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55 Cards in this Set

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cross cultural, multicultural, or interculteral

Counseling a client from a different social or cultural back ground is called.......
refers to customs, attitudes, values, beliefs, values and language shared by a group of people
In the US each socioeconomic group represents
a separate culture
Which therapists where instrumental in the early years of social psychology?
Freud, Durkheim, McDougall
__________ and ________would say that regardless of culture humans have an instinct to fight.
Freud and Lorenz
__________ ________ ________ believe that aggression is learned.
Social learning theorists
Daniel Levinson
Seasons of a Man's Life, Seasons of A Woman's Life, postulated midlife crisis mid life crisis between 40-45 for men and 5 years earlier for women.
Interpersonal attraction is enhanced by
close proximity, physical attraction, similar beliefs
implies that behavior must be assessed in the context of the culture in which the behavior occurs.
Carol Gilligan
was critical of Kohlberg's theory of moral development because she felt it was more applicable to males than females.
The Civil Rights movement
helped to abet the multicultural counseling movement.
is the probable outcome if recovering from a condition.
are what the counselor indicates he or she must transpire from a therapeutic standpoint
Some research shows that very poor economic conditions correlate with
Research shows that most clients prefer a counselor
of the same race and similar culture background.
Frustration -aggression theory is where a n individual is blocked and cannot reach an intended goal, thus frustration which leads to aggression. Who is associated with this theory?
Dollard and Miller
A popular balance theory in social psychology is __________ cognitive dissonance theory which suggests that we justify behavior to create a state of harmony between attitudes and behaviors.
is said to be normative which provides individuals with a standard of conduct.
Cultural norm
describes how people are supposed to act.
are beliefs regarding the rightness or wrongness of behavior.
Frank Parsons
The Father of Guidance, wrote the book Chosing a Vocation
Biological similarities and sameness
are indicated by universal culture as identified by the Human Genome Project.
Early vocalization in infants is ______ _______ in all cultures around the globe.
nearly identical
Emory Bogardus
developed social distance scale in the 1920s which evaluated how an individual felt toward other ethnic groups.
Foot in the door technique
suggests that if a person agrees to a lesser request, then it is more likely that you will get them to agree to a bigger request.
National culture
refers to an official language, stated viewpoint and central government.
is defined by self-perpetuating independent group which occupies a definitive territory.
uses one's own culture as a yardstick to measure all others, one's own group is deemed superior, promotes a sense of patriotism and national sovereignty, stability and pride....this can be a danger in the nuclear age.
ethnic and racial minorities integrate or adopt cultural beliefs and customs from the majority or dominate culture.
Social exchange theory
states that a relationship will endure if the rewards are greater than the costs.
Balance theory
postulates a move from cognitive inconsistency to consistency and a tendency to achieve a balanced cognitive state.
"inconsistent thoughts"
Most people believe that those who they perceive as attractive
have other positive traits.
Financial security and health
are the best predictors of retirement adjustment.
Multicultural diagnosis suggests that the diagnosis must be done
within the cultural context, which could mean a clients behavior could be sane and appropriate in one culture but disturbed and bizarre in another.
An "Active-Directive" model
would work will for people who respond to authority, where passivity by the counselor would be negative, homework and teaching would be appropriate.
Cognitive dissonance research deals mainly with
cognition and attitude formation.
person centered counseling that is used more than other models to help promote understanding between cultures and races.
Therapeutic surrender
means the client psychologically surrenders himself or herself to a counselor from a different culture and becomes open with feelings and thoughts.
These factors are helpful in promoting therapeutic surrender:
rapport, trust, listening, conquering client resistance, and self-disclosure.
Assimilation Contrast Theory
says a client will perceive similar statements as more similar (assimilation error) and dissimilar attitudes as more dissimilar (contrast error).
an insiders perception of the culture, each client is an individual with individual differences
emphasizes sameness among clients, humans are humans viewpoint
change comes from within
the client can cope by changing external factors in the environment
all people must adjust to environmental and geological demands.
F.H. Allport
social facilitation says that people perform better as part of a group.
Sleeper Effect
One may forget the communicator but remembers the message.
McDougall and Ross
introduced social psychology to America in 1908 through their books.
Stanley Milgram
associated with obedience and authority through electrical shock experiment
First borns and early only children tend to
affiliate with others according to research by Stanley Schachter.
Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict
occurs when a person has two negative alternatives to choose from.
Approach-Avoidance Conflict
occurs when there is a positive factor with a negative factor at the same time.
Robber's Cave Experiment
a cooperative goal can bring two hostile groups together reducing competition and enhancing cooperation.
Festinger's theory of Social Comparison
people have a need to compare themselves with others to assess their own abilities and options