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31 Cards in this Set

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the funds and properties necessary for the large scale manufacture and trade of goods

the owners of the means of production (capital)
caste (varna)
the hereditary classes of the Hindu society

a socioeconomic group defined either rationally or absolutely
class consciousness

the awareness of what is in the best interests of one's class
class reductionism
the intellectual fallacy that all forms of oppression are just about class, a view that wrongly downplays factors such as race, ethnicity, gender & age
corporate identity
the shared sense of common membership and common purpose that a social group can have
counter ideology
a set of beliefs that challenges or contests the dominant ideology put forward by the dominant culture and the ruling classes
the lowest and most discriminated against group in the traditional Hindu caste system
ranked groups each making up 10% of a total population, used for statistical analysis of such things as household income
digital divide
situation where citizens of the world's wealthiest nations have an access to computers and related technology that gives them an enormous social, economic and political advantage over the poorer citizens of the richer nations and most people in poorer countries
dominant capitalist class
the social class composed primarily of those who own or control the means of production
dominant ideology
a set of beliefs put forward by and in support of the dominant culture and/or ruling classes within a society, to help them to justify their dominant position and dominating practices
false consciousness

the belief that something is in the best interests of one class when it's not
A. Gramsci

a set of relatively non coercive methods of maintaining power used by the dominant class
a set of interrelated beliefs about society and the people in it
liberal ideology
a set of beliefs that focuses on the individual and an independent player in society, not a member of a class or an ethnic group

the group of people in capitalist society who neither own capital nor participate in wage labor
middle class
the social class made up of primarily small scale business people, educated professionals, and salaried employees possessing certifiable credentials
mobility sports
sports such as soccer and boxing that provide access to socioeconomic mobility for the poorest groups in society

the people who in feudal times worked the land but did not own it
petty burgeoisie

a sub class made up of small time owners with little capital
the process of turning work done by volunteers into paid work

people who work for wages and do not own capital, the means of production, in an industrial, capitalist society
each of five ranked groups making up 20% of the population
denoting the relationship between a class and the means of producing wealth
social inequality
the long term existence of significant differences in access to good and services among social groups defined by class, ethnicity, etc
social mobility
the movement from one class to another usually higher class
social classes ranked in layers, with no specific relationship to the means of producing wealth
trickle down theory
the misleading social theory that is the rich are free to earn as much money as they can, the benefits will trickle down to society's poorer citizens
working class
the social class made up primarily of those who lack resources or skills apart from their own labor power