate the land for a certain period of time in order for the soil to rejuvenate its nutrients is called
Throughout human history, the earths ___________ has increased at a fairly even rate
The world's human population has increased rapidly in
less developed regions
An excess of persons leaving a country is
Relocation diffusion
The for-profit production of market crops with a widespread distribution is what kind of agricultural practice
a type of agricultural practice that is largely based on growing a variety of local corps, using hand tools, and which does not rely on fertilizers or sophisticated irrigation is
The maximum number of people that can be supported in a given area is called
caring capacity
If you worked for a company in the primary industry, you would likely be in the business of
processing raw materials
This is when there are regional differences in regards to advancements in and implementation of an industrialized economy
uneven development
a focused geographic area where important innovations are born and form which they spread
cultural hearth
Post industrialization is
is past the industrial movement, goes to toward a service industry
Oil extraction and fishing are considered what kind of industry is called
primary industry
The U.S. is not considered a country based on primary industries
The region in the upper Midwest that was once considered dominant in manufacturing is now referred to as the
Rust Belt
The industrial revolution begin in the U.S. around
With the successful practice of Fordism during he 1910's industries were able to
hire unskilled labor to work on the assembly line floor
Most of the world's opium comes from
The manufacturing process is done by
secondary industries
The extent to which a group's ways of life, their adaptive strategies in their old home, preconditioned them for success in their new land is called
World Cities are urban areas that have more than
10 million residents
This is the inherent power of the state to size a citizen's private property without the owner's consent for public or civid uses
Eminent Domain
The displacement of lower-income residents as buildings in deteriorated areas of city centers are restored
________is dominates the economic, financial, political and cultural life of a county as well as has the most residents
Primate city
The U.S. does not have a __________
primary city
What is an Edge city
a new urban cluster of economic activity that is peripheral to a city’s traditional downtown
A favela describes a shanty town in what country
what model is based on a series of rings that diffuse outward form a city's CBD
concentric zone
These are leal entities created by real estate developer for this purpose of developing, managing, and selling a community of homes
Home owner's association
Under the Eisenhower administration in the 1950's this became the largest public works project in US history, building 41,000 miles of networked interstates
Interstate Highway Act of 1956
________is a dense cluster of offices and shops formed around the point within a city that is most accessible, aka "downtown"
Central business district
The term used to describe the physical form of a city, which consists of street patters, building sizes and shapes, architecture, and density is called
Urban morphology
The US supreme court case that represents the first significant decision regarding nationwide zoning ordinances
Euclid Vs Ambler
implies a complete blending with the host culture and may involve the loss of many distinctive ethnic traits
Under a federal form of government various regions _______ perpetuate their individual characters
Examples of a Nation-State
Greece, and South Korea
when a group draws upon the doctrine of self determination in which they consider themselves having the right to governance over their own affairs
Cultural diffusion is
a way to view the relationship between people and nature as a two-way interaction
is when a ethnic group adopts enough of the ways of the host society to be able to function economically and socially
is when a state recognized by other countries as having the right to exist and control its affairs with in the territorial boundaries
is a type of boundary that is often a perfectly straight line drawn without regard for physical or cultural features of the area
How may states (independent countries) are there in the world
Unitary System of Government
power is concentrated, with little or no provincial authority

All major decisions come from the central government, and policies are applied uniformly throughout the country
as the world's population has increased, the number of the world's languages has decreased
A dialect is
a distinctive local or regional variant of a language that remains mutually intelligible to speakers of other dialects of that language, whereas an accent is a manner of pronunciation
is a community of people whose members are bound together by a sense of solidarity rooted in a historic attachment to the homeland and a common culture
ethnic quality or affiliation” (my dictionary)
“Identity with or membership in a particular racial, national, or cultural group and observance of that group's customs, beliefs, and language”
is characterized by strong feelings of group identity and belonging
An State is
an independent political unit, with a centralized authority that makes claims to a sole jurisdiction or a bounded territory
"Reading" the landscape
is a metaphor for how e interpret our surroundings
Identity politics
the battle fought to have the U.S. government officially recognize Dr Martin Luther King's birthday as a national holiday is an example
The cultural diffusion of a new trend, such as graffiti is a
fluid and dynamic process
Tossed salad
is a term describes a means of assimilation but recognizes distinctions among different ethnic groups
Identity politics
this concept refers to social movements organized around the politicization of particular cultural identities.