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128 Cards in this Set

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What is totalarianism?

Complete government control over public and private lives of citizens

What is a radical?

Wanting change disregarding tradition

What is reactionary?

Opposing change, idealizing the past

Six methods totalarian regimes use to maintain power?

Local, regional, and national organization

Secret police

Media censorship

Youth, professional, culture, and athletic groups


Scapegoat popular discontent

Was Nazi Germany reactionary or radical?


What encouraged the USSR to do totalarianism?

Historical authoritarianism

Tradition of communitarianism

What encourage Nazi Germany to become totalarian?

Historical authoritarianism

WW1 defeat by liberal democracies

What was 80% of Russia?


Dramatic changes in Russia from 1860-20th century?

Adoption of Classic Liberal ideas


Double population

Remain autocracy, Democratic reforms had stalled implementation

What are dissidents?

People disagreeing with government

Date of the Russian Empire?

Before 1923

Date of the Soviet Union?


Date of the Russian Federation?


What changes to society did the Russian Czar resist?

Middle class wanting liberalism

Peasants wanting private property

Workers wanting to unionize

Who was Lenin?

Leader of Soviet Union

What is the cult of the leader?

Climate of hero worship of leader

What is the cult of the leader?

Climate of hero worship of leader

What is a nationalistic policy?

All decisions are to benefit the state

What is a nationalistic policy?

All decisions are to benefit the state

What is censorship?

Eliminating opposing views of the leader

What is indoctrination?

Teach society how to follow the will of the leader

What is total conformity?

Reward supporters of society, punish dissenters

What is a purge?

Eliminate opposition to leader

What did Stalin do to history?

Rewrote it to fit him

What did Stalin do to history?

Rewrote it to fit him

What was the 5 year plan?

Sold food to finance industry

Build military to defend against Nazi Germany

What did Stalin nationalize?


What does Lebensraum mean?

Living space

What is anchluss?

Unification of German speaking people

How did Russians live pre revolution?

As poor peasants

Did Russians like the war against the Japanese?


Did Russians like the war against the Japanese?


Who was the leader of the Bolsheviks?


Who was the leader of the Bolsheviks?


What happened in November 7 1917?

The November (October) revolution. Bolsheviks seized control of the government

What dis Lenin promise the people?

Land peace bread

Ruler Of Russia before revolution?

Czar Nicholas II

Did Russian soldiers like fighting in WW1?


What was Stalin's motive on killing?

Death solves all problems. No man, no problem

What religion did the Bolsheviks eliminate?


What did Stalin do go Trotsky?

Exile and kill him

What are Kulaks?

Prosperous land owners

What was the Great Purge/Red Terror?

Eliminating political opposition for Stalin

How was life under the Czar?

Pretty bad. Lack of food caused demonstrations against him

What did workers do against Czar? What did Czar want to do against them? What happened?

They strikes and rioted against government, Czar called troops to stop riots, troops joined protesters

Why was the New Economic Policy implemented?

Peasants didn't like War Communism and protested

What were gulags?

Death labour camps

What was the state police in Stalin Russia? What were they for? What did it later become?

The Cheka, dedicated to fighting counter revolutionaries. Later became KGB

What were the 5 year plans?

Plans to collectivise industry and industrialize - catching up to Western nations

What did Stalin need of peasants to make 5 year plans a reality?

Heavy taxes, food for factory workers, surplus grain to export for cash

What is collectivization?

Small farms joining into big ones

Who hated five year plans?


What did peasants do to demonstrate against five year plans?

Destroy crops, animals, equipments

What was the Holodomor?

Genocide by starving Ukrainians to force them to collectivise and purge them

What exactly happened in Holodomor?

Grain quotas skyrocketed, leaving none for citizens

What did the police do to prevent workers from moving jobs?

Internal passports, so if anyone wants to move, they have to ask the police

Did workers carry report cards of misconducts?


What were shock brigades in Russia?

Dedicated young Communist workers

What were four big ideas Hitler wanted for Germany?

Revenge for treaty of Versailles

•Need for a strong dictator

•Elimination of threats to Germany

•Unification of all German speakers and territory

What did Hitler write in prison? What were three important ideas in it?

Mein Kampf. Ideas:

•Race and Anti-Semitism


•Need for a leader (Fuhrer)

Why did people like Hitler?

He promised the fix the catastrophic economy

What happened a week before a vote to gain Nazi support?

Burning of Reichstag, giving Nazis huge support, so Hutler can pass Enabling Act, giving him total control over Germany

What did Hitler do with the Enabling Act?

Banned all parties except Nazi, made himself both president and chancellor of Germany

What was the Night of the Long Knives?

Hitler purged SA leadership, with the help of the German army. In return, Hitler said he'd give the army power if they swore loyalty to him

What was the Gestapo?

Secret police in Germany capable arrest without trial

What did Hitler youth groups do?

Indoctrinate youth to be loyal to Hitler

What did Hitler do economically?

Public work projects like Autobahns (highways)

Make factories converted to make weapons

What did Stalin do to history?

Rewrote it to fit his needs

What does paternalistic mean? How does it apply to Stalin?

Father Like. Propaganda made Stalin look like a father

What did Stalin do to education?

Made it Communist

What did Stalin scapegoat?


Who did Hitler scapegoat?


What did the SA do?

Force people to vote for Hitler

What was Kristallnacht?

Night of the broken glass. Really anti-Jewish night instigated by a Jewish person attacking a German diplomat. Buildings ramsacked

How did Hitler get into power?

Great Depression convinced people Nazis are good

Reichstag fire slammed Communist reputation

How did Hitler become Der Fuhrer?

President Hindenburg died, so Hitler combined the roles of president and chancellor into himself

What did soldiers do under Hitler?

Swear oaths of loyalty to him

Characteristics of fascism in Nazi Germany?

Extreme nationalism

Anti liberalism



Big business-state-military relationships

How was Nazi fascism really nationalistic?

Central European empire


•Militarism and expansionism

How did business, military, and state cooperate under Nazi Germany?

Businesses cooperate with state

•State prevents labour unions

How did Hitler help farmers?

Gave them subsidies

What were the boy Hitler youth clubs? What did they focus on?


Young German Boys

Hitler Youth

Labour services or armed forces

Focused on military roles

What were girl Hitler youth clubs? What did they focus on?

Young Maidens

•League of German Maidens

•Focused on domesticity

How did Germany violate the Treaty of Versailles?

Stop paying reparations

•Secret rearmament

•Got Rhineland

•Annexed Austria and Memel in Lithuania

What were the Nuremberg laws? Some terms of them?

Anti Jewish laws. No Jewish and German marriage, Jews can't display Reich or national colours

How was Hitler appeased?

Got the Sudtenland from the Munich agreement, and then all of Czechoslovakia afterwords

What was Kristalnacht?

Night of the broken glass. Jewish property destroyed and Jews beaten

What was the Warsaw ghetto?

Largest Jewish ghetto

What were concentration camps?

Torture labour camps meant for undesireables

What were death camps?

Camps used to mainly kill

What led to people not liking Czar?

Bad social and economic conditions

Slow reform

Defeat in war vs Japan

After 1905 what reforms did the Czar allow?

Basic civil rights

Universal suffrage

Duma, an elected legislature

Who led 1917 revolution and name of his followers

Lenin, Bolsheviks

What did Lenin promise people?

Land, peace, bread

What was the white army?

Group wanting democracy

What does the USSR stand for?

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Post Treaty of Versailles, what government was Germany?

Liberal democratic republic

What was the German Parliament?


What was the liberal democratic republic Germany called?

Weimar Republic

Terms of the Treaty of Versailles?

War guilt clause

•Demilitarize Rhineland

•Limit army and navy

•Wilhelm II tried as war criminal

•$33 billion in reparation

•Territories Germany annexed given to other countries

•No getting military equipment

How did the economic situation in Germany allow the Nazi party power?

They said they can solve:

Huge inflation


Dawes plam

How did the legacy of authoritarian rule help Hitler get power?

People were used to authoritarianism

How did nationalism, militarism, and law and order help Hitler get power?

Germans liked nationalism and peace

How did racism help Nazis get power?

Nazis scapegoated the Jewish population, which worked with existing anti-semitism

What did Lenin want to modify and why?

Communism because people weren't liking it, and it wasn't developed in a Russian context

Characteristics of War Communism?

Market is illegal

•Business abolished

•Property taken

•Nationalize business

•Take surplus crops

•Labour conscripted

•Goods rationed

What policy did Lenin make after War Communism failed?

The New Economic Policy

Traits of the New Economic Policy?

Private property

Small business

Surplus crops after quota sold

What is the dictatorship of the proletariat?

Communist control proletariat

What did Bolshevik fear about continuing New Economic Policy?

Russia might be capitalist instead of Communist

What were the five year plans?

Plans to industrialized Russia and increase production from industry

What was collectivization?

Combine private property into big farms called Kolkhozes

What were kulaks?

Prosperous landowners

What happened to kulaks when collectivization happened?

Deported, arrested, executed

What did kulaks do in response to Stalin's Five Year Plans?

Destroy crops, animals, equipment

What was the Great Purge?

Political repression by Stalin where senior Communist party members elimimated

What was "bring art to the masses"?

Propaganda postcards

What was fascism an expression of for Hitler?

His hatred for liberalism, Jews, and Communistsq

What was the burning of the Reichstag? Who did Hitler blame it on? What law was passed in response?

Reich burned, Hitler blamed Communists, allowing the Enabling Act, which gave Hitler power to pass laws without consulting legislature first for 4 years

What was the Night of the Long Knives?

SA leaders purged to ensure Hitler's power

What does Fuhrer mean?


Why did Autarky make lots of economic growth for Hitler?

Industrialists helped because unions banned

Public projects

Rearmament help industry

Guarantee purchase of local stuff

Industries got subsidies

4 negatives of Autarky?

Little worker rights

•Extreme regulation

•Raw material access controlled

•Paranoia to increase product price

Why were Jews scapegoated?

They owned industry

•They part of government who signed Treaty of Versailles

Nuremberg Laws terms?

Jews can't be professionals, limited •Jewish students in public schools

•No Jewish soldiers

•Jews can't change names or wear Reich colours or hoist flag

2 groups Hitler used to control population?

Gestapo, SS

How did Aryan life improve?

Better transportation


•Hope and confidence from rallies

What was the Law of Encouragement of Marriage?

Laws giving money to newlyweds and parents