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78 Cards in this Set

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What shows how women became the minority?
Gender stratification (historical perspective)
What is how society came to be dominated by men due to the consequences for women related to human reproduction?
Theory of patriarchy
How is Lenski's viewpoint applied to gender on the hunting and gathering societies?
-Relatively equal
-Both provide food
Under which society is when division began (larger plots of land to farm; herding practices=men more (menstrual taboos sent women away because they were unclean, polygyny and bridewealth still exists and is practiced in parts of Asia, Africa, and S. America?
Horticultural and Pastoral
What is referred to as being permitted to have 2 or more wives?
What is referred to as payment by a man for a wife (like property)?
Under which society does gender stratification become more institutionalized, more intensive work needed so women were considered weak (plows incompatible with child care, since men brought in more surplus there was much dominance, and contemporary societies still exist?
Under which society did the U.S. create a gap between non paid work at home and paid work that was increasingly performed by men, men in factories supervised unmarried women and children, creating a big division, and "homemaker" and "breadwinner" created?
What are some types of gender stratification?
-Gender inequality in education, healthcare, and the workplace
-Sexual harassment
-Gender and violence/Dating violence
What does contemporary stratification result from?
-Type of work
-Family responsibility
What considers women can only reach a certain level in a company because of her gender?
Glass ceiling
What considers men will move at a faster pace and be promoted more quickly in female dominated professions?
Glass escalator
What considers women are still primarily responsible for the house, the children, and now work also?
Second shift
Which feminism wave was during the late 19th/ early 20th centuries, chief concern-reform legal and social inequities for women (including right to vote)?
First Wave
Which feminism wave was during the 1960's-1980's, "personal is political": other inequality, discrimination, and oppression, some inclusion of new groups-racial minorities, and lesbians?
Second Wave
Which feminism wave had a greater focus on women in less industrialized nations, values in work are being challenged (cooperation v. competition), more openness in women experiencing love and pleasure?
Third Wave
What are the 4 questions regarding contemporary feminist thought?
-What about the women?
-Why is the social world as it is?
-How can we improve the social world-justice for women and all people?
-What about the differences among women?
What is the distinction between sex and gender?
Nature vs. Nurture
What are referred to as biological characteristics?
What is considered the social characteristics involved in the construction of masculinities and femininities?
What are the attitudes, activities, and appearances that a culture links to sex? (ex. man:breadwinner, strong, authority, aggressive, protector, baggy clothing, etc; woman: housewife, raises children, emotional, submissive, careful, vulnerable, form-fitting clothing, etc)
Gender roles
What is usually when a person's gender identity doesn't match the sex/gender assigned at birth, and non-conformity to traditional notions of gender?
Transgender and Intersex
When men are taught to see sex in terms of performance and achievement, women are taught to perform sex with intimacy and affection, exists regarding male and female sexual behavior? (ex. hooking up is okay for guy, but a girl that engages in too much casual sex is a "slut" or "tramp")
Double Standard
Working-class and poor men may be stereotyped as dangerous, working-class may be disproportionately labeled "sluts", and octo-mom being judged harshly as an "unfit mother", are all examples of?
Social class stereotypes
Latinas are "hot" or "virgin", latin men are "hot lovers", and African american men are overly virile, are all examples of?
Racial stereotypes
What are expectations regarding the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females?
Gender roles
What is the fear of and prejudice against homosexuality?
What is the meaning that men play a variety of gender roles, including nurturing-caring role and effeminate-gay role, in addition to their traditional gender role of dominating women?
Multiple masculinities (R.W. Connell)
What denotes concern for the maintenance of harmony and the internal emotional affairs of the family?
Expressiveness (women)
What refers to an emphasis on tasks, a focus on more distinct goals, and a concern for the external relationship between one's family and other social institutions?
Instrumentality (men)
What is the convergence of social forces that contributes to the subordinate status of low status women? (Includes gender, age, social class, citizenship status, religion, sexual orientation, race and ethnicity, and disability)
Matrix of domination
What is specifically the idea that men interrupt women more than women interrupt men? (also referred to as "crosstalk"?
Cross-sex conversations
What is the ideology that one sex is superior to the other, and is used to refer to male prejudice and discrimination against women?
What was defined as the denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups that result from the normal operations of a society?
Institutional discrimination
The prophet Muhammad recommended that women cover all of their bodies except their?
Face, hands, and feet
What is the woman's head covering that falls over the neck and upper chest called?
Women earn how much for every dollar earned by men?
80 cents
What is the belief in social, economic, and political equality for women?
Which group believes women should have the right to make their own decisions about their bodies and should have access to safe and legal abortions, and counter that may pregnant teens come from troubled families where they have been abused?
Which group believes abortion is a moral and often a religious issue, parents of teens should have the right to be notified about abortions?
What is a group of people with inherited physical characteristics that distinguish it from another group?
What is a collection of people distinguished primarily on the basis of cultural or nationality characteristics?
What are the 5 main characteristics of ethnicity?
-Unique cultural traits
-A sense of community
-Feeling of ethnocentrism
-Ascribed membership
What is a racial or ethnic group subject to prejudice and discrimination?
Minority group
What are those who have more power, privileges, and social status in a society?
Dominant group
What are negative attitudes based on faulty generalizations about members of a selected group?
What is an action carried out based on prejudice attitudes?
What is a set of attitudes, beliefs, and practices used to justify the superior treatment of one racial or ethnic group and the inferior treatment of another group?
What is over-generalizing about appearance, behavior, or characteristics of members of a group?
What is seeing your culture as the standard; superior?
What are one on one acts that harm the minority group or their property?
Individual Discrimination
What are day-to-day practices that have a harmful effect on members of the minority group?
Institutional Discrimination
Which perspective includes assimilation, amalgamation, and cultural pluralism?
Functionalist perspective
What is referred to as minorities adopting the dominant groups culture?
What is referred to as subcultures that blend together, forming a new culture?
What is the peaceful co-existence of various groups, each retaining its own subculture; multiculturalism?
Cultural pluralism
Which perspective includes segregation, explosion, and extermination (genocide)?
Conflict perspective
What refers to the physical separation of two groups of people in terms of residence, workplace, and social events?
What is an extreme means of acting out racial or ethnic prejudice?
What is the deliberate, systematic killing of an entire people or nation?
Extermination (genocide)
Which perspective includes perception, interaction, and context (Bogardus' social distance scale, McIntosh's white privilege scale, and Tim Wise's white privilege speech?
Symbolic Interaction
What are some causes of prejudice and discrimination?
-Scapegoating (blaming others)
-Sociological (socialization)
-Economic (desire for jobs and profit)
-Political (maintaining governmental power)
What are some consequences of discrimination?
-Quality of life
What is a group that is set apart from others because of physical differences that have taken on social significance?
Racial group
What is a group that is set apart from others because of its national origin or distinctive cultural patterns?
Ethnic group
What is any group that makes up less than half of some larger population?
Numerical minority
What is a subordinate group whose members have significantly less control or power over their own lives than the members of a dominant or majority group have over theirs?
Minority group
What are five basic properties of a minority group?
Unequal treatment, physical or cultural traits, ascribed status, solidarity, and in-group marriage
What is a sociohistorical process in which racial categories are created, inhabited, transformed, and destroyed?
Racial formation
What is the process by which people come to define a group as a race based in part on physical characteristics, but also on historical, cultural, and economic factors? (ex. one drop rule)
Social construction of race
What is the belief that one race is supreme and all others are innately inferior?
What is the use of the principle of race neutrality to defend a racially unequal status quo; referred to as covert racism?
Color-blind racism
What refers to positive efforts to recruit minority group members or women for jobs, promotions, and educational opportunities?
Affirmative action
What states that in cooperative circumstances, interracial contact between people of equal status will cause them to be less prejudiced and to abandon old stereotypes?
Contact hypothesis
What is in a variation of expulsion, the failure to resolve an ethnic or racial conflict results in the drawing of formal boundaries between the groups?
What are Asian Americans considered, because they they have succeeded economically, socially, and educationally despite past prejudice and discrimination?
Ideal minority group
Immigrants who sustain multiple social relationships that link their societies of origin with the society of settlement are considered?
Joining a different religion, no longer speaking a native language, and adopting a new name are all examples of?