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103 Cards in this Set

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What is ultranationalism?

Extreme form of nationalism

How are ultranationalists like?

Fanatically loyal to nation, hostile and racist to other nations

Examples of ultrnationalist nations

Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, Post WW1 Japan

What can ultranationalism cause?

War, succession, genocide

What factors can cause ultranationalism to develop?

Crisis, charismatic leaders with a vision, extreme patriotism, history of conflict and hatred to other groups, desire for prestige and power

How can nations respond to ultranationalists?

Appeasement, war or conflict

What is war?

An attempt to stop an aggressor?

What is conflict?

May include war, but ant action to dryer aggressors (e.g. tariffs, sanctions, boycott)

What is propaganda?

Get people to accept ideas and beliefs, in the interest of a particular person or group

What is conscription

Forced in army

Why did the conscription crisis of 1917 happen?

Not enough soldiers

Who was against Conscription in 1917 Canada?

Farmers, unionized workers, non-British immigrants

Who supported 1917 conscription?

English Canadians, Prime Minister Borden, British immigrants, families of soldiers, older Canadians

What were pro 1917 conscription arguments?

If not supporting you're disloyal, coward, immoral

Anti conscription arguments

Imperialism, stupidity, blooslust

What enforced conscription?

Military Service Act, targeting male citizens 20-45 for military service

What did WW1 conscription rip open?

Canada's linguistic divide

How did French Canadians view Canadian military?

Almost entirely English

Why did Canadians not join military?

Fear of safety, jobs at home

Who was viewed as responsible for Military Service Act?

French Canadians

How was the Military Services Act Reacted to?

Revolt in Quebec

What happened on Easter Weekend 1918?

Joseph Nervier arrested for not having conscription papers on person

What happened to the Conservative party post 1917 and why?

Because they brought conscription, hard to get votes in Quebec

What did the Conscription Crisis of 1917 spark in French Canadians?

French nationalist passions and a wedge in Canada's linguistic divide

What was different in Canada in terms of war in WW2 and why?

Did not automatically go to war with Britain due to British statute of Westminster, making British Dominions independent.

What did the Statute of Westminster give Canada?


What did Parliament vote on in terms of WW2

Should Canada join Britain and France against Germany

What was WW2 Parliament focused on?

Keeping Canada united, so no conscription imposed

How did Canadians view WW2?

With support against Nazi Regime

How were French Canadians during WW2 in terms of support of France and England?

Separation from France politically, culturally, and demographically made them not concerned, and no loyalty to England

What was Prime Minister Mackenzie King pressured to do as WW2 continued?

Impose conscription, despite previous promise not to.

What did PM Mackenzie King do as a result of pressure?

Hold a plebiscite, a vote of entire electorate on a national issue, leader doesn't have to follow majority

Plebiscite WW2 conscription results?

Most supported, 72% Quebec against

When was the WW2 conscription imposed?


Terms of WW2 conscription

Limit overseas Canadian soldiers to 16000

National conscription crisis WW2


Who benefited from WW1 and why?

No one, because everyone pursued their own national interests over international interests

What is the Rhineland?

Region both sides of Rhine River in Western Germany. Has vineyards and industry

What were the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?

100000 men in German army,

weak German navy,

no German air force

Alsace Lorraine back to France

Germany loses multiple colonies

Demilitarize Rhineland

No Anschluss

Germany recognizes Poland and Czechoslovakia as countries

War guilt clause signed by Germany

What was the War Guilt Clause?

Said that Germany was wholly responsible for WW1

What was Anschluss?

Unification of similar speaking nations, namely Austria and Germany

What did not exist in 1867?

A united German state

After unifying, who was Germany lagging behind and how?

Lagging behind Britain and France economically, technologically, and politically

What did Germany's lack of colonies limit their ability to do?

Rapid industrial growth

What was the Franco Prussian War? Describe

War between France and Northern Germany.

Germany got Alsace Lorraine,

fought due to disputes over which royal house rules Spain,

opportunity for Prussia to get territory and resources,

Germany won

Who was Germany's economic rival?


What did Germany build and how did Britain see it?

A naval force. Seen as a direct challenge to economic and military might

Two main alliances in Europe and who did they compose of?

Triple Entente (Britain, France, Russia) and Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy)

What national self interest did Britain have?

Maintain economic status

What national interest did France have?


What national interest did Russia have?

Modernize economy, move into position of influence around Black Sea, the Balkan area

What national interests did Germany have?

Build military, assert place in European politics.

Which alliance won WW1?

Triple Entente

What 4 things did France want from the Paris Peace Conference?

Safe border from Germany, Alsace Lorraine back, demilitarize Rhineland, financial reparation

What 3 things did Britain want from the Paris Peace Conference?

Ensured naval superiority over Germany, limit German navy size, don't let France get reparations so they aren't strengthened and Germany weakened

What was Britain's concern for Germany post Paris Peace Conference?

Might fall into communist control

What humiliated and angered Germany?

War guilt clause

What happened to German currency due to reparations?

Became virtually worthless

What happened between France and Germany 1923 and why did it backfire on France?

Due to Germany defaulting on timber deliveries, France invaded Ruhr valley. Germany now doesn't like France even more

What causes the collapse of the Western economy?

Great Depression, caused by the collapse of the stock market

What did the Great Depression justify for Fascist rulers?

State control of economy

What 4 things did public works programs do in Germany and Italy?

Economies self sufficient

Rekindled national pride

Reduced unemployment

Strong sense of nationalism

What 2 things did Hitler argue Germany needed?

Regain great status, liberation from terms of Treaty of Versailles

After Hitler Dropped out from the League of Nations, what did he begin doing?

Rearming military

What encouraged Hitler to challenge the Treaty of Versailles?

Failure of League of Nations to do anything to Japanese after invading Manchuria

What is Anschluss?

Union of same language speaking people. Also referred to union of Austria and Germany

Due to Great Depression and political indecisiveness, what policy did Britain and France follow?


Because of France and Britain appeasement, what did Germany do next?

Annex (conquer) Sudtenland, occupy rest of Czechoslovakia, invade Poland

What did Japan's national pride historically allow them to do?

Repel mainland armies and even expel foreigners from the island nation

What did Japan miss out on due to its isolation?

Industrial revolution, modernization

What three things occurred in the Meiji period and what did they create a demand for?

Foreigner allowed to settle, new ideas flooded Japan, Japan industrialized rapidly. This created a resource demand

Tensions between Japan and China led to what war?

The First Sino (China)-Japanese War

What Is Bushido?

Way of the Warrior. Militarism is honourable

What did Japan need and why after getting colonies and demanding China for things?

A strong military to secure empire and gain respect of Western nations

1931, who did Japan invade and who did it prove had power in the nation?

Japan invaded Manchuria in 1937 and proved real power lay in military instead of emperor

After China invasion, what did Japan issue and what did it state?

The Amau Doctrine, stating Japan assumed responsibility for peace in Asia

1940 what plan did Japan announce and what did it justify?

The Great East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, justified Japan's imperialism

What was Japan's ultra-nationalist intent for imperialism besides economic?

Establish new international order aligning Asian countries with Japan, free of western influence

What was unification of Italian ethnicity called?


Why did Italy join the Triple Entente?

Acquire territories perceived as under foreign rule

After WW1, what territory was given to Italy?

City of Zaro, few islands

After WW1, what burdened Italy?

Inflation, debt, unemployment

Patriotic feelings led who to establish what party in Italy?

Benito Mussolini establish Fasci

What did government and business worry of socialism give Fasci?

Gain widespread support by attacking socialists

In 1922, what did Mussolini plan and what was the result?

A fascist coup d'etat that had failed.

Get Prime Minister to resign

King asked him to form a new government

What islands did Mussolini capture and what did he begin calling the Mediterranean Sea?

Greek Islands, Corsica, Malta. He called the sea mare nostrum (our sea)

What did Fasci create by law and what did he abolish?

They created a single party state and abolished independent political parties and trade unions

What economy did Mussolini create and how did it avoid Great Depression?

A state controlled economy with state, corporate, and worker interests harmonized. Kept economy strong via many state initiated construction projects

What did people proudly announce about Mussolini?

Made trains run on time

What was the Lateran treaty?

Took land from The Roman Catholic Church but gave The Pope power over marriage and the familt

What was Italy seen as an alternative to?

Democratic capitalism and communism

Who did Italy invade in 1935 and why?

Ethiopia (Abyssinia) to make a greater Italian empire

Who did Italy ally with in WW2?

Nazi Germany

Was Italy's army a match for the allied forces?


When Mussolini lost popular support, what did the king do?

Replace Mussolini as prime minister, switch alliance

Why was ultranationalism able to thrive in nations like Germany, Japan, and Italy?

Lack of democratic history,

populist support+collaboration with ruling elites, charismatic leaders, presented a new era of economic growth

Belief problems can only be solved via militarism, expansion, and conquest

What was the War Measures Act?

Gave emergency absolute power to federal cabinet when perceiving war, invasion, insurrection real or apprehended. It took away Canadian rights and freedoms

Who was imprisoned during WW1 in Canada due to the War Measures Act?

Germans, Ukrainians, Slavic's

Who was imprisoned due to the War Measures act in WW2?

Japanese, German, Italian Canadians

What happened to Ukrainian Canadians WW1?

Put to prison/labour camps, forced to carry I.D. papers and report regularly to local police offices

Why were Ukrainians detained?

Ukraine was split between Russia (Canadian ally) and the Austro-Hungarian Empire (enemy of British empire).

What did detained Ukrainians work on?

Banff National Park and numerous mining and logging operations

What drove internment policy in Canada WW1?

War time fervor and xenophobic fear: not actual attacks against Canada by enemy sympathizers