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15 Cards in this Set

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Research participants have rated the use of deception in research studies as

Educational and Reasonable

Dr. Rothenberg examines her correlational finding and discovers that it is statistically significant. What does this mean?

The relationship between the two variables is unlikely to be a consequence of chance.

Researchers are interested in whether feedback on one math test influences motivation for a second test. Middle school students meet individually with an experimenter and are given a math test. After grading the test, the experimenter gives every student positive feedback by saying, "You did well on the test." Half the students are also told, "You must have worked very hard," and the other half of the students are told, "You must be very smart." Experimenters found that students who had been told they must be smart were reluctant to take a second math test and were more likely to choose a test they knew would be easier. Participants who were told they must have worked hard were eager to take a second test and happy to choose a challenging test. What type of study is described here?

An experiment

Under what circumstances is research that causes discomfort or embarrassment considered ethical?

when the benefits of such research are substantial and the harm is not too great

Informed consent is defined as

a statement of a participant’s willingness to be in the study after being informed of the relevant procedures

Dr. Heussman and his colleagues have found that the amount of television a child watches at age 8 is related to the likelihood of being involved in violent crimes at age 23. What type of research has Dr. Heussman conducted?

both a and b

Wanda reads a research report that says that a recent study found a correlation between oatmeal and cancer: the more oatmeal a person eats, the greater the risk of being diagnosed with cancer. Wanda immediately concludes that she needs to stop eating oatmeal for breakfast. What is wrong with this conclusion?

The conclusion reflects the erroneous belief that a correlation establishes causality.

Whether or not a study is ethical is formally decided by

the Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Based on his finding that the presence of a dog during a stressful laboratory experiment lowers blood pressure, Dr. Blascovich designs and tests a therapy dog program in a local hospital. Dogs visit with sick children in order to reduce the stress associated with their illnesses. Which of the following is true about Dr. Blascovich’s research?

His original study is an example of basic research, and the therapy dog study is an example of applied research.

What is the benefit of using random assignment in an experiment?

Both a and b.

Professor Zajonc asked American students to indicate how much they liked a variety of Turkish words. Dr. Zajonc randomly chose some of the words and presented them more frequently than others. The results showed that the participants rated the words they saw more frequently as more likable. Which of the following is true about this study?

It is low in external validity.

What are the components of statistical significance?

size of sample, and the size of the effect one variable has on the other

If we know that the number of bars in a town is positively correlated with the number of churches in a town, which of the following can we conclude with certainty?

There is a relationship between the variables, such that more bars predict more churches, and more churches predict more bars.

Internal validity indicates

the certainty with which one can conclude that the manipulated variable is the only explanation for changes in the dependent variable

Dr. Ekman visits an African tribe that has not been exposed to any modern Western culture. He presents tribe members with pictures of faces displaying various emotions. He asks the tribe members to name the emotions shown. Half of the faces shown are displaying what he hypothesizes are universally recognizable emotions, and half are displaying what he hypothesizes are culturally specific emotions. What type of research is Dr. Ekman conducting?

a field experiment