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39 Cards in this Set

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the process by which minorities, indigenous peoples, and immigrants lose their distinctive cultural characteristics to become like member of the dominant culture
conflict deviance
behavior that is subject to debate over whether or not it is deviant
describing a practice whose moral goodness or badness, normalcy or deviance, is disputed by some members of society
corporate crimes
offenses committed by corporations or corporate officials
covert characteristics
the unstated qualities that might make a particular group a target for sanctions
delinquent subculture
the subordinate culture of teen gangs
dominant culture
the culture that through its political and economic power is able to impose its values, language, and ways of behaving and interpreting behavior on a given society
the view that every ethnic group is made up of a set readily identifiable traits that have been passed down from the past to the present with little or no change
an image of something that is not considered to be "objectively" there
denoting or relating to the norms, mores, rules, and laws that uphold heterosexual standards of identity and behavior and heterosexuality as natural and universal
labelling theory
the throy that individuals and groups outside the mainstream internalize the labels applied to them by the dominant class
marked terms
terms with a qualifying or distinguishing label added to it
practices or beliefs in a patriarchal culture that show contempt for women
moral entrepreneur
someone who tried to convince others of the existence of a particular social problem that he or she has defined
the set of policies and practices directed towards the respect for cultural differences in a country
negative sanctions
ways of punishing people who contravene cultural norms
denoting actions that are not deigned to gain financial rewards or desired possessions
rules of standard behavior expected of a group, society, or culture
made to seem "normal," "right" and "good"
occupation crimes
offenses committed by individuals for themselves in the course of their occupations, or by employees against their employees
an exotic, often fearful image conjured up by the dominant culture of a racialized subordinate culture
overt characteristics
actions or qualities taken as explicitly violating the cultural norm
patriarchal construct
a set of social conditions structured in a way that favors men and boys over women and girls
positive sanctions
ways of rewarding people for following the norms of a society
racializing deviance
the creation of a connection, through various media, between a racialized group and a form of deviance or crime
racial profiling
actions undertaken supposedly of safety, security, or public protection, based on racial stereotypes, rather than reasonable suspicion
social constructionism
the idea that social identities such as gender, ethnicity and race do not exist naturally but are constructed by individuals or groups for different social purposes
social resources
the knowledge and ability required to get what one needs from the system
status frustration
a feeling of failure to succeed in middle class terms or institutions
strain theory
the theory that individuals are dram to crime because of the frustration they feel at being prevented by their real-life circumstances from attaining society's culturally defined goals
subculture theory
the theory that youths drawn to crime are those who becomes socialized into a delinquent culture in which the values of middle class institutions are inverted
a group that is organized around occupations or hobbies differing from those of the dominant culture but that is not engaged in any significant opposition to the dominant culture
unmarked terms
a term without any distinguishing or delimiting term added (the usual form)
vision quest
a rite of passage in which adolescent leaves the community for a brief period and goes without eating or sleeping in or to have a vision that will teach him or her such things as what guardian spirit he or she may have and what songs he or she would have as personal songs
white collar crimes
non violent crimes committed by a person of the middle or upper middle class in the course of his or her job
a human attribute that is seen to discredit an individual's social identity
bodily stigmata
any of various physical deformities
moral stigmata
perceived flaws in the character of an individual
tribal stigmata
being of a particular lineage or family that has been stigmatized