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37 Cards in this Set

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absolute poverty
inability to afford the minimal requirements for sustaining a reasonably healthy existence
possession of some status or quality that compels others to obey one's directives or commands
caste system
stratification system based on heredity, with little movement allowed across strata
process of expanding economic markets by invading and establishing contrl over a weaker country and its people
competitive individualism
cultura belief that those who succeed in society are those who work the hardest and have the best abilities and that those who suffer don't work hard enough or lack necessary traits or abilities
estate system (feudal system)
stratification system in which high-status groups own land and have power based on noble birth
false consciousness
situation in which people in the lower classes come to accept a belief system that harms them; the primary means by which powerful classes in society prevent protest and revolution
means of production
land, commercial enterprises, factories, and wealth hat form the economic basis of class societies
middle class
in a society stratified by social class, a group of people who have an intermediate level of wealth, income, and prestige, such as managers, supervisors, executives, small business owners, and professionals
individuals or families whose earnings are between 100% and 125% of the poverty line
in a society stratified by social class, a group of people who work for minimum wage or are chronically unemployed
poverty line
amount of yearly income a family requires to meet its basic needs, according to the federal government
poverty rate
percentage of people whose income falls below the poverty line
th ability to affect the decisions in ways that benefit a person or protect his or her interests
the respect and honor given to some people in society
relative poverty
individuals' economic position compared to the living standards of the majority in the society
economic form of inequality in which some people are legally the property of others
social class
group of people who share a similar economic position in a society, based on their wealth and income
social mobility
movement of people or groups from one class to another
socioeconomic status
prestige, honor, respect, and lifestyle associated with different positions or groups in society
ranking system for groups of people that perpetuates unequal rewards and life chances in society
upper class
in a society stratified by social class, a group of people who have high income and prestige and who own vast amounts of property and other forms of wealth, such as owners of large corporations, top financiers, rich celebrities and politicians, and members of prestigious families
working class
in a society stratified by social class, a group of people who have a low level of wealth, income,and prestige, such as industrial and factory workers, office workers, clerks, and farm and manual laborers
working poor
employed people who consistently earn wages but do not make enough to survive
affirmative action
program designed to seek out members of minority groups for positions from which they had previously been excluded, thereby seeking to overcome institutional racism
skin color prejudice within an ethnoracial group, most notably between light-skinned and dark-skinned Blacks
unfair treatment of people based on some social characteristic, such as race, ethnicity, or sex
sense of community that derives from the cultural heritage shared by a category of people with common ancestry
institutional racism
laws, custums, and practices that systematically reflect and produce racial and ethnic inequalities in a society, whether or not the individuals maintaining these laws, customs, and practices have racist intentions
panethic labels
general terms applied to diverse subgroups that are assumed to have something in common
personal racism
individual expression of racist attitudes or behaviors
rigidly held, unfavorable attitudes, beliefs, and feelings about members of a different group, based on a social characteristic such as race, ethnicity, or gender
quiet racism
form of racism expressed subtly and indirectly through feelings of discomfort, uneasiness, and fear, which motivate avoidance rather than blatant discrimination
category of people labeled and treated as similar because of some common biological traits, such as skin color, texture of hair, and shape of eyes
racial transparency
tendency for the race of a society's majority to be so obvious, normative, and unremarkable that it becomes, for all intents and purposes, invisible
belief that humans are subdivided into distinct groups that are different in their social behavior and innate capacities and that can be ranked as superior or inferior
overgeneralized belief that a certain trait, behavior, or attitude characterizes all members of some identifiable group